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Why i do what i do

Tom Snyder


So i've had people ask me why i joke around, sing to myself(seriously, i do), and can't talk clearly. Well here it is:


I joke around, because people love it when i do. It gives me a purpose and i'll do anything for a good laugh, falling off the edge of my bed to get my niece to laugh, even do the joke blog to see brony's reactions. All those things make me happy, and proud of who i am. I have my flaws, which some people dislike, for instance, me constantly apologizing when i don't have to, even butting in to another person's life. I only do these things because i'm concerned for my friends and i care about them.


As for me singing to myself, it helps calm me down when i get hyper from too much soda. Seriously, you have never seen me when i do, i'm like an endless chatterbox on coffee. :lol: But still i get practice when i do, but my limit is when i get to medium high pitch, then my voice seems to cut out. So i try and see if i can go past that limit as much as possible, really makes me get better. The one song i'll sing along to is "A True, True Friend" from season 3. The song seems to raise my spirits and that's why i love it. I still can't raise it, but i'll get there eventually.


Now for my speech problem:


I have a problem where i can't speak clearly enough, even through therapy i can't do it. But the part about singing to myself helps me somewhat. So if i were to read to you guys, you would only be able to make out some of the words i say. I've chatted with one of you brony's already and he was nice, we talked about what games we have and played. But his connection made him break up a bit and made it hard for us to talk. But i enjoyed it, just hope he did too( yes, i mean you, NuclearBurg).


So that's what i have to say about that, so if any you want to talk and have XBL, i'll glady talk about anything you want(depending on what it is.). My Gamertag is SemiproTeacher(the name was a joke). So feel free to message me whenever you feel like it, see ya'll next entry! ;)

  • Brohoof 2


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So... It's a lot better when writing instead of speaking, isn't it? I like rather writing than speaking too. Sometimes words mean a lot more than... words. Wait wait wait.

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