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Andor (bore)



This show is over. :yay:

This show bored the crap out of me.  I don't understand why people claim it's so great. It tries to be deep and gritty but it's just slow and boring. :dry:

This is clearly Disney desperately trying to appeal to non-Star Wars fans since they're rapidly losing real Star Wars fans.

I can probably count the number of aliens I saw on both hands. There was only one droid that I remember until the final scene.

People are constantly talking very softly to each other to show that they're being sneaky but it's hard to even hear what they're saying.


So why did I watch it, you ask? When Disney took over Star Wars and decanonized my beloved books I said I would have nothing to do with it. I knew their movie trilogy would be garbage(though I wasn't prepared for what a complete steaming pile of shit it would be) so I only watched them to tell people how bad they were.

But then I watched Rebels because somebody kept telling me how good it was. It was pretty good and it fits decently into the real pre-Disney canon. From there I just fell into the trap of watching stuff because other people were watching it and talking to me about it. Some of it's okay, most of it is just Disney throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. They mostly just get an actor people will recognize and build a show around them, usually depending on nostalgia.

Back in the days of the books they would come up with a STORY first. Then they would get authors to write it., There were some minor errors but they had people to keep things consistent. Now they just let tv people go wild and don't care as long as people stream the show(But I don't pay them. :sneer:).

  • Brohoof 2


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Speaking of Legends vs. the ST, even the infamous Dark Empire worked better than The Rise Of Skywalker.

Palpatine's return is found and stopped before he can ruin the OT trio's lives. The one who banishes his Ghost wouldn't be there had Vader, of all people, not shipwrecked them; so Palpatine is again screwed-over by the Chosen One. And while the New Republic and the New Jedi Order do fall - they still last more than a century, Palpatine is still gone and uninvolved, and the Skywalker and Solo bloodlines are still there.

Edited by Castle Bleck
  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, Dark Empire was much better. The main characters have spent their whole lives fixing stuff and putting out fires but they're still standing when the books run out.


Except Chewie :(


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4 hours ago, Fluttershutter said:
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Except Chewie :(




And even then, they still gave him an epic and dignified sendoff. Unlike what his friends got in VII-IX.

  • Brohoof 1
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I finished that show a few days ago. It is really slow, really confusing. And slightly boring.

I then went to see Obi-Wan Kenobi and now I am confused at what they are doing with the franchise. What is Star Wars?

Do you remember Mandalorian where the stormtroopers were bad at aiming, and tie fighters folded when landing? Well, somehow that show was good, somehow.

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Yeah, Mandalorian was pretty good.

What they're doing is just mining the older stuff. The  Mandalorian was nostalgia for the original trilogy, Obi-Wan is nostalgia for the prequels,  now Andor is nostalgia for Rogue One.

Maybe some day they'll be desperate enough to scrape the bottom of the barrel with nostalgia for the sequels.

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