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Magic versus Magik: Part 1



[Note: I just noticed the formatting went weird on this one again. I'm trying to fix that. If this shows up as a new entry. Sorry.]


There are lots of strange modern thoughts about what magic is, and what it can do. Historically (well, mythologically), there are three 'styles' of magic. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking this is all past and gone, a lot of this stuff is still in a lot of modern attitudes and habits. It’s just people don’t think of it as ‘magic’ anymore. Also, I’m drastically simplifying for purposes of discussion so a lot of nuance is going to be lost.


Animism: This style is the most popular magic system mythologically. It’s based on the idea that everything has a spirit or soul, plus there are many ‘free roaming’ spirits for one reason or another. These spirits are unfettered by mortal limits, and can be cajoled or coerced into performing magical feats for someone with the right knowledge. Jinn, Loa, Daemons, Elves, Weirds, Dryads, Familiars, etc. Each culture has different names or different methodologies of dealing with these creatures.


This style is also one of the most powerful historically, as the creatures being used can really be limitless. The Persian tale of Ala ad-Din and the genies of the lamp and ring (yes, Persian, not Arabic, and yes, genies, there are two of them in the story. In the original tale Aladdin is actually Muslim Chinese which places him somewhere in Turkestan, probably near modern Xinjiang.) exemplifies this type of magic.


In the MLP:FiM world, Windigoes and Discord fall into this style as powerful spirits that can be manipulated with the right knowledge and skills. There’s really not much else though, unless you also include Parasprites and a variety of creatures introduced in various fanfictions. I myself have an crystal-equivalent to the Windigoes called Geenomes (modifying the earth spirit Gnome with a horse-pun Gee, and implying a connection to genetic modifications for purposes of the story) that I have not developed enough to publish to FIMFiction.


Symbolism: This is the second most popular style, while also being the largest as it contains many different systems that all follow a theme. This involves using tools to produce effects, based on the tool’s symbolic meanings. The biggest within this style is Sympathetic Magic. The idea being that things can be used to represent other things and whatever you do to the representation will be reflected to a greater or lesser extent on the original. For example, with the right knowledge you can give yourself the eyesight of an eagle if you adorn yourself with enough eagle feathers. Sympathetic Magic also means that an object that used to be part of you, or even one you use regularly has ‘sympathy’ to you, and can be used to represent you. If someone gets ahold of that object they may be able to do things to you. The lock of hair in a voodoo doll, fingernail clippings in various witchcraft rituals, etc. In more modern times, the former instrument of a famous musician can be believed to grant increased skill in using it, especially if the instrument was being used during some important concert.


Also within this style are the various runic and ritual systems, where the runes/diagrams/foci/whatever can represent different actions or channel mystic forces, providing you use the correct foci for the correct end effects. Magic wands, tarot cards, mystic rings, etc. Without the focus, the magician cannot bring whatever power they might have to bear, and the foci by necessity changes based on what exactly you’re intending to do. A holy symbol repels unholy spirits, a crystal ball can see into the future, etc.


Alchemy also falls into this style very strongly. Classic Alchemy is all about removing impurities from substances, with the end goal of removing impurities from the Alchemist himself rendering him effectively immortal. If you could produce absolutely pure water, absolutely pure earth, absolutely pure fire, and absolutely pure air, you should then be able to produce absolutely pure spirit. The gold thing was a side path on producing pure earth. As a note, Aquis Regis (Royal Water) is a real thing, and was considered 'pure water' by Alchemists; a combination of Hydrochloric Acid and Sulfuric Acid.


The one I really like in this set is shadow magic. Nailing a person’s shadow to the ground with a silver dagger or similar implement can pin a person in place, or allow you to cut their shadow off completely rendering them soulless and more easily controlled by you (Hey Peter Pan, nice to run into you here). The shadow represents the person, as it were. Along the same lines is a venomous snake biting the footprint can poison the person who made that footprint.


In any case, this style has a very ‘cause and effect’ process. You do very specific things, very specific effects occur. Vary those things in any way, and the effect may not occur or go horribly, horribly wrong. Modern athletes fall prey to this style of magic, performing rituals that will help them ‘win’. Lucky underwear, tapping the foot with the bat precisely seven times, etc.


In the world of MLP:FiM, this is pretty much Zecora and her stuff. She demonstrates herbalism and alchemy. Plus the love poison produced by the CMC. This doesn’t require any specific magic ‘ability’ in the caster, just the knowledge of the right symbols being applied at the right time in the right way. Anyone can do this kind of magic with the correct knowledge, or lack of knowledge in the case of the CMC. ;) Oh, and Granny Smith’s cultivation of the Zap Apples. Specific actions driving specific events, even if Granny isn’t fully aware of the exact symbolism involved. She doesn’t *need* to know, as long as the trial-and-error process produces results.


Next time: Unicorn magic!


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