Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E03 - Castle Sweet Castle"

Alrighty, welcome back everypony to another "Batbrony Reviews". Second week of new episodes, third episode of the season, and the first proper Slice of Life episode of Season 5. Let's get this show on the road: this is "Batbrony Reviews: S05: E03 - Castle Sweet Castle".
In my honest opinion, this was a perfect transition into the primarily Slice of Life format that will more than likely make up the bulk of Season 5's episodes, as has been the case with all other past seasons, and that's really what's most important for third episodes of MLP seasons, when you think about it. It wasn't the best third episode we've ever seen of a season, that honor still goes to the still amazing "Lesson Zero" of Season 2, but it's definitely up there as far as third episodes go. It had a very nice balance of continuity, good characterization, and pretty good pacing for the most part.
First of all, it was very nice that they addressed early on in this season Twilight's losing Golden Oaks Library and moving into a brand-spanking new castle (and very empty too, I might add, this isn't like Canterlot Castle, the heart of Canterlot and all of Equestria's political activities, at all). Golden Oaks had been her home since the very first season, and was near and dear to both the main characters and us fans as well by this point, so it really did need to be addressed. The first couple of scenes did a great job of conveying how Twilight's been trying to cope with it by stubbornly trying to make it a non-issue, which to me is great characterization for her because it shows that some vices never change. Twilight's always been very uncomfortable making her problems other ponies' problems, especially her friends, and while in many ways she's grown out of that as she's learned about the magic of friendship, it's still stuck with her, regardless, and it's understandable why. She's a princess now, she's got all kinds of new responsibilities as well as perks (she's also always been very self-conscious of anyone suggesting she's better than others), and really, who would want to complain to your friends that you have a gigantic castle? So again, Twilight handling this particular problem by simply trying to ignore it and treat it like a non-problem, felt very in-character for her, I liked it.

Fare thee well, Golden Oaks Library; you were a good home filled with good memories
The rest of the Mane 6 (let's call them the ReMane-ing 5, I've been seeing that term a lot in the episode thread today) handled this problem very excellently as well. They were very discerning in their uncovering it, and of course it was a very generous thing they did offering to renovate Twilight's castle and make it feel more homey. I will admit that the primary conflict, the fact that they couldn't figure out what to do with it, felt like a Season 1 problem given that they were so oblivious at first, but that is somewhat forgivable given that Twilight didn't really have any mementos they could fetch from the destroyed Golden Oaks Library, so it makes sense they'd try giving from their own homes instead at first. I also forgive the fact that it felt like a Season 1 problem since they worked through it on their own; as soon as I realized what the conflict was going to be, I was worried that Twilight was going to teach them what they'd done wrong. But no, instead, very similar to how Twilight didn't take center-stage last week, the ReMane-ing 5 figured out they'd goofed, worked through their goof, and determined together what they'd do to fix it. Even Spike got to shine in his own little subplot, and he was characterized quite nicely really; he and Twilight shared a couple of very nice moments together (most notably outside the charred remains of Golden Oaks Library), and the little guy actually contributed as well. In fact, everyone really felt very nicely characterized, a very pleasing carry over from the season opener as well; it's nice to see that characters like Pinkie Pie aren't being written as near-caricatures of themselves as has happened in more recent seasons.
The ending was incredibly sweet, and a great way to send off Golden Oaks Library but also pay tribute to it. There were some nice call backs, the ReMane-ing 5 came up with a great solution, and Twilight's reaction was to die for. It was nice to hear too that they did manage to renovate other rooms as well, because it would have felt just a little anti-climactic if all they'd changed was the throne room. I look forward to seeing what some of the other rooms look like in the castle as the season goes on, but this, this was a nice start.
The humor was very spot-on this week, and very similar to the season opener, seemed more dialogue-driven than physical. It was very fast-paced in its delivery, but all the delivery felt spot-on, and there were some incredibly funny scenes. The opener with Angel Bunny was pretty funny, the pancake breakfast scene killed me, particularly Pinkie's bit with the measuring cup and Twilight's sleeping on a pancake (also adorable, if I might add), the clutter-scenes at the castle, especially Pinkie's running gag with her hidden confetti cannons, killed, the spa scene came out of nowhere in how funny it was (especially Bulk Biceps' surprise appearance), and all in all the execution of all the humor in this one just felt right. Neither Pinkie nor Spike came across as idiots in their humor (again, most of it being dialogue driven), and I really liked that; yeah, things still happened to them at their expense, but not in a way that took away from the characters or mischaracterized them.

I'm going to eat all these pancakes and you can't stop me!!!

Aw crap, I forgot how to eat!

Of course this guy's a masseuse, I mean, why wouldn't he be?

The song and its reprisal I enjoyed very much; it wasn't anything super special, but it felt very nice for a Slice of Life episode, and it's worth noting that I don't think we've ever seen the ReMane-ing 5 sing a group song without Twilight. The animation as usual was gorgeous, and it was nice getting to see both old and new sights; the castle looks very nice and is really getting a feel of its own compared to other royal buildings in Equestria, and it was lovely getting to see the spa again (not to mention getting to hear Aloe speak for the first time, though I'm confused now; Lotus is apparently Swedish, but Aloe... isn't? So does that mean they're twins, or lived separately, or just really look alike? Bah, this is what this show makes me think about...). Other than that, there's not really much else to say. It was just a very lovely Slice of Life episode, and given that it was the first one ever written by Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco, I'm very impressed with the job they did. The main body of the season's off to a nice start, and I can't wait to see what comes next! Till next week everypony, this is Batbrony, signing off. I'm off! *cue dramatic exit*

Seriously, though, I am so confused now! Are you two twins or what, cause one of you sounds Swedish, and the other sounds completely Anglicized?!
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