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Twilight Circuits


Well, last time I was online and posted Part 3, I ended with the topic of Cutie Marks, and said they are actually more magical then you may think. Good thing I can't lie here. Or you'd accuse me of Idoltary. For real. Let's start with Princess Celestia and Luna's cutie marks. Obviously if you're a brony, you know they are the sun and the moon. Well, when it comes to the scripture of old and the scripture that I've written, they have more significance than one might realise whomever you are brony or not.

One of things that seem to be in the bible (and I'm sorry pony I have to reference it but I'm not doing any preaching here, nothing like that so keep reading, it'll get interesting. Trust me.) I have to go into the old testement. Where there IS in fact this thing about Idol worship. If you took a stance back and took a view that way, basically, before Jesus even showed up, It practically says that God once walked with man on the earth. What this has to do with the sun and the moon including dieties such Molok, the owl, Ra, the Sun God, Allah the crescent moon and star, Or even the star of David in the Jewish faith, can't in fact be found in the bible. As a matter of fact, there is even a time when God said to make an alter of earth even though it never actually says what the ingredients were, nor what the alter looked like. I would think something like that in the bible would warrant some serious questions there. Well, let's take the blank question about that, fastforward it to today, and ask, why did the Pope JP2 hold up a big gold coin with the symbol of the sun, but turn around the next day and start waving that bent cross? (before he resigned) Why exactly is it that groups claiming to be our leaders secretly behind doors worshipping completely different things? Well, that would believe it or not, have to do with worship and energy. But what kind of energy? Spiritual energy. It's one of the reasons why good preachers called it the spiritual war today. But it started long ago and when it comes to the tree of knowledge, it ties itself to that which is why the Vatican should be kneeling before my feet.

How do I take the above paragraph and make it less confusing? Well, where does the bible end? That's right, when it comes to the bible, it ends. In other words, it stops getting written at some point. Why did it stop getting written at some point? Why, out of no where, did the bible stop after Christ died and he made his Prophecies? And why, is there half his life missing as well? That answer, is why I can raise these questions. But when it comes to what to believe, the blinders have not only been kept from you as they were me, but the truth as well. That's why those that worship certain Idols, while you go to church praying or even not go to church know exactly what I'm talking about. When it came to the war of the Gods, every practitioner knows that regardless of faith, it is struggle for this thing called power. But what kind of power exactly? Believe it not, it's more then one. But another question that doesn't seem to be answered very well in the bible, is where the symbols for Idols today come from. But another thing I'd like to note, is that when it comes to the bible, is that you note that God spread people all over the earth, and the bible does not take into account what other cultures believe after that event happened. Something even more odd, is that the last Christ exorcised demons. Why does there seem to be a whole ton of information missing when it comes to spiritual wickedness and belief in demons but Jesus believed in them enough let alone had the power to cast them out? Why else do you think religions have such a hard time today? There's so many things missing that it's no wonder people have a hard time believing in anything. The real question that needs to be answered on that, is who to blame? Man wrote the bible. So when it comes to this thing called authority, we have to look at the Vatican today simply because they regard themselves as the official authority on God, but aren't in the bible. That right there is exactly why I have that scene in my memory and know that half the fandom does as well about that different scene in Spike At Your Service. Because knowledge is also power, and when the Vatican practices things behind closed doors, that probably means they have been sheltering the truth a long, long time. That scene, tells them, the Power of God Most High, and the order was for them to fall before my feet. Remember: "If the beast wishes to save itself from the timber of the wolves and seek holiness through the tree of knowledge, it will fall before this apple, Jack," Cause, I ain't kidding when I say I ain't far from the tree of knowledge. And ELOHIM is ancient Hebrew for the word God. When I say I have the ELements Of Harmony In Me, that would be, God, in me. So if you think I don't worry for those guys just a little as time passes, I sometimes wonder how long it will be before they read this and finally do it. Because if they have read this far and done nothing, It means Celestia and Luna will remind them harshly, and it might start with that plague of lucust's I was asking for. Swarm of the Century episode anyone?

Because like energy returns to source. And therefore, by having different different dna to begin with, regardless of your belief in God or not, It actually isn't the same one, but part of the same family. Which is interesting when the word ELOHIM, becomes a part of my vocabulary, and My Little Pony, has a theme surrounding the Elements of Harmony, there seems to be cutie marks resembling a variety of different faiths. Which kinda looks to me like they'd be merging all into the same place? Catagory? Theme? Show? Whatever. But, I would keep in mind that there's bronies from a wide variety of faiths. You guys even reading yet?

