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The power of vulnerability

Sir Hugsalot


It's been a while since I wrote something meaningful for my blog, so the time has come to change it. 

During my stay with @Ice Princess Silky <3 we had plenty discussions that were philosophical in their nature. Some of them I wish to share here as these thoughts are inspiring to me. So today I'd like to talk about the biggest fear of many - vulnerability. 

As the title suggests - I see it as a strength and blessing humanity has. The truth is, many experiences that are positive and dear to us, whether it's love, going on a literal roller-coaster or simply making difficult decisions that pay off has its impact only, because we are taking risks.

Love? We place our emotional safety in hands of another. We allow ourselves to be in a position, where another person CAN hurt us if they want to. Only we trust them not to do it and do the opposite instead. Without such vulnerability we simply won't experience and embrace love fully. Something will be amiss, because of walls we raise to ensure our safety. 

Roller-coasters? Our instincts will always associate being upside down, going down in a high speed and other adrenaline-inducing aspects of it as danger. Take that instinct away and you will realize that roller-coasters become a hollow experience. Where's the thrill and excitement when instincts no longer work and adrenaline doesn't go into our system? It will be like chilling in a lounge all of sudden as logically we KNOW we are safe - logic won't replace what instinct does. 

Difficult decisions? They literally don't exist if there's nothing to lose. One can't say you made a hard decision if there wasn't a possibility of losing something in the process. 

There are many similar things to bring up, even friendships. In each case, to unlock those most intense feelings of accomplishment and happiness, our vulnerability has to play some part in the process. 


I really like the way lack of vulnerability was described in DLC for Witcher 3 - Heart of Stone. There, Olgierd Von Everec was given exactly that. A demon, in this case individual known as Gaunter O'Dimm offered him immortality and helping him out of his immense debt. Of course it came at a price (his soul as well as life of one he loves, in this case, his brother), but that's not important in this case. 

Initially everything was beautiful. He was able to marry and live a very happy life with his wife, Iris. He got all he wanted and his newfound immortality allowed him to create comfortable, prosperous and happy life for himself and his wife. 

That didn't last for long however. Since risk was essentially erased from his very existence his emotions started to fade too. Nothing made him happy or excited. His possessions became empty to him and his love for his wife started dying out. He knew what was happening, but couldn't help it. Life lost its meaning in its entirety and Olgierd kept trying to do more and more extreme things just to feel any thrill. It never yielded any results to him - one simply won't feel the thrill if one is always perfectly safe.

And that's when he started losing everything. He left his wife, seeing how unhappy he's making her. He left her entire estate, but she never left the manor again, passing away from heartbreak eventually. His current manor was eventually burned down, but he was unable to care about that. The only thing that caused any emotional reaction in him was imminent return of Gaunter O'Dimm, who was very eager to settle the debt and take his soul away. The only time Olgierd Von Everec felt anything was in this one, last thing that left him vulnerable. Olgierd actually missed being mortal. He missed it, because that's when his life had a meaning. Death couldn't claim him so it took everything else away from him instead.


Example written above may be from fantasy genre, but if you play video games for example, try to launch a game on hardest difficulty level with god mode on and see how beating even a single level feels. Then play it without any cheat codes on difficulty level that allows you to progress, but still poses certain challenge and notice how drastically different it feels. 

I have found happiness with my special somepony, because I am vulnerable towards her. Because I trust her enough to be vulnerable. If I blocked myself off I would also block off that part of myself which makes every moment we spend together so wonderful. 

I had my share of risky decisions in my life. Quitting my first college, for example. That was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made. Eventually I returned to a different college and graduated there, becoming Magister Engineer. That decision would not have the same impact on my life if I knew from the start that I'll be okay. 


What's the point of me writing all that? The point is - vulnerability is a beautiful thing for us to have. I believe that quality of life in many cases improves a lot when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable around those we trust as well as when we step out of our comfort zone and try new things. Even me making an account here was something I wouldn't have done if I just remained in my shell. So maybe next time you feel like something is scary, because it feels new and outside of what you got used to - give it a shot anyway ;) Who knows what great things may come from such a decision! 

