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A serious discussion about brohoofs

Gatekeeper Giggle


blog-0403635001411426856.jpgDon't you just love em? Not only does if feel good to receive a brohoof, but it also feels good to give one as well. They are an excellent tool for bringing about unity and harmony, and are a large part of what makes this forum so great. However, the all-mighty power of the brohoof should not be abused. I speak about one particular problem: the unwarranted granting of a brohoof. Brohoofing every post you see lessens the power a brohoof possesses, because it makes one feel as if their brohoof wasn't actualy earned. As the great Twilight Sparkle puts it, "Hm, by highlighting everything, you don't really separate the wheat from the chaff... Or the good from the bad."


I myself only brohoof something if either I myself couldn't have said it better, or if said post had me rolling on the floor laughing. The only exception I have to this rule is if I disagree with something some one said. I will then explain why I disagree and then brohoof their post so as to let them know the disagreement was made on good faith. Just food for thought here, take it as you will.

  • Brohoof 7


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That is why I am a bit stingy with brohoofs, nothing against people that are generous with them but for me I like to save them for what I think are the best posts.

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The Brohoof system is entirely pointless thanks to the forum games.

Forgive my ignorance, but what the heck are these 'forum games' that you speak of? 

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I'm quite brohoof-happy, and have gotten a message or two from people in the debate forums after I brohoofed every single one of their posts in a certain thread (this happened to Steel Accord, for one). I brohoof when I believe that a person made a well-stated point. I'm more partial to brohoofing posts which I agree with, of course, but I also like to brohoof the posts of somebody I'm civilly disagreeing with as a sign of goodwill and thanks for their collected attitude.


On the other hoof, I don't tend to brohoof posts that have an abrasive tone, even if I agree with their essential message.

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I myself only brohoof something if either I myself couldn't have said it better

Brohoofed this post because I couldn't have said anything you said any better.


In fact, this whole forum will render one of my talents redundant and pointless.


Forgive my ignorance, but what the heck are these 'forum games' that you speak of?


There's a whole subsection of Cloudsdale Colosseum that I'm surprised you haven't checked out yet.

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I don't know why, but I feel that this blog post is directed towards me.

No! I would never directly accuse anypony of wrongdoing in anything I write. Well, not unless they were guilty of high treason and I was the only person who could prove it, but those are some pretty extreme extenuating circumstances. Many ponies around this site, including myself, are guilty of doing this. I wrote this post only to help ponies out, not to hurt anypony. I deeply apologize if I have offended you in any way, as that was not my intent.    

  • Brohoof 1
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No! I would never directly accuse anypony of wrongdoing in anything I write. Well, not unless they were guilty of high treason and I was the only person who could prove it, but those are some pretty extreme extenuating circumstances. Many ponies around this site, including myself, are guilty of doing this. I wrote this post only to help ponies out, not to hurt anypony. I deeply apologize if I have offended you in any way, as that was not my intent.    


No you didn't offend me :) That comment I made was actually a joke because I tend to brohoof lot of posts

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People make too big of a deal of brohoofs, honestly. They don't mean or do anything. Really, all they are are bragging rights. Especially with the obnoxious green counter on members profiles.  I get they're a nice thing and an incentive of posting, and getting one is nice, but it doesn't need to be publicly displayed. It's just a number. Just like post count. Means nothing really.


In short they're just a silly statistic that doesn't really do anything.

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