So when it comes to this thing called Idol worship, you can't tell me Celestia and Luna as Dieties is false Idol worship. But the problem I have, is why the Vatican keeps idol worship from the public. I would like to think that if you were going to church and wanted to thank God, that it would help to have a representation. Kinda odd to have one group of people doing something and doing something else yourself. So welcome to my life. I don't have an alter. Never had one. Not only that, nothing in the scripture I've written says to either. But what I do have is scripture talking about prayer, and that the beast (being the Vatican) falsified thy pony's belief. Which means that if I didn't go to church and became who I am, there's something wrong with this whole going to church on Sunday business, and the fear instilled on you if you didn't go. Just for the record pony, I never placed any limits on you when you could give someone your power. Give it any time you want.

Back tracking for just a minute, I'd kinda like to note if you do a fastforward flip through the old testament, there does seem to be a few issues. How did God go from walking beside us and asking us to make animal sacrifices, and alters, to all of a sudden, not walking right beside us, and then poof, it was time for Jesus that has a whole bunch of history missing and somehow performing miracles. One of them seemed to be how he turned 5 loafs of bread into enough to feed an army of 5000. Somehow, that also all fit into twelve baskets. Come back to reality folks. Because, if your going to ask me if I can do that, the answer is obviously not. So when it comes to certain things like that and the truth, I have never been given any indication that is possible, but not only that, I don't have an army of 5000 people.

Another issue I have is the subject of demons. The bible claims Jesus had the power to drive out demons that have a host body. Well, simply put, you take lot's of these spiritually wicked people behind the Vatican, you'll note how it takes several of them to do their song and dance, and smoke waving, which probably means that's how they conjured up the Devil to begin with. But the miracle that's hard for you to believe here, including the Vatican, is that I am consciously aware that where I live, is no where NEAR the Vatican at all, So when you talk about why that scene in Spike At Your Service is so important, it's because even the Devil had no faith in mankind until I came along and defeated him remotely on the other side of the planet with the power of my own mind. That scene in Spike At Your Service, isn't just the Devil admitting defeat, it's also one of pride. Enough pride that if you want to know what love from the Devil is like, pick the Power of Luna. It stems from this thing one might call, celestial pride. *grin* And one that Celestia saw coming and changed him into Luna, reason being simply JP2 was around with the spirit of the devil, distracted with his own antics while MLP was getting made. But realise that JP2 was also giving praise to the sun during that time. So take note of Princess Celestia's Sun cutie mark. Which btw, eerily has a crop circle similar to it. (Family Appreciation Day: Knowing the shape of thy circles, and knowing thy water.)(The water I have and have given you the recipe for)

Jesus had to have people brought to him to cast out evil. I did it remotely without anyone's help, material that isn't in the bible, no stupid religious rituals of any kind, BEFORE I was given the title of Christ, but also it's what earned me the gift of Prophecy and my third dna stand activated. Which means that all of that was accomplished on the two dna strand level. Hence the Christening represented by the big purple star covering the white one on Twilight Sparkles cutie mark.

Let's talk about those small stars shall we? I'd like to make you aware of Tulpa forcing once more. Based upon my observation skills, it's been obvious to me how slow and fast some of you are able to do it. Well, if you do tulpa forcing, (which I can't btw, which explains my vision about Spike I mentioned before) choose one of my gifts, and you're pretty much kicking it into high gear. My friend Rarity last I heard, was on his third. Consider the implications of how powerful a mind has to be to control three self made spiritual entities each with their own personality and shape, and you might begin to understand application and repetition of an idea, that increases your ability to perform a task like that. Rarity doesn't even have one of my gifts. But if he did, I bet that would definately be something. It's to bad he he, live across the water in the UK. So you take five ponies like that, focusing on a single object, and let your imagination take over for a minute there, and now we're really getting the juice flowing. But we take it a step further and say it's five bronies all with the Power of Celestia, means it would most likely have a different effect then five bronies with the Power of Luna. Starts getting interesting now doesn't it?