Also here's a hug for all those who managed to read all the way to the end (don't worry, if you did not, you get it anyway! :hug_day::D)

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OMG Bro you are also fan of The Witcher 3??? I LOVE that game too! I always enjoyed the DLC expansions! And I always choose the Horn of Plenty as reward, I love The Witcher and *ahem* I always had a crush on Anna Henrietta *blush* I did remember Olgierd Von Everec and his life with his wife and the decition he took with Gaunter O'Dimm...


anyways about your message yeah I think is a good thing to be vulnerable, but we have to choose with whom or with what, in your case you got the infinite luck to be with someone as special and kind as @Ice Princess Silky <3 Is good to try new things and always never lose hope and like you said, give it a shot in life and great outcomes may arrive with a simple decition, and by the way you are not get away with a hug so here it is mine! *hugs you x1000 times*

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On another note to share my experience well... I had to try myself new experiences, and I unfortunately gave my trust and vulnerability to people I thought they would understand me but I was wrong, they took it to their advantage, and I was blinded because I always lack of friends and social life, you may have level 100 in friendship but I have -10 like no social skill at all and I took a lot of risk and give that trust and vulnerability to the wrong people, but you know something, Sir? I am grateful to do so because you learn, you provide your vulnerability and with the bad experiences you learned to be strong and be more careful, what you call vulnerability I used to call it heart, like my heart to the people in the past who would later took advantage of me but that's life, something you bulid a tall building only to see it fall, I would say is inevitable but at then you learn and you taste those flavors in life, life is not about finding your safe spot, life is to learn to avoid the un safe spots, thats how you truly grow.

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oh my freakin gosh...

I remember this conversation! We were literally at a diner. I was telling you about a friend of mine who owns a diner that is in such a lavish position in his life that he has to make up problems to complain about because otherwise -- his life is too comfortable.

Of course, what could have been a potential moment of gossip, steers in the direction of human nature and philosophy. About how humans need that contrast to be challenged. You told me about the character and how... he was no longer impacted by the thrill of taking chances because he had way too much security. And it truly awakened something in me. One minute, I make a casual commentary about something -- the next, I'm standing there with my jaw slightly fallen from the immersion of our discussion. What else is new, though? XD 

I love seeing the spark in your eyes as you come alive with these types of discussions. I can't believe after having them with you for so long over Skype and the like we are now face to face enjoying them in person. I am truly blessed to even know you are a person.... and even to this day I am in a state of disbelief by your existence alone. ;~; 

I've had to also learn to embrace this level of vulnerability. I never knew to be vulnerable. I simply lost myself in my work. Kept friends -- strictly as friends in my real life and lived on -- because it was safe. Opening up was so terrifying that it caused me to self sabotage and push people who were dear to me away.... and for that, I'm very sorry. I didn't realise all of the bad things that can happen when you push away those who belong near you and the good that you could do when uniting with them. :coco:

It's that element of risk and limitation that make the moments so precious.


1 hour ago, Rethajni said:

OMG Bro you are also fan of The Witcher 3??? I LOVE that game too! I always enjoyed the DLC expansions! And I always choose the Horn of Plenty as reward, I love The Witcher and *ahem* I always had a crush on Anna Henrietta *blush* I did remember Olgierd Von Everec and his life with his wife and the decition he took with Gaunter O'Dimm...


anyways about your message yeah I think is a good thing to be vulnerable, but we have to choose with whom or with what, in your case you got the infinite luck to be with someone as special and kind as @Ice Princess Silky <3 Is good to try new things and always never lose hope and like you said, give it a shot in life and great outcomes may arrive with a simple decition, and by the way you are not get away with a hug so here it is mine! *hugs you x1000 times*

Hahaha are you kidding me?! I had to spend MANY A DAY listening to his Witcher 3 adventures. ROFL I'm beginning to feel like he is truly in his element now that he's talking about it again XD 

55 minutes ago, Rethajni said:

On another note to share my experience well... I had to try myself new experiences, and I unfortunately gave my trust and vulnerability to people I thought they would understand me but I was wrong, they took it to their advantage, and I was blinded because I always lack of friends and social life, you may have level 100 in friendship but I have -10 like no social skill at all and I took a lot of risk and give that trust and vulnerability to the wrong people, but you know something, Sir? I am grateful to do so because you learn, you provide your vulnerability and with the bad experiences you learned to be strong and be more careful, what you call vulnerability I used to call it heart, like my heart to the people in the past who would later took advantage of me but that's life, something you bulid a tall building only to see it fall, I would say is inevitable but at then you learn and you taste those flavors in life, life is not about finding your safe spot, life is to learn to avoid the un safe spots, thats how you truly grow.

