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It's a "Holiday Tree" NOT a "Christmas Tree".



Christmas has become a very popular holiday all across the world. However, it's not the only holiday that occurs around the time of the Winter Solstice.

For far too long, Christians have had this country by the balls. Non-Christians or Christian mystics, like myself, have been excluded from the holiday season in order to make sure everyone remembers that Jesus Christ was born.

Well, Jesus was a nice demigod and all but he's not the only entity that deserves praise. Mithra, the Roman god of the sun was widely celebrated at the start of the new year, similar to Jesus.


Wiccans, pagans, Gnostics, Atreyu, mystics, Thelemites and many more deserve recognition, just like yourselves.

Sure, you can celebrate Jesus. However, I shouldn't have to put up a manger scene just because you're offended by anything else.

Jesus is a reason for the season, but he's only one.


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Holiday actually means Holy day, you know that right?  I see nothing wrong with calling it a Christmas Tree.  It's not discrimitating against anyone else if we call it that.  The holiday for us is Christmas, just as much as it's anything else for anyone else.  If someone is forcing you to put a manger then their in the wrong.  People use the word offended way too much these days.  Rather then try to please everyone, just let the other be offended.  

  • Brohoof 1
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Just let them have their vacation, (used in place of holiday for a better and more atheistic term) but it is true that Christians do seem to create most of our official holidays.

Yes, I do agree but come up with a better term than "holiday tree", yet again a better and more atheistic term.


It isn't discrimination, it's just going against hypocrisy. For example I'm an atheist (if I didn't already make that obvious) why if I didn't believe in Jesus Christ being "holy", why would I celebrate his birthday? I do it only because it is a popular "holiday." (The day after) also it happens to be a major turning point in the revolutionary war, in 1776. But that's just coincidence.

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Well, Jesus was a nice demigod and all

^I laughed way too hard at that^


I'd rather you use the term "most Christians". I know plenty of people who are part of the religion (including me) who agree with your opinion. I just don't like it when people think of all Christians as the same.

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Yeah, no. I'm an atheist, and I think it's dumb to rebrand things just to make them "secular" or "politically correct."


Just let Christmas be Christmas. It's one of the major cornerstones of western culture, regardless of religion. And honestly, if anyone is actually offended by it being called a "Christmas Tree", I can't say I feel even the slightest bit of sympathy.


(The day after) also it happens to be a major turning point in the revolutionary war, in 1776. But that's just coincidence.

Not exactly...


Washington crossed the Delaware on that particular day because he knew the enemy would still be celebrating Christmas, and thus be indisposed.


It's quite a brilliant strategy, really.

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