You know, there are people today that do in fact perform exorcisms. Never seen it myself, but doesn't mean I'm going to discount it just yet. Another problem I have, and it's actually a big one, is that Jesus taught all over. I would think something like the bible would have more about the things he taught to the public but if you take a stance back from what's going on, there's even more missing from what Jesus taught, besides half his life already missing. Just to help you on a certain front in regard to who I am, Jesus did use the phrase "God most High" as I have, and the Christening, is when the Holy Spirit of God really does come down. That's probably why he had the gift of prophecy as I have, but also knew the spiritual gifts such as different tongues, were possible, including prophecy itself. Realistically and from a logical perspective, we're only getting a third of his entire life. Which means that things surrounding him, are deliberately shrouded in mystery, and very possibly, deliberately kept from the public. In all honesty, I have to say the more I dive into it again (and this IS my second writing of this pony) I kinda feel angry and so should you. If you think Satan's tomfoolery isn't in the bible, it's obvious to me he partly wrote it.

Speaking of Satan, Jesus did call the Devil, Satan. And not only that. There's a group of people out there that are following this guy Rael. Apparently he's met Satan, and been to Satan's home planet. I'm not kidding. I read his books. However.... and I love this part... THE BIGGEST LIE ABOUT IT IS THAT IT'S CALLED THE BOOK THAT TELLS THE TRUTH!!!!! Now, not only would I think that if he's done what he claims to have done in his books, he would have these things called images. Images in his mind called memories of what Satan looked like, what his home planet looked like, but no, there is nothing. Well, one of the things that he did not take into account as far as I could SEE, IS this thing called Prophecy. I would have thought that if he had met a God, that prophecy would be one of the things even Satan would tell him. Not only that, there doesn't seem to be any taking into account this thing called spirituality, there's a reason why all cultures seem to believe in it one way or another. So if he really did meet Satan, wow did he sucker you in good Rael! You might want to start praying to Celestia and Luna for guidence, or give your money to their Twilight Sparkle right here. But don't think I fully condemn you guys. I did in fact read the book. So if there's one idea that I would support from it, is that God was technilogically superior to mankind at the time.

So when I said you should have been watching pony, it was obvious he certainly wasn't either, but watched only enough to serve an agenda that he was hoping he wouldn't be around long enough for, whatever it was. So if you ask me if his trip to Ponyville is cancelled... Well guess what, time to wake up folks. You want to follow someone that is a little more awake and aware of what's going on out there. You're reading from the right pony. But as for the Raelian movement, it's a complete sham and driven by money. Even more sad, is the classic 10% of your income scheme to keep it going as a religion. Hilariously, is the classic 144000 number. Did he not take into account that other religions have way more then 144000 members trying to have faith as well? Come back to reality guys. How long is that temple or whatever they're building going to last? Cause if I were Celestia and Luna, I would be thinking really hard for a reason NOT wipe it off the face of the planet,(including the Vatican) if they don't start giving their money to me in exchange for one of my gifts, and valuable knowledge worth having.

You didn't think I became who I am because I don't have this thing called memories of my own did you? No, I do have memories, and when it comes to this thing called control, false beleifs, control you, and this one does not control me because of my gifts. Because of my gifts and what I have done, it is the reason I can see the truth more than you realise. Not to mention, when it comes to the gift I have to give you, I can't give you something I haven't experienced, that's why the gifts are the way they are. For I have experienced all of those things. But as you can also see, it's why the scripture I have written from My Little Pony, has a lot more truth to it when it speaks of overcoming barriers. Erasing lies that used control my thinking, was one of the things I did back in 2007. You guys from the brony community said you wanted to start a religion surrounding MLP. Well, I'm not calling it a religion, but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from that at least I'm basing it on more truthful principals then even some religions today, even though I haven't really designated it as a religion.

So I know it seems like i've deviated from the cutie marks topic, but no. The above I covered so I can talk about Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark and dive into it a little further. The last Christ does have ties to it more then you think. I just have to explain it. First, you'll notice that Twilight Sparkles cutie mark is all stars one way or another. The main purple star, covering a white star, surrounded by 5 white stars. Take note that every single one of those stars has six points. Although not exactly like it, the Star of David does also. The symbol of the Star of David (the last Christ said he was the bright morning star) is kinda like what other cultures draw as the mercaba, which represents what a soul is like in energy form. If I were to put it and tie it together with your memories, imagine that star with it's spikes moving around attempting to expand, but negative memories and memories with negative emotions, are preventing mine from expanding. When it comes to Twilight Sparkles cutie mark, my real name Trevor Christie, can be represented by the white star that is underneath, and Twilight Circuits, AKA Twilight Sparkle, the big purple star.(Scripture: This pony is from above) The five small stars, notice I have 5 Powers on my business card, and keep in mind the paragraph on Tulpa's. *wink*