This is very wise. I'm SO sorry you had to go through that. Sometimes, we have good intentions and wish to give to the world but others are like vultures seeing where we are exposed to exploit it. This is why having a supportive community is so important. Even if you may feel like you have -10 social skills -- you can easily work it from 9.... 8...7... and even those baby steps help you to bloom the way you wish to. Even if you do not become a social butterfly, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. And your story is uniquely your own. :grin:

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I read through all of this and I really feel like I can understand. I know it might not be the same thing, but at the same time, I can relate difficult decisions when it comes to Pokemon. When I'm bailing, I see the two Pokemon across from me on my opponent's side. At that moment or state of play, you are given a decision. There's multiple choices of what could happen in that turn. It could go one way or it could go the other and sometimes you are given multiple lines to proceed to. It usually comes down to how your opponent plays or having to take a prediction or a risk on your opponent making a bad call. That was something I went through a few times throughout the tournament in Baltimore last month. Having to take risks where you could either win off of a call or lose on the spot because the call is wrong is something I can understand. It's all about understanding what you team can do against another, learning about your opponent throughout the set and trusting your instincts on when to make a play/decision.

The same can be said when it comes to trying to battle someone in Pokemon. Whenever I load up a game, I can feel my heart racing, my mind races and then after a battle, I stop and don't pick the game back up. It's mostly because I'm afraid to try in fear of failing. To the point that I could feel like I'm losing a lot and get into my head. However, what you said makes sense and I can't let something scary or a fear control me. Even if I fail, I'm still here. It means that I have a lot to learn or still have room to grow and improve upon it. Making the next time I face it not as scary as it once was.

Even with love I feel that I can understand when you mentioned about it and feeling vulnerable. There is someone that I like, but I guess I worry that things won't work out. Thoughts and fears that there might not be much to talk about, things to do and many other worried go through my head. I do feel comfortable, happy and at peace in their presence, but that worry is always still there. However, I still have to get out of that comfort zone and give it a try. If I don't, then I could miss out on all the possibilities and potential happiness that awaits the future.

Thank you for writing this, Sir. Reading this helped me to realize some things and I hope to take what I learned here with me moving forward. :hug_day::coco:

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Humans are cursed to be social creatures. It's our greatest weakness, for none of us can ever truly live a life without anyone. Even the most antisocial of people need help from others now and then. But we all have a limited time of existence, so it's up to all of us to make the most of it while we can. Even if we don't always need companionship or love, to go through life forgotten and uncared for is one of the worst fates. No one wants to meet their ultimate end alone. And so we put our luck in the hands of fate... Like any kind of gambling, there is always a risk. To be vulnerable around others makes it a high steaks game, but it's all for high rewards. We can't always make a sizable imprint on history, but those who have friends and loved ones, their lives are never a life wasted. I can promise you that. The one who walks alone may be right most times, but as the old saying goes... You can be loudest right person in the room, and still be wrong. Being right won't always bring you joy or companionship.

As wise ones once said... Be strong enough to be kind. Be smart enough to do what's right. And those with true friends can build a better, more hopeful future than those who don't.
Oh, but I'm not done...

Now you wait just a moment, Hugsy!
Let’s get this right. I’ve got a few things to say to you. Basic stuff first...

Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat strawberries! Remember: Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.
Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.

Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind. ...And don't plagiarize good speeches from Doctor Who. :ButtercupLaugh:

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18 hours ago, Rethajni said:

OMG Bro you are also fan of The Witcher 3??? I LOVE that game too! I always enjoyed the DLC expansions! And I always choose the Horn of Plenty as reward, I love The Witcher and *ahem* I always had a crush on Anna Henrietta *blush* I did remember Olgierd Von Everec and his life with his wife and the decition he took with Gaunter O'Dimm...


anyways about your message yeah I think is a good thing to be vulnerable, but we have to choose with whom or with what, in your case you got the infinite luck to be with someone as special and kind as @Ice Princess Silky <3 Is good to try new things and always never lose hope and like you said, give it a shot in life and great outcomes may arrive with a simple decition, and by the way you are not get away with a hug so here it is mine! *hugs you x1000 times*

I played stupid amount of hours in that game and funnily enough always with the same choices, because I apply my morality to video games and cannot play as character making decisions that are not within my moral compass xD  That's also why I always choose to save Olgierd, because misguided as he was, I just couldn't blame the victim for deeds done by one who manipulated them (Gaunter O'Dimm essentially coerced a desperate, fading person into a deal that was rigged against them from the start). 

