Delilah Dusk
24 -
Last visited
Pegasus Pony -
28 -
Female -
Tall Tale -
Tall Tale -
Weather Pony - Retired -
Character Images
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Physical Description
Delilah Dusk is a mare of average height and weight, she has a charcoal grey coat and creamy white mane. She has ruby colored eyes. She has multiple scars in various places on her body from various physical assaults.
Delilah Dusk grew up in Tall Tale, she is 1 of 6 foals born to Twinkle Jewel and Maverick, a Canterlot unicorn and an earth pony respectively. One day when her father was ill, she went to find her youngest sister, Thalia, who had a habit of being gone for long stretches of time, in order to tell her to come home and be with their father. During this journey she bumped into a pegasus pony called Caerulean Deep, who it turns out is a Pegasus not of Equestrian stock. He ended up saving her life and psyche a number of times, and she fell in love with him.
Some time after this meeting, and after Thalia eventually returned to their home, she proposed to him and he accepted. It took her some time to come around to the idea of forming a proper herd with him, as was his culture, but she did it and does not regret it. However, upon foaling their son Sal, he proved to be a bit too large for her frame and the result was that her hind legs were paralyzed, her spine was damaged and her wings stopped responding to her commands, and she could never give birth again.
Some surgery since then has restored the use of her hind legs, so she can move about under her own power. However, her wings have no recovered from this.
Key Moments
- The darkness seized her soul and mind, causing her to turn feral for brief periods of time until the darkness was full exorcised from her body and soul.
- She formed a herd with Caerulean Deep, Maree, Clouded Setting, and her own sister Ruby Lilly. Mostly the relationship is platonic outside of her and Caerulean Deep.
- She birthed Sal, her son, but the process damaged her body in multiple ways, leaving her unable to walk, fly, or give birth again.
- Her wives birthed two other sons as surrogate mothers for her remaining triplets. They are Dusk and Cloudy.
- Her sister, Ruby Lilly, brought a foal from a previous marriage into the herd and they are raising her as though the previous husband did not exist.
- Her sister, Ruby Lilly, has also given birth to another foal despite it being thought medically impossible. The foal is a filly called Terra.
- Surgery restored her ability to walk, but not her ability to fly.
Delilah is often the most determined pony in the room, especially when it comes to forgiving and moving on without violence or retribution. She doesn't like to hold on to anger, or to fight for any length of time, and usually works toward peace between herself and any others. She's strong willed, too, and has a fairly strict set of principles which she has compromised to form a herd and learn to love more than one pony at a time. Still, she has strong morals and doesn't much like the idea of gods or goddesses interfering in annoying, condescending, or manipulative ways.
She has a great deal more respect and admiration for Princess Luna than for Princess Celestia. She does respect Princesses Twilight and Cadance as well. Celestia is just at the bottom of her list of royals/divines that she admires as her faith in that mare has been shaken a few times.
Flying, weather magic, family -
Arguments, manipulation, secrets -
Weather Magic -
Her family -
None if she can help it
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