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Factoids of the Living Dead: MONSTER MASH 2013

Orablanco Account


We're almost at the end, but I still find that there's a crap-ton of movies I wanted to do that I didn't get to do, so I've decided to work through a bunch of them in one post.


Aren't we having some fun now?



Get it? Because it's a lyric from that number. I'm...I'm funny.




- A adaptation of an off-Broadway show which is itself an adaptation of a movie Roger Corman legendarily shot in two days (and just so happens to be Jack Nicholson's film debut).


- Actress Ellen Greene played Audrey I in the original stage production as well.


- The dentist office set was originally covered in blood, but that didn't sit right with tests audience, so the scenes in the office were thus re-shot without all of the stains. This would no be the only thing to be cut.


- No green screen or composite shots were used for the scenes involving Audrey II. Six different plants increasing in size were used over the course of the movie. Near the end, more cables were being used on the Audrey II puppet then there are in the Brooklyn Bridge. And sense the puppeteers could only move the puppet so fast, any actor in a scene with it (mostly Rick Moranis) had to act in slo-mo.



There are two endings to the movie; the happy, love-conquers-all version that you've all seen, and the original, much darker ending that saw Seymour and Audrey get eaten by the plant, which then proceeds to multiply and destroy all of humanity. The latter ending has only recently seen the light of day in an acceptable, restored form. If you ever get a chance to see it within the context of the full movie, do so. It's an interesting conclusion to the morality play at work in the movie, plus the final montage of the giant plants destroying Manhattan is probably the greatest and most badass special effects Jim Henson's Workshop ever achieved.



- My sister thinks Rick Moranis is cute in this movie.


But now, we move from one cult classic to another, and this one is probably the cultiess of all the cult classics. Beneath its flashy varnish lies the tale of a young couple torn apart by their hidden demons and a strange but passionate man whose pathological pursuit of hedonism and pleasure, often at the cost of human life, brought upon his ultimate and all too tragic downfall.






- Tim Curry's fabulous film debut. He reprises the role he played in the original stage production.


- Dr. Scoot being pulled through a wall by the electromagnet was not scripted. The filmmakers realized that they had not made the laboratory set wheelchair accessible, so the only way to get that character in the scene was to have him crash through it.


- Mick Jagger wanted to play Frank, Steve Martian tried out for Brad, and Vincent Price was the first choice to play the Criminologist.


- The longest running theatrical run in history thanks to its popularity as a midnight movie.


- No body knew Eddy's corpse was hidden under the dinner table, so when it's revealed, the shocked reactions are real.


- Brad and Janet has been nicknamed "ASSHOLE" and "SLUT" by the fans, respectively.


- Tim Curry gained weight after starring in the movie so he could distance himself from Frank.


Speaking of Tim Curry...




That's fugging hilarious. Easily the best of the televised Stephen King adaptations, though to be frank, that isn't saying much. It's like saying Red Dead Redemption is the best western game. What's its competition? Custer's Revenge?




- The book was so damn long because King wanted to fit all his favorite monsters in there. Apparently, giant spiders is one of them.


- Speaking of which, the spider became the ending because the budget couldn't handle the real ending. Much like Carrie, the entire town was suppose to get destroyed.


- Tim Curry was apparently frightening to be around on the set, so everyone just kind of avoided him.


- Seth Green, hounded by a werewolf (no pun intended) in this movie, plays a werewolf later on in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


- The actors actually got injured by the large amount of balloons in the library scene. So yeah, I guess that happened.


Guess now would be a good time to get some other requests out of the way. Let's continue with a classy one.








- Hitchcock was huge bird person long before making this movie.


- Blue screen had to be abandoned for a different technique partway into production because the rapid movements of the birds made the shot look bad.


- Tippi Hedren was actually cut in the face in one of the shots.


- The owner of the restaurant allowed Hitchcock to shoot inside his establishment if the lead male character was named after him. Hitchcock agreed.


- There's no "The End" card at the end of the movie because Hitchcock wanted audiences to have the feeling that the horror would never end.


- Hitchcock required

to be real.


- At the film's London premiere, speakers were installed to play an assortment of bird screeches as patrons left the theater.


Okay, what's the next request? Oh yeah!








- It took six hours for Doug Bradley to put on the Pinhead makeup.


- The original title, "The Hellbound Heart", was rejected by the studio because it sounded too much like a romance.


- Filming the scene where Frank is spun around upside down covered in blood cause actor Sean Chapman to vomit.


- Pinhead was in no way the "main" Cenobite; he was just given the most dialogue.


- Due to a limited budget, all the special effects were animated by Clive Barker and "a Greek guy" over a single weekend.