Yes, some people should be left at distance and I am no stranger to doing that at times. But with @Ice Princess Silky <3I am lucky, because to her I can tell and show literally anything :3 

18 hours ago, Rethajni said:

On another note to share my experience well... I had to try myself new experiences, and I unfortunately gave my trust and vulnerability to people I thought they would understand me but I was wrong, they took it to their advantage, and I was blinded because I always lack of friends and social life, you may have level 100 in friendship but I have -10 like no social skill at all and I took a lot of risk and give that trust and vulnerability to the wrong people, but you know something, Sir? I am grateful to do so because you learn, you provide your vulnerability and with the bad experiences you learned to be strong and be more careful, what you call vulnerability I used to call it heart, like my heart to the people in the past who would later took advantage of me but that's life, something you bulid a tall building only to see it fall, I would say is inevitable but at then you learn and you taste those flavors in life, life is not about finding your safe spot, life is to learn to avoid the un safe spots, thats how you truly grow.

That is sadly the inevitable risk of our vulnerable existence. There are people capable and ready to make our lives worse and there's never a guarantee that we won't encounter them. Otherwise... well, it's no longer a vulnerability.

In fact when I joined the forums in 2013 I started off as an immensely lonely and lost person, so I was in a very vulnerable position. Coming here with so many wholesome people made me very trusting, fortunately I didn't have to learn caution on my own mistakes. 

It is also really important that you took lessons from that instead of giving up or hiding within yourself too much. That way even such unfortunate events can turn into something positive and I salute to you for that <3

17 hours ago, Ice Princess Silky &lt;3 said:

oh my freakin gosh...

I remember this conversation! We were literally at a diner. I was telling you about a friend of mine who owns a diner that is in such a lavish position in his life that he has to make up problems to complain about because otherwise -- his life is too comfortable.

Of course, what could have been a potential moment of gossip, steers in the direction of human nature and philosophy. About how humans need that contrast to be challenged. You told me about the character and how... he was no longer impacted by the thrill of taking chances because he had way too much security. And it truly awakened something in me. One minute, I make a casual commentary about something -- the next, I'm standing there with my jaw slightly fallen from the immersion of our discussion. What else is new, though? XD 

I love seeing the spark in your eyes as you come alive with these types of discussions. I can't believe after having them with you for so long over Skype and the like we are now face to face enjoying them in person. I am truly blessed to even know you are a person.... and even to this day I am in a state of disbelief by your existence alone. ;~; 

I've had to also learn to embrace this level of vulnerability. I never knew to be vulnerable. I simply lost myself in my work. Kept friends -- strictly as friends in my real life and lived on -- because it was safe. Opening up was so terrifying that it caused me to self sabotage and push people who were dear to me away.... and for that, I'm very sorry. I didn't realise all of the bad things that can happen when you push away those who belong near you and the good that you could do when uniting with them. :coco:

It's that element of risk and limitation that make the moments so precious.


Hahaha are you kidding me?! I had to spend MANY A DAY listening to his Witcher 3 adventures. ROFL I'm beginning to feel like he is truly in his element now that he's talking about it again XD 

This is very wise. I'm SO sorry you had to go through that. Sometimes, we have good intentions and wish to give to the world but others are like vultures seeing where we are exposed to exploit it. This is why having a supportive community is so important. Even if you may feel like you have -10 social skills -- you can easily work it from 9.... 8...7... and even those baby steps help you to bloom the way you wish to. Even if you do not become a social butterfly, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. And your story is uniquely your own. :grin:

Gossip was never my thing and I was so happy to learn we are on the same page, my love <3 That's however why I love talking about humans. Analyzing our mindsets, psychology, emotions. They feel like such an enigma, but that's what draws me to them. Life without individualism humanity has would be boring indeed...