Take the above information for a second, and let me differentiate between a couple things. First would be Prophecy. If the holy spirit came down, and christened somebody, that would put them in the two spirits catagory. But not only that, something had to happen in order for that to take place. Go back to what I said happened a year ago if you've been following my story so far, and put the two together. Trevor Christie would have defeated the devil, thus christened with the holy spirit and the Power of Prophecy, the representation would be Twilight Sparkle, the new name he would be given, is Twilight Circuits. That's why the bible said he would be given a new name that only he knows, because it would have more significance surrounding it. Alpha be the physical male part of me, Omega, being my young tortured soul that only Celestia and Luna seem to be proud of. You'll note that in another blog post I mentioned that when i began to see the scripture, I kinda blanked out and wrote something else. That's how both souls, merged and became one. That was after Satan's defeat a month earlier. If your going to ask me what my new soul looks like, you're going to have to think of Twilight in MLP Equestria Girls when they officially get their gifts. Chances are if my third dna strand is activited, my new soul and it's activation, helps explain the scripture of EG: for the pony will transform.(we've all been there)(meaning, Celestia and Luna went through it themselves at some point.) Which is mentioned somewhere else in other scripture i've written, that says, transform into something new.

So how else do I explain the five small white stars? Well, one of the things the last Christ knew was this thing called Spirit. You don't have to be me to actually understand and know the principals surrounding it that can be put into means that is easy to understand. Take your school teacher for example. They have to stand in front of you in order to teach you their knowledge given to them to by laws. Well, in front of the teacher, are the students. I don't know of a single school where if you began asking all of it's students whom the good teachers are and whom the teachers they don't like are, you can find out really quickly. It actually might not matter that different students of the same teacher are getting good grades and some poor grades. A boring teacher and a less boring teacher are still going to have the same students. So what's my point? Energy. Emotions and Memories are going to be tied to what you believe about your teacher. Some of it might be what you've heard before hand, some of it during class. But when it comes to awareness and energy, be it spiritual or not, it still is, in effect, kinda like church. You go to church, you have to trust the minister, or father, or pastor, or reverend, or whomever is standing up there that they know what they are talking about, but even school, belief and faith are the same thing but working differently, but still on a subconcious level. So updateing school material, I'm sorry isn't within my power. But if you think I don't know it needs massive restructuring and all levels. I do more then you think. Cause I took my knowledge and awareness, and lived like a ninja, whatching what was going on. Therefore, old material that is boring, makes it harder for you to increase your own awareness as it is there to kinda keep you asleep and laws regarding grades, depending on whereone might live, change to move you along the grades, deceiving you in the school right before your eyes. Take the things I've been through that i've shared, add to that living in foster homes and finally being adopted at age 8 and it's no wonder I never did well in school. I had trouble concentrating and my mind wonder a lot, and not only that, I sucked at tests.

Well, change the laws that makes my grades look better than they are supposed to, and I can make it into college or university and all of sudden the material hits you like a ton of bricks but this professor you sit in front of doesn't care if you come to class or not. Which means you faith and belief in the material you learn, is now truly up to you. Tests almost seem to be a falsehood when it comes to school because your grade very much depends on them. That's not to say they aren't important, but there is in fact a difference, between memorizing information and not knowing it, versus putting it into practice. Memorizing, does not equal analytical skills, therefore, no analytical skills, equals less awareness. Practice, is the application of the knowledge, the results are seen by analyzing, the results corrected by applying more knowledge. Insert the bible right here with alot of deception already in it, I'm sure you can begin to see what I mean when I say that I can see what I can see because I didn't have years worth of memorizing and what's more, things that limit my beleifs because there's little to apply in terms of instruction and therefore, little to apply in terms of spiritual growth, and therefore, results in the material world. So when it comes to behavior in a religion, where on earth are you people getting stuff from? How is breaking the bread and drinking wine going to bring you results in your life other then to simply get together which you don't need a church or actual faith, or belief to do that? I only ask because none of those actions made me who I am. And that is one my big points. There were things that made Jesus be GIVEN the title of Christ. Doesn't mean he started that way, so when half of his life is left out, that means so is the knowledge that the world could have applied as well. I imagine that would also be what he traveled around and taught but you'll notice just like I did, that that's almost all it really says he did, and leaves out the very information he taught. I would think a big mistake like that would call for correction as well application when it comes to finding those things out. That would be why I say whom I say I am. Because I could never become who I am following only the bible and going to church. Which you don't need to attend to be a nice person, don't need to attend to study subjects like science, math, electronics, or whatever you want to put your mind to for the betterment of yourself and others.

