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New faces around the place!



   So, on my excursion out of the house today, I felt some shopping was necessitated to ease recent stress. So, I went out to buy some new Yugioh cards, and good thing I did because it gave me some... just beautiful comedic material for you lovelies! Firstly I feel its important to post the whole card so that you all know, even those of you even less in the know of this Trading Card Game then I (and yes... I am pouring an awful lot of money into a game I don't understand how to play, Hey, I'm a shopaholic, so sue me!), that these are indeed... actual, genuine products & ideas somebody came up with and put on a physical item. Especially this first one here! Starting off strong I am!

 dr._frankenderp.jpg   Yes, yes this is pretty much the Ditzy-Doo of this franchise. Note, if you will, the three faces behind him of just...equally just, bags of garbage "evil" scientists that have preceded him in the world of these cards. His expression just sells it all the better! "C'mon! What do ya want from meh? Ah'm doin' the best I can with only one arm!" *Tooooooot!*                  That's going to be my headcannon for him. Those head whistles just go off randomly, like in the middle of an important presentation or while he's sleeping & he's just gotten so used to them that he won't know what your talking about if you point them out.

 And, if you're not aware by now, the Yugioh company does love its puns.

Caninetaur.jpg   PUPPY!!!

  I know its probably computor made, but that is still gorgeous art! Super adorable & super intimidating at the same time! I'm surprised this isn't more of a thing! And speaking of taurs on cards, go look up the Leotaur while we're at it! Just a beautiful plume of a golden mane on him! (I got me a picture limit here, I can't throw 'em all up at once!) ...and speaking of beautiful fellows...

Vivid_Knight-_SHSP-_EN-_R-1_E.png   OH, MAH, COD, BECKY!  Look! At those ears! They're. Just. So big n' bouncy!

  It's enough to make even me jealous, and I'm sure you all know how my ear-preening I do on my own time! Crimeinitly! I could get lost on those ears for days!

 And if there's another thing about me you haven't caught onto yet, Yeah, I am quite the furry too!

Animals are important to me, you know? That's one of the reasons I was in there in the first place, to find me some good cards to build me a Beast deck, and I did succeed after all.

Chow-_Chow-_Chan.jpg  I can just see him now. You ask him an incredibly important question, like the meaning or life, or if he wants din-din.

  He pauses... contemplates sagely for a full minute's pause while tapping his chin...  "Hmmmm...   ....   WARF!?" 

I did also manage to find two of the seemingly famous Rescue Cat that is also super adorable along with its hardhatted comrades-in-fluffy-paws, the Rescue Rabbit & Rescue Hamster. Though, really, I don't know about that team's effectiveness. I would think that most cat owners would reluctantly agree that bounding to you in times of strife isn't exactly what their chosen pets are known for. But, well, a good team knows how to pick their battles and be the most efficient they can be! And so... please... gird yourselfs. For super-adorablitity... Seriously, you might hemorrhage a few organs out here... I warned you...

emerging-emergency-rescute-rescue-macr-e                                                     I'd kill for that ferret.

  But, onto a different kind of cute! I'm sure some of you in the franchise likely know her by her fan art (No! Not "Dark Magician Girl!" Sheesh! Who prefers blonds anyway?) Here is!:

Thunder_Nyan_Nyan-_TP6-_EN-_C-_UE.jpg    I shall name her "Josie, the Pussycat!"

 There's just something about her that gives me this mental image of her saying: "After this super awesome drum solo, I'm gonna do this cute little dance where I stick out my tushie!!! BFFS!"

...maybe I watch too much anime too, but... Huh, a redhead that doesn't almost completely terrify me & cause me deep concern for the well-being of anyone around her. Why do all the redheads have to be Tsunderes, am I right?

 But! Another thing I was in there was to find some way of playing the water attribute without playing a bunch of scary fishies. Fish are more food than friends in my honest opinion, and I'd prefer my chosen diet to not be seen consistently with three-foot teeth & head-mounted lazer cannons. Do think I reached a good compromise though! While I don't have enough yet, the Ice Barrier tribe seem to be truly formidible up in my own style!


 And so too to go with it, think I found me an amazingly good mechanical companion to go with him! Because Imma Icy Bugger!

Snowman_Creator-_ABYR-_EN-_C-1_E.png I don't know if you can tell...

 But there seems to be a very small gremlin of some sort behind the control panel... one who's cheeky grin seems to match the output of snowmen. As I've learned from a certain Doctor Who episode, if I was to have my own endless army of minions I would certainly pick snowmen! 

   By now, I feel certain you may have come to yet another conclusion about me. One I'm beginning to pick up on myself. See, if I'm to have my minions charging into my duels for me and repeatedly dying for my cause, even if its only theoretically metaphorically, I want them to be redeemable. Not some super-trumped up, misshapen, wormy demon or fiend that clearly is enjoying being used to hurt others. Sure, you know I have several dragon decks, a real good stone golem deck built for defense, but I like putting on the indomitable front to put off a siege. No, I like my army to know its all in good fun. Be it the Ghostricks who run on teasing your opponent into playing by your/their rules & aggravating them into a long game or the style & graceful elegance of the Melodius Divas & Performapals who are just simply there to put on a good performance & dazzling display whether or not the audience is willing to cut them any slack and let us win, its about having fun regardless the outcome! I want them to vicious in ability and fully capable of dishing out the hurt if it comes to it, but still more than capable of being both my & your friends! I want 'em cute! 

   ...then again, nagas & hydras and giant venomous snakes also slip into my consideration of "cute", so, didn't say I was completely infallible in that category!

   And don't get me wrong. I understand dabbling in the dark arts and weilding souleaters but... I like how the Amorphages theme but... just knowing those pictures exist is going to give me some vicious nightmares some day... I'd much rather not have my cards seek revenge on me & eat me alive in the off-chance that ever does happen!


                    ...Wait... is having a catgirl eat you alive any less terrifying than the giant tentacle demons doing it?

  • Brohoof 1


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Oh my gosh :fluttershy:, I didn't know you were into YuGiOh, I used to play a really good hero deck then when I returned I played a really good dragon deck.

This card was by far my strongest play:

PRC1-ENV01.jpg Elemental Hero The Shining, he worked so well with my deck.


I also find the Wind-Ups, Fairies and Toons to be so adorable and was inlove with there art, this card game has good art.

tinwave12012_ygo12.jpg57285_200w.jpg300px-WindUpKitten-PHSW-EN-UR-1E.jpg1025524.jpgCuties ama rite?



  • Brohoof 1
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@Lunar Echo Beugh. The Heros I could never gain a taste for. Ironically, think I have a somewhat decent Destiny Hero deck. Mechs I tend to stay away from since they always look like they could catch a limb right off of you but I do have a soft spot for cogwork! Hah! Toon Cyber Dragon! I never even knew there was support for that typing! I've only ever seen maybe three toons before! 

  Do have me a good number of Wind-up & a preset Geargia! Oh, and Gladiator Beast! Need to look up the rulings on those. Pretty much anything with a janky gimmick to it, usually a flip effect! ...and ritual... gotta see what I can do with a Lycanthrope/Chu'Chulaiin combo!

                 ...and... also play the game at some point.

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@Lunar Echo  I don't know why, but it makes me so happy to have someone just cock their head to one side and look at me metaphorically with the "...What?" expression.

 You'll have to give me back some more input about what specifically you didn't get/wish for me to explain further.

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