I still remember how we made long discussions from anything over Skype. Video games, our own personal thoughts, I still remember our long discussion about Dark Souls and how its lore is actually a beautiful reference to our own, natural world and course of life... maybe I'll write about that next. Yes, I think I will do that!

Oh believe me, I saw it myself, towards me the trust you've shown was so immense and I can only assure you, that I'll never let you down <3 I always admired strength of your character, seeing what's underneath it made me only love you even more ;-;

9 hours ago, Creepy Scribbles said:

Sounds like another friendship lesson worth to learn. :sunbutt:

You're actually right, it would be amazing if there was MLP episode about that. Today society is often tailored to be as hard shelled as possible so such a lesson would provide a nice counter balance so that we don't hide within ourselves too much!

9 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

I read through all of this and I really feel like I can understand. I know it might not be the same thing, but at the same time, I can relate difficult decisions when it comes to Pokemon. When I'm bailing, I see the two Pokemon across from me on my opponent's side. At that moment or state of play, you are given a decision. There's multiple choices of what could happen in that turn. It could go one way or it could go the other and sometimes you are given multiple lines to proceed to. It usually comes down to how your opponent plays or having to take a prediction or a risk on your opponent making a bad call. That was something I went through a few times throughout the tournament in Baltimore last month. Having to take risks where you could either win off of a call or lose on the spot because the call is wrong is something I can understand. It's all about understanding what you team can do against another, learning about your opponent throughout the set and trusting your instincts on when to make a play/decision.

The same can be said when it comes to trying to battle someone in Pokemon. Whenever I load up a game, I can feel my heart racing, my mind races and then after a battle, I stop and don't pick the game back up. It's mostly because I'm afraid to try in fear of failing. To the point that I could feel like I'm losing a lot and get into my head. However, what you said makes sense and I can't let something scary or a fear control me. Even if I fail, I'm still here. It means that I have a lot to learn or still have room to grow and improve upon it. Making the next time I face it not as scary as it once was.

Even with love I feel that I can understand when you mentioned about it and feeling vulnerable. There is someone that I like, but I guess I worry that things won't work out. Thoughts and fears that there might not be much to talk about, things to do and many other worried go through my head. I do feel comfortable, happy and at peace in their presence, but that worry is always still there. However, I still have to get out of that comfort zone and give it a try. If I don't, then I could miss out on all the possibilities and potential happiness that awaits the future.

Thank you for writing this, Sir. Reading this helped me to realize some things and I hope to take what I learned here with me moving forward. :hug_day::coco:

Absolutely. In fact it aligns perfectly with what I said about video games overall. There's just no thrill in victory or lesson in defeat if the game was rigged in your favor from the start. With Pokemon or any card games you don't know what assets your opponent has. You have to work with roughly 50% of information, which is your own hand and guess what's on the other side (or have a tactic that nullifies most viable counters from your enemy). I've had the same with Magic The Gathering. The feeling when enemy is outsmarted is something that just cannot be replaced and I'd rather lose 10 games to win 1 like that than go on constant winning streak with unfair advantage on my end. 

I am really sorry if you feel like things won't work out with whoever the lucky person is ;-; Personally I hope they will, whoever they are, but even so - it's still a learning experience. I really encourage you to try and show yourself at your absolute best as you're truly wonderful person as was proven to me many times over :3

7 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:


Humans are cursed to be social creatures. It's our greatest weakness, for none of us can ever truly live a life without anyone. Even the most antisocial of people need help from others now and then. But we all have a limited time of existence, so it's up to all of us to make the most of it while we can. Even if we don't always need companionship or love, to go through life forgotten and uncared for is one of the worst fates. No one wants to meet their ultimate end alone. And so we put our luck in the hands of fate... Like any kind of gambling, there is always a risk. To be vulnerable around others makes it a high steaks game, but it's all for high rewards. We can't always make a sizable imprint on history, but those who have friends and loved ones, their lives are never a life wasted. I can promise you that. The one who walks alone may be right most times, but as the old saying goes... You can be loudest right person in the room, and still be wrong. Being right won't always bring you joy or companionship.

As wise ones once said... Be strong enough to be kind. Be smart enough to do what's right. And those with true friends can build a better, more hopeful future than those who don't.
Oh, but I'm not done...

Now you wait just a moment, Hugsy!
Let’s get this right. I’ve got a few things to say to you. Basic stuff first...

Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat strawberries! Remember: Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.
Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.

Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind. ...And don't plagiarize good speeches from Doctor Who. :ButtercupLaugh:

I always say "As one person I can't change the world, but I can change the world for one person". Those are important words to go by. Even if our actions won't land us in history books, they still are like a pebble tossed from the top of the mountain - soon an avalanche may follow. 

It's a curse yet blessing at the same time. The biggest superpower humans have is synergy to me. Combined power of multiple of us will yield greater results than if all of us worked individually. In a way we cause a mathematical paradox with 1+1=3. 

What's important about being right is that you still need to learn how to voice it. Too many people presume that simply, because they stick to facts they'll be respected for that by default. There's being right like a mentor and a leader, then there's being arrogant and pretensious, looking down upon others. One will be celebrated and loved, other will be seen in poor light, even if that means people will be wrong. 

Oh please do "plagiarize" quotes like that, because I actually love it <3 But why the strawberries D:

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5 hours ago, Sir Hugsalot said:

You're actually right, it would be amazing if there was MLP episode about that. Today society is often tailored to be as hard shelled as possible so such a lesson would provide a nice counter balance so that we don't hide within ourselves too much!

Yeah, that would be nice  :sunbutt:

But we are making OUR new MLP episodes nowadays. WE ARE the New Generation.  :orly:

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14 hours ago, Sir Hugsalot said:

I always say "As one person I can't change the world, but I can change the world for one person". Those are important words to go by. Even if our actions won't land us in history books, they still are like a pebble tossed from the top of the mountain - soon an avalanche may follow. 

It's a curse yet blessing at the same time. The biggest superpower humans have is synergy to me. Combined power of multiple of us will yield greater results than if all of us worked individually. In a way we cause a mathematical paradox with 1+1=3. 

What's important about being right is that you still need to learn how to voice it. Too many people presume that simply, because they stick to facts they'll be respected for that by default. There's being right like a mentor and a leader, then there's being arrogant and pretensious, looking down upon others. One will be celebrated and loved, other will be seen in poor light, even if that means people will be wrong. 

Oh please do "plagiarize" quotes like that, because I actually love it <3 But why the strawberries D:

You don't need to tell me about teamwork. I've seen it in action many times. There's a reason why I like Super Sentai. :eager:

As for why strawberries, because Silky likes chocolate, and it annoys Cash In. ^_^

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On 2024-10-08 at 11:51 AM, Sir Hugsalot said:

Absolutely. In fact it aligns perfectly with what I said about video games overall. There's just no thrill in victory or lesson in defeat if the game was rigged in your favor from the start. With Pokemon or any card games you don't know what assets your opponent has. You have to work with roughly 50% of information, which is your own hand and guess what's on the other side (or have a tactic that nullifies most viable counters from your enemy). I've had the same with Magic The Gathering. The feeling when enemy is outsmarted is something that just cannot be replaced and I'd rather lose 10 games to win 1 like that than go on constant winning streak with unfair advantage on my end. 

I am really sorry if you feel like things won't work out with whoever the lucky person is ;-; Personally I hope they will, whoever they are, but even so - it's still a learning experience. I really encourage you to try and show yourself at your absolute best as you're truly wonderful person as was proven to me many times over :3

That's true and what you said makes a lot of sense. When you play on Battle Stadium, or ranked on Switch, you have about 50% or so of information on your opponent. You might not know their Tera types or their moves, but with understanding how the meta is, you can kind of have an idea. I know with Showdown and in tournaments, it's about 80 or 90% as you have all of their moves, items and Tera. However, the only thing you don't have is their EV stats to tell if they are bulky, powerful, fast and more. It's that and understanding the player in front of you and learning their play style to counteract their moves. However, I do understand exactly what you mean. I'd rather win or lose if I can understand my team and my opponent's team and be able to play accordingly instead of not knowing what I'm doing and not understanding how I lost a battle. What you said is honestly something I'm going to take with me going forward whenever I play a game of Pokemon. :hug_day::fluttershy:

It's okay and no need to apologize. I feel that I've always had this fear, but what you said is very true. I can't let that fear take hold over me and it can be a learning experience, as well. Awww thank you, Sir. This really means a lot to me. I'm not the only one as you are truly an awesome and wonderful person, as well. :coco:

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