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My Nightmare: True Story

Tom Snyder


Sometimes dreams spiral out of your control and lead to some terrifying experiences, this is my first hand experience as my OC:


Star Shine enters into a world she has never seen, her dreams were colorful and of Ponyville; as she has seen in picture books. But what sits in front of her now, is now a desolate Ponyville, looking around; she sees the town hall in shambles, and eroding. turning her gaze to area ahead, she finds all the towns ponies lying on the ground asleep; upon closer inspection, the ponies seem to be having nightmares; some screaming in terror.


She tries to nudge one of them, to wake them; but her hooves go right through them.


"What's going on?..." Star Shine asks herself, unsure what to do. The only thing she can do is keep moving forward, but stops at the library; she always studied her magic here. But what was once a beautiful tree, is now rotting away to nothing. Star Shine approaches the window and tries to peer inside; but only darkness. She tries the front door and puts her hoof against it, only for the door to fall off the hinges, and land on the floor with a loud thud; kicking up dust upon impact.


Star Shine emits a sneeze as the dust hit her nose, but takes a step inside; its dark as she had seen from the window before. Casting a light spell, she illuminates the room before her; everything is as she remembered it. The only difference is, Dust covering everything inside; the slightest step makes the floor creek. Careful not to fall through, Star Shine reaches the table in the center of the room; and observes four books, each represents one of the four elements of magic: Fire, Wind Earth, and Water.


In school the elements were said to be a part of everyday life, a force never to be taken for granted. upon reading the books, each had a black text; which seems to be a forgotten language. Star Shine knew some of it, but this is what she can make out:


"With Fire shall the cities burn, With Wind shall the ponies falter, With the Earth, streets will crumble, and With Water shall the tides rise."


These words are disturbing, never has she ever heard this before; maybe it wasn't teachable? Maybe forbidden? Taking her eyes off the books, Star Shine's eyes spot a mirror; untouched by times grip. She can't help but be drawn to it, kind of like a pony under a trance. Looking into it reveals her reflection; but instead of her normal coloration, she's met with a pale version of herself. Its as if death itself has taken her.


"No... It can't be! I'm not--" stopping mid sentence, Star Shines sees her hooves, pale as a ghost. Shivering in fear, she screams in horror at her appearance. There's now way she could be dead, could it? tears form in her eyes as she tries to come up with an explanation.


This can't be real...its not!! This is just a bad dream, right? I'll just wake up and it'll all be over..." trying to wake up, she finds she can't; she's stuck here; trapped in this nightmare.


"Oh, but it is... You'll be joining them soon enough..." says a voice from somewhere inside, but where ever she looks; she finds nopony there. Who was this pony? And what did they want?



This story is a real thing, as i have experienced it through her eyes as i dream. I don't know what made this happen, but it terrified me beyond belief. I've decided to do this through story form, and from a first person perspective(best i could).

  • Brohoof 1

1 Comment

Recommended Comments

Well, it did make for an interesting story. What's more, you're not the only one who's had a nightmare as their OC. Been there myself, actually.


Think you could explore the nightmare further either by writing or perhaps through RPing?

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