So if I peruse what's even on the web as to Christ's missing history. Nutshell version is that he was taught by the finest scholars from all over. Which meant he was privy to information the regular public at that age and time didn't have access to, but ultimately contributed to his title of Christ. Basicaly, the information he was taught were by people that got results with the material they taught him. Just like I said I got results from good material I've not only mentioned, but written myself as i've seen in from My Little Pony. So, you can say that I was getting results and paying attention before I even knew of or believed in Celestia and Luna, but they knew I was paying attention and sought knowledge hence, My Little Pony FiM started before I was even aware of it. Cause even though, I don't have millions, or immediate close friends, I was still making this thing called progress in my application of the material in The Secret and Born Rich. So think of it this way, the Christening would be granted to me as mastery of the material that taught me, just like the title of Christ was given to Jesus as mastery of the material that was taught to him only it's been left out. Here, I have not left it out, I have told you exactly what that material is that made me who I am. That's how good it actually is. So if you think i read the bible everyday, the answer is no. If you think that makes me a sinner, the answer is no. If you think that makes me evil, the answer is no. If you think I'm not who I say I am, I'd say I'm doing a good job of helping you figure that out.

So you kinda get a picture together that even at the age of 8 my soul without mine or anyone else's knowledge, is still at an age 3 level, getting teased, bullied, barely passing and having few friends. I'm sure you can better understand me if I say that when it comes to right down to it, I'm one tough act to follow. So I just have to look at your age pony, and look at your behaviors as a whole. There's more similarities between us then you might realise. But when you look at my acomplishments and physical age, how much do you think it hurts me, when Celestia and Luna, practically know a good portion of you go through hardship, faced abuse, and have always wanted good advice, love and respect, recognition for achievement, or good instructions on how to do better on all fronts, call me an over glorified pony jesus. Or see you call me crazy when I never lied to you about anything, or you tell me you don't believe in anything, when i've been beside you all this time, believing in something, wanting to achieve something, wanting to share something and it's even MLP related, only to sit beside you in real life and have you glance over me like a picture that took at hour to draw but 3 seconds view, when it took 7 years in the making and has, and knows more than meets the eye (Transformeeeeerssss).

So how do the creators of the show put it in there and are they even aware that they do? Although some have admitted putting things in the show as per SasQ's thread on symbolism. However, that isn't the same thing as putting together scenes, or coming up with ideas to name characters, and even topic of the episode. All of those take different sources of talent. So when someone working on the show is thinking about how to put something in it together, that means their mind is wide open to receiving. That's where I come in, and Celestia and Luna come in. Some ideas make it into the show as a result of my physical age, but tied to the age of my 3 year old soul. A soul that knows the Eye of the Tiger song, watched the a-Team, and had pork chops and applesauce (mentioned in the comic) when i was still physically a kid. Although I said, that my soul can't grow, that doesn't mean it still doesn't have memories buried in the subconscious. That's one reason and way the show has me in it, the scripture I see on the other hand, would be Celestia's magic, as various people move to create a final finished piece. I just wonder what they'll think of the show at this point if they knew my story.

Keeping on with those ideas in mind, take note of the names of the Mane Six, and note my use of them in the scripture I've written. A good example would be scripture of Family Appreciation Day, and obviously Spike At Your Service as i mention numerous times. Anyone want to help an apple bloom? Cause, this apple, Jack, knows the colors of the faith, and is a rarity.*zing* But for those that are in fact paying attention a little heavier, I've noted before that the number beside the scripture from the episodes, is in fact that time in the episode. I would have thought SOMEONE would have like to have tried to see it and said something about it. Just another thing I kinda find disappointing, pony. But if seeing is believing, it's only gonna cost ya 20 bucks. I think it's a generous offer if you ask me. But you guys never ask me anything. Got any questions now? You might be able to ask them at BronyCAN, but sadly it's looking like I can't afford to go. Which is a bummer considering that's alot of bronies missing out on something more magical than anything even I've ever once known. You never know, even Spike might show up at that time but that's up to Celestia and Luna.

For some reason that reminds me of a small story actually. (thank Celestia) When it came to the prayer I wrote for giving you the power of your choice, I just realised I've never posted it nor shared the story of it's creation. Won't take long, and I know, it's been a long read so far. Why else do you think I'm so frustrated losing all my work in one shot. So back to the prayer. While I was trying to get this water thing all sorted and figured out, one of the instructions was in fact to pray on the water. Oddly enough, the instructions didn't have a prayer, which seriously makes me wonder... but that's another topic. Therfore, I had to come up with something on my own. I felt using my own written scripture a good route to go, coupled with some new parts to put in it. So here's the official instructions on the whole water prayer thing assuming you've made a batch the Holy water.