- It wasn't so much the content the MPAA was worried about, so much as the "intensity of the tone".


Also, heads up guys, but I've never seen Mothra, nor have I been able to find any interesting facts on her solo career, so have this gif of Mothra dragging Godzilla like a punk.




Hey, guess what, SE7EN.




This is literally the only gif I could find that wasn't NSFW or spoiler-heavy. Seriously, if you've never seen this movie...damn.


- Every single one of John Doe's creepy psycho-killer books was written out and packed to the brim with detail. As in, if you opened to a random page of any of those books, you'd find a fully-realized, thought out page. Pretty impressive, considering most of them are just seen in the background.


- Kevin Spacey was cast two days before filming, and his involvement was kept as quiet as possible, in keeping with his tradition of trying to immerse the audience into the character he plays, as opposed to the fact that it's Kevin Spacey.


- The studio hated the ending, but Brad Pitt refused to star in the movie if a single line was changed.


- David Fincher wanted a super-skinny guy to play Victor. If you've seen the movie, you know why this is pants-crappingly terrifying.


- The city the movie takes place in is never identified.


- Rob Bottin, of The Thing fame, did the makeup effects for the movie.



Sloth wasn't an animatronic. That was a real person in makeup.



- A sequel was in the works in which Morgan Freeman's character gets psychic powers.


Guess this means I should do SILENCE OF THE LAMBS too.




I'll admit, the part with the face made me jump.


- The last film to take home the Grand Slam at the Oscars: Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Picture. It remains the only horror movie to ever win the top award.


- John Hurt, Christopher Lloyd, Dustin Hoffman, Patrick Stewart, Robert Duvall, Jack Nicholson, and Robert De Niro all auditioned for Hannibal Lector.


- The moths used for the film were flown to the set in first class.


- Whenever someone is talking to Sterling, they are looking directly at the camera towards the audience.


- Lector is only in the movie for 16 minutes.


- Brooke Smith, Buffalo Bill's victim, actually became good friends with Bill's actor, Ted Levine, on the set.


- The Lector voice was, according to Anthony Hopkins, a combination of Truman Capote and Katharine Hepburn.


Wait, tomorrow is Halloween? Well how about some TRICK 'R TREAT?




Seriously though, if you haven't seen this, do so, because it is a treat. Yes, pun intended.


- Was suppose to be released in theaters in 2007, but got buried by Warner Bros for what I am sure are stupid reasons.


- The appearance of Mr. Kreeg was based off of John Carpenter.


- Little people make up most of the little kids in the background. The movie was shot at night and it was way past regular kids' bedtime.


- Based on a Marvel Comic.


- Sam is named after Samhain, the medieval festival that served as the origin of Halloween.


- Remember that bitchy girl who leads that horrible prank? Guess who.


And I can't finish this post without mentioning this.




- Tim Burton did not direct this. That would be Henry Selick. He did design the movie and come up with the concept, which was inspired by Burton witnessing a mall taking down Halloween decorations and instantly replacing them with Christmas stuff.


- The most difficult shot in the entire movie was Jack reaching for the door knob on the Christmas door due to the reflection of the forest.


- Danny Elfman does the singing voice for Jack.


- Was meant to be an official Disney animated film, which would have made it art of the Disney Renaissance, but it was deemed too scary. Well, Oogie scared the shit out of me when I was a kid for some reason, so I dunno,


- The scene where Oogie's insectoid innards fall into the murky molten material was shot at 25 fps (real-time).


- Tim Burton has said that Jack is probably his favorite character that he has created.


- The killer snake is based off the sandworms from Beetlejuice.


- Lock (the kid dressed like a devil) is totally Paul Reubens, and Dr. Finklestein is Uncle Lewis from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.


Aw man, so many horror movies, so little time. Sorry if I didn't do a movie you wanted (I know one of you wanted Van Helsing, for instance). Tune in tomorrow for the final film in the blog series (I think you can guess what movie I'm doing), but in the meantime, have two awesome scenes from a couple of movies I didn't get around to doing: Best Van Helsing and Best Dracula fighting to the death...



...and the most iconic transformation scene ever.



Seriously. They actually created a new academy award just to award this movie. I remember the first time I saw it; it was on TV (but on a channel where they didn't have to censor it), and I walked into it and thus had no context with which to work. It was the first "real" horror movie scene I ever watched, and it blew my freaking mind.


Also, fun fact: it was that movie that inspired the music video for "Thriller".

  • Brohoof 3


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Very good. Some of my favorite movies in there. Hellraiser always stood out as being one of the darker ones, and I still know every word to every song in Rocky Horror. Can't remember to pick up milk after work, but I can remember that.

  • Brohoof 1
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