Why I can't take Feminism seriously.
Hello Everypony, it's been a long time since my last rant. Today's topic is something I take very seriously (No screwing around in this rant...), human rights, or more specifically Feminism. I must apologize to anyone reading this, there may be some foul language, as this topic really gets to me.
Alright, so first off I have to say that I think equal rights is amazing. If I ran the world, gender roles would be a thing of the past and men and women would reap the same advantages and have the same opportunities. That is why I disapprove of Feminism. I can hear you all now, 'But Jordo, how can you possibly support equal rights while disagreeing with Feminism?', I'll gladly tell you how.
I got into an argument with an extreme Feminist not too long ago. She claimed that Feminists fight for gender equality, though that simply is not true. Feminists don't fight for equal rights, they fight for female superiority. They exaggerate their plights and complain about women being mistreated, then they have no problem reaping the benefits of their gender. Feminism by it's very vocabulary favors women's rights over human rights. Now before I explain myself, I should probably say this before someone freaks out at me in the comments section; Not all people who support Feminism are like this, all of what I say is directed to the extreme man hater types who fuel their need for superiority under the flag of 'equal rights'.
The major problem I have with these women is that they are manipulative. They go on and on about how men are pigs and how women are treated like objects, but at the same time they have no problem using their gender as an advantage. Equal rights goes both ways, so why do Feminists focus solely on 'Women's rights'? Sure there are some areas where men have an advantage over women, but most problems in any first world country involving women have pretty much been resolved. I realize in places like Iran women are treated horribly, and my heart truly goes out to those brave women who have to live in those horrible conditions; so it really makes my blood boil when women who live comfortably in first world countries try and act as if they are subjugated by the so called 'patriarchy'.
That is complete and utter bullshit, nothing more. There is definitely a double standard amongst genders, but it effects males just as much as it effects females. I'll give you all an example;
A personal friend of mine (Who will remain anonymous) was being abused by his wife. His job sometimes demanded that he put in extra hours, and when he came home late she would accuse him of cheating. She would do all sorts of things ranging from slapping him to full on hitting him with blunt objects. One night things got a little bit heated and she used her nails to physically gouge out part of his neck. He is now scarred for life because his bitch of an ex wife couldn't control her temper.
'But Jordo, women are abused by their husbands all the time, whats your point?'
This is where the advantages of women really start to show. One night things got pretty heated. She was relentlessly hitting him in the face, and out of defense he pushed her off him. She hit the counter and suffered minor injuries to her ribs. Keep in mind, he did not punch her, or even really hit her; he shoved her just to get her off of him. She pressed charges, and the jury took her side.
This is what I have been trying to get across. She won over the jury simply by being a woman.
'That's too bad Jordo, but couldn't have this just been an isolated incident?'. No.
In most cases women are given an unfair advantage in federal court simply for being a woman. Women more than often win custody battles, even if the father would make a better parent. Women on average receive up to 40% less jail time for equivalent crimes than men. Violence against women is usually seen as a particularly heinous crime, while violence against men is generally ignored; sometimes even found laughable.
Now I'm not trying to say that men have it bad and women have it great, that would be contradicting the point I am trying to make. What I am trying to say is that both sexes are treated unfairly in some areas. Feminism fails horribly to acknowledge that, and that is why I cannot take it seriously. If you want to bitch and complain about human rights and equality, you have to look at the entire issue rather than just focusing on one side.
TL;DR Version: Feminism is bias. Human Rights is where it's at.
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