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how does magic work in equestria?



Intro- hi everyone, this is my second post on this thread, this theory is about types of magic and how they work. Like last time any additional information is welcome and Input is acceptable, I will mark updates to the theory and any additions made by people with their name. If you like the theory, give it a brohoof, and comment.
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thanks, now on to the theory...
Magic is the main part of Equestria, bit how does it all work for the Ponies that live there, and are those any other creatures that can use magic. First we must think how many types of magic there are in Equestria;


Unicorn magic- this magic is channels through the horns of unicorns, it can be used for spells, such as levitation or transportation.


Pegasuses magic- this magic is channels through a Pegasuses wings and is what helps them fly with incredible speed and flexibility.


Earth (pony) magic- this magic is channels thought the hooves of earth ponies, giving them the ability to grow and make food, it also gives them incredible strength for their size.


Alicorn magic- the strongest magic of the ponies, it is used to help an Alicorn fly, and cast spell, it is also used to boost their strength.
Each of these types of magic are stronger in their own ways, each are channeled to a different part of the body and are used differently.
There are other types of magic, such as;


Friendship magic- created by six of the elements of harmony, it can be used to balance out evil and help partly harmonise the land, it is produced and flows freely in the air around those who are friendly to everyone, and those who represent the elements can channel that energy into their element.


Harmony magic- this is one of the strongest types of magic in Equestria, it can only be created by the tree of harmony and all 9 elements combined, this magic is channels thought he tree of harmony and the elements to re-balance the natural order of the lands’, if channeled through an Alicorn it would possibly cause them to become purely harmonic with the lands.


dark magic is the opposite to normal magic, it produces the same energy but is evil and doesn't obey the same rules as normal magic does.


Chaos magic- created by and channels through discord himself, it is the opposite of harmony magic and yet is still equal to it. It tries to tip the scales of natural balance to cause chaos.


all types of magic have to be channeled by a user in some way, it is also created natural inside of the ponies and other magical creatures. alicorns and unicorns can channel their magic to cast powerful spells and can cause bad damage to the environment around them using some spells, but can also mimic the abilities of other ponies, for example self levitation gives the ability of flight, like a Pegasus, for a unicorn. and some spells can cause the same effects on plants as earth ponies do. alicorns however can already do these abilities, and most likely like celestia and Luna are powerful enough to move the sun and moon, or even enter the dreamscape (but not with as much power as Luna has).


#Season 5 SPOILERS#


there is also a type of magic that can only be controlled by one unicorn we've seen in recent episodes of season 5, starlight glimmer, she used magic to remove the cutie marks, and therefore, destinies of the ponies in the town from episodes 1 and 2.this magic was also altered by her again in the season finale when she traveled far back in time, through an altered spell by star swirl and casting it on the cutie-map, she managed to stop the mane six from ever getting their cutie marks at the same time, altering their destiny to meet and become the elements of harmony, it then also alters the destiny of equestria. she changed destiny or so called "cutie-mark magic", this magic cannot usually be altered by anyone you learn your destiny and get your cutie mark to show that right? what she did was very bad for equestrias timeline, or at least the ones they were routed too that showed us what happened.


cutie mark/destiny magic is a type of magic that is intertwined with the life in equestria, it is the most powerful magic and can only be used by those who know how to cast the right spells an know how it works, starlight is the prime example of someone who obviously spent alot of time learning these things and figuring out how destiny's are created, what causes a cutie mark to appear and so on.


so my theory is that magic can only be channeled in certain ways by each type of pony, as a result all type of magic react differently and some are more powerful than others. if a unicorn or alicorn was to learn how to channel more magic, grow their spell pools and strength, they could quite possibly do what starlight glimmer did and change destiny.
thank you so much for reading this, if you enjoyed this mini breakdown of magic and how i think it works then give it a bro-hoof, if you want to add onto this, or comment in general go ahead and do it, if you have your own ideas on how magic works or have any questions comment them too. ill be sure to add in answers and update this as soon as i can.


" pretty sure magic in Equestria works exactly as it needs to for any particular plot / story line. Also, pegasus ponies channel magic through their hooves as well as their wings, since they can stand on clouds even if their wings are still, and Twilight could duplicate the effect magically without manifesting wings for the non-Rarity ponies" solar fox.


Firstly sorry for taking so long to reply
Secondly yes solar fox you can look at it like the world it needs to for the plot line.
Thirdly I kinda forgot that channel it through their hooves two, my mistake. thankyou for noticing it. Pegusi do infact have the ability to stand on clouds because the can channel their magic through their hooves as well.that goes for alicorns too.
Finally as for twilight replicating othe ponies powers, that's all done through magic and sleeps casts to give the appearance of one pony having the abilities of another, since only alicorns and unicorns can cast these spells then that is why we see twilight casting these spells, rarity could cast the spell if she put her mind to it and practiced hard.

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I'm pretty sure magic in Equestria works exactly as it needs to for any particular plot / story line. Also, pegasus ponies channel magic through their hooves as well as their wings, since they can stand on clouds even if their wings are still, and Twilight could duplicate the effect magically without manifesting wings for the non-Rarity ponies.

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