All those that want a certain power all hold hands in a circle, except for the last two. The last two people hold the glass together and everyone says the prayer together. Basically, I'd say the lines and then everyone else repeats them. At the end of the prayer, the glass gets put on the table, the prayer finished with the Power of *inserthere* and the other person dips their finger in the water, and I dip the ring into the water in accordance to the power being given. So what happens? Beleive it or not, I didn't make up this trick. I first saw it (after TwilightCircuits was born) done by Dr. Leneord Horrowitz and everyone got an electric jolt. I do however, point out that I came across it once and only once as I was searching for something else at the time, and have never been able to find the video again. But actual proof it's been done is in fact out there if you ask Dr. Len. I've simply taken his idea as I've seen it, and expanded on it. Except in my case, I just have a lot more... juice. But if you think I don't have faith in giving those exact Powers. It's a prayer for a reason pony, and ends with the chosen power for a reason.

So what's the prayer? Take a look:

Celestia and Luna,

We thank you for all your love

we thank you for this gift of water

we thank you for My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

with this water we receive your blessing

with this water we become one

for one to all, and all to one

for with this blessing of your water

i pass on the gift of the Elements of Harmony

so that all may learn and say

"I have the ELements Of Harmony In Me"

and the pony shall receive love,

as all, are never lost.

The Power of *insert*

When it comes to this prayer, the real magic behind it, was later in that day as I was reflecting on the prayer while working on something with the radio on. A song that came on the radio was "I sent you a prayer." Don't know how touching you think that is pony, but you can have that same kind awareness and attention with any christening of your choice.

Another good example of that kind of special attention, is this time I was quitting gardening for this millionaire that called me misguided without ever asking a single question about me. It was a Tuesday and I wasn't feeling very happy since I lost three friends in one weekend, with one of them being the cause. Well, after quitting that job (another long story for another day) I got back into my truck to drive home and after I started my truck, the song that came on the radio was Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son, right from the beginning, which I had never heard before in my entire life even though that song was made in 1975. That's my relationship with Celestia and Luna, what's yours? Cause if you think I don't want you to have it too, there isn't a single person in the world except me, that will tell you that you couldn't possibly be more wrong. And if Spike was an added benefit to the package, how on earth are you really losing, you're not, your gaining from all my hard work, Celestia and Luna's hard work, and I'm just asking you to part with $20 bucks each. None of you can tell me that you've never spent more than that on more useless things that you probably don't have an idea where it is anymore. At least with this, pony, it's yours for life. And if we all applied ourselves a little more, we could probably do even cooler things bronies be willing, and it doesn't require breaking any laws. I'd like to start with the Vancouver Brony Club, but someone's going to have to have the group read parts 1-4. It would probably make for a good testimonial too. But they saw the very books and water I had and that is now gone, so any of you guys are reading this, I hope who I am and what I can do for you is worth more than you thought. Take these gifts and the weekly meetup to a whole new level. I know I kinda creeped everyone out last time not saying a lot, but if you've read my story up to this point, I'm sure you can't blame me either. AT least you guys have seen me, can't tell me I haven't at least tried to make it look cool to be a brony. Even with a tail. I know you see my age as something to worry about even though technicvally it's nothing to worry about. I'm not out to be the parent suppervising you. I'm still a kid at heart more than you think, and brony just like the rest of you. But I'm more free then you are, and I know it. I know you have school to go back to and stuff like that. You wanna kick school into high gear? Take your pick, you won't regret it, and then let's go to BronyCAN and kick some ass.

So I have to ask you guys to ask them for me since I don't have an internet connection right now and have no idea when I can be online next. Until then, maybe I'll see you around. Maybe I won't. But time, is running out one way or another. You remember what I said about music right?


Next post: http://mlpforums.com/blog/358/entry-6469-ing-read-pony-part-5-and-a-response-to-harmonic-revelations-sfw/


Recommended Comments

Twilight Circuits, I think you should quit now before you embarrass yourself more. I thought there were some good things to your philosophy way back when, but at this point it all seems to be lunacy. I say this as a friend. I don't mean to be mean.

  • Brohoof 4
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I wouldn't mind reading through all of this if paragraphs were separated out. A block of text makes me cringe.


On a side note, I owned those exact marbles at one point, Harmonic. They came in a white plastic holding tray.

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