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So.... I gave myself a CHALLENGE a few days ago. However, it wasn't a challenge of physical or mental strength, but rather one of perseverance and strong stomachs.


I challenged myself to watch all of the Twilight movies.


ugh, what is wrong with me.


Anyway, after watching them all, I had some things to say about them. Now, while I could do this in a very short fashion, few word fashion, I decided to go through and explain WHAT was so wrong about them. Yes, I'm going to be opinionated, no, I didn't read the books but I don't see the point since the movies are pretty similar (This wasn't Meet the Robinsons and the book it was loosely based on: A Day with Wilbur Robinson). Besides, I do have beef with more of the story than the filmmaking.


Sky Warden also warned me that I should avoid cursing too much, which might be difficult seeing what the material is, but I'll do my best.



*ahem* lemme do a quick summarization of each movie.


Twilight: Girl moves from Arizona to Washington. Girl meets Boy. Boy is Vampire. Girl likes Boy. Boy likes Girl but also wants to eat Girl. Girl and Boy have creepy romance filled with stares. Other vampires come when Boy's Family is playing game. One Vampire wants to eat Girl because Girl smells good. Boy, Girl, and Boy's family goes to Arizona (*shrugs*) to escape him. Vampire tricks Girl into letting him suck her blood. Boy kills Vampire. Boy sucks venom out of Girl. Girl survives (yay?).


New Moon: Girl and Boy continue romance. Boy's "Dad" looks too young for his age. Boy and Boy's Family needs to move away. Boy breaks up with Girl. Girl goes absolutely insane. Girl screams at night. Girl does dangerous things to see hallucinations of Boy. Girl has sorta romance with friend, Boy2. Boy2 is shirtless a lot. Boy2 doesn't want to hurt Girl. Boy2 leaves Girl alone. Boy2 is a werewolf. Girl jumps off Cliff. Boy2 saves Girl. Girl survives (wut). Boy gets confused and thinks that Girl is dead. Boy goes to LMBG (Last Minute Bad Guys) to ask to kill him. LMBG says no. Boy wants to reveal vampires to world so LMBG will kill him. Girl, despite the angst Boy has caused her, flies to Italy. Girl saves Boy by hugging him. Boy shrugs off Girl's pain from break up by saying Girl takes Boy too seriously. LMBG say Girl is special and knows too much. LMBG want to kill Girl. Boy fights LMBG. LMBG lets Boy and Girl go since Boy promised to turn her into a Vampire someday.


Eclipse: MOV (Mate of Vampire who Boy killed in first movie) want to make army of Newborn Vampires. Girl and Boy are back together, but Boy2 still likes Girl. Love triangle. Boy2 kisses Girl. Boy and Boy2 have angry staring contest over Girl. Stuff Happens. Boy asks Girl to marry Boy. Girl says yes even though Girl is only 18. Other stuff happens. Girl, Boy, and Boy2 camp somewhere in mountains. Boy and Boy2 have talk. Girl and Boy2 kiss. Cliche standoff fight between MOV and Boy's Family. Boy2's clan helps Boy even though they hate each other's guts. Girl stabs self. MOV dies. Girl survives.


Breaking Dawn: Part I: Boy and Girl get married. Boy and Girl go to Brazil. Boy and Girl scoodilypoop. Girl gets pregnant. Girl's baby is growing really fast and is eating Girl's insides. Boy2's clan is pissed about Baby. Despite Boy and Boy's family's advice, Girl won't have abortion. Girl (in a horrific scene I'm glad I skipped) has Baby. Baby is ok. Girl is dying. Boy tries to turn Girl into Vampire. Girl turns into Vampire. Girl Survives.


Breaking Dawn: Part II: LMBG want to kill Baby cuz reasons. Girl is strong vampire. Stuff happens with werewolves. Boy's family gets witnesses for Baby. Witnesses are an obvious army. LMBG and Witnesses have cliche standoff battle that never happened. LMBG run away to Italy.



UGH why did I summarize them X( That was painfully tiring.


Ugh, well, I guess I should just post this. I'll write my opinions on the movies some other time.

  • Brohoof 1


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I heard the books were a lot better than the movies.


But the books did have the same story problems (Edward's stalking played as romantic, et cetera) and the first book was poorly proofread. But a lot of the hatred for the books stem from the backlash over the movies.

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