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Posts posted by Fender

  1. Gah, sorry for my brief period of absence here. My phone and the internet have evidently been plotting against me as I've barely been able to access the forums at all today. But I think whatever the problem was, it's fixed now. I hope you're all still having fun, while I am fighting my mobile to fix stuff. :) I will do what I can when I can, though right now I might be confined to making really basic posts.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. but you are not gonna leave right? since I don't really mind your amount of posts, but I understand others do. if they have a problem keeping up they could maybe just skip the things you two post and only read what the others said (that's what I used to do when I couldn't keep up)


    and I also love reading your posts since I think it's absolutely adorable :3

    I dunno really, when I started this it was cause I was in a rush to get some RPing done, hence mine and Star's furious amount of posts per hour. :P


    I wouldn't shut down the RP though, just maybe have someone else moderate it. Like I've said, I'm confined to mobile, which the forums function at a subpar level on mobile, so, I was painfully unprepared to run an RP of this scale. You guys feel free to keep posting though and enjoy for the time being. :)

  3. @@Fender,


    "No, really? You did. Oh man. My mom always wanted me to go to flight camp. She would sign me up every year and I would get accepted but I would never show up. My dad would tell them to excuse me due to other activities and my mom would never be the wiser." She thought for a second.


    "You know, if I had gone, maybe I would have met you sooner." she said.


    He smiled at her story. "Maybe, but I guarantee I was far less interesting. Didn't even know I could sing back then. Maybe it's better that everything happened the way it did or we wouldn't be here right now." He stretched his legs, shifting the blanket a bit.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. @@Fender,


    "Oh, oh. Well thank you." She chuckled. "Don't let me keep you up too late, I probably won't be able to make it all night but this is my normal time to be up. I don't want you to fall asleep on your roof and accidentally fall off."


    "Tell me something about you. Anything, no favorites, but just anything." she said.


    The stallion somewhat relaxed again. He chuckled at some memories, "Well..." he thought some more. "...I got kicked out of Cloudsdale when I was young for sneaking into flight camp." He laughed. "I uhhh, I got away with it for a little while." The stallion just grinned. "Good times, that."

    • Brohoof 1
  5. @@Fender,


    "Indeed." She replied. As the song came to an end she sighed. "Even my iPon wants me to 'Say' what I need to say." She rolled her eyes at the darn device.


    "Soon." She let the music play and she unknowingly made herself a bit more comfortable and nuzzled onto Skyjumper's chest.


    The Stallion had no idea what exactly was happening and no idea how to handle it. His heart started pounding. He decided to take a chance, even though it made him beyond nervous, "I-I- I meant you. Your mane. Is lovely..." he trailed off again, not knowing how to continue.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. @@Fender,


    She sat there for a second, then she started to laugh. "I'm glad we are friends. I could do this every day if we had the chance. I like you Sky, you are special you know. Much more than you give yourself credit." She lost her sense of embarrassment and pretty much gave up trying to act normal. He knew who she was and he accepted her. She laid her head on his shoulder. Yeah, this... I like this. She thought. 


    "Here, take this." She handed him one of the ear buds of her headphones. "I grabbed my iPon on the way out when I shut off the stereo, music is always good, no matter where you are or what your doing." She flipped it on and put the other ear bud in her ear.




    Say - started to play.


    "Clever girl." he chuckled. The stallion hesitated, but then leaned his head against hers. He relaxed and enjoyed the music. He couldn't help but stare down at the top of her head since it was right there. There were almost black and blue hairs in his mouth and nose, but he was not deterred. The mare's naturally messy mane still seemed to glisten in the night. It was...things. Skyjumper couldn't quite pick a word. "Lovely." He mistakenly said out loud. He slapped a hoof to his mouth.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. @@Fender,


    She felt a bit more at ease. "Thank you. ... Now, look over here you can see the winged horse constellation. And just there, that is Orion. Then, Oh!, down over there it is the perfect time of year to see the Phoenix constellation." She was getting a bit more excited, she was not in her element. Unconsciously she kept getting closer and closer to him and eventually they were shoulder to shoulder. She didn't seem to notice at all, she was so busy explaining the stars and their stories. 


    "You know what my greatest wish is? I want to have my very own star. I want to be able to find just one star, one brand new star in the sky that no pony else has found, and that... that will be my star. And I will get to name it. That is my greatest wish." She took a deep breath and longingly let it out slowly. She began to shiver a bit, and she pulled the blanket just a little bit tighter around her.


    In no specific way, he adored her excitement. He noticed how close she was but this time he couldn't even react to it. Her enthusiasm made the whole thing seem more natural. Even though he didn't quite understand much of what he was being told, he paid attention for whatever good it did. When she discussed her wish, he laughed, "Y'know, I wish I understood all this like you did. Earlier you were so worried about being 'weird' but honestly, it's all a part of your charm." He smiled at her, "We're friends now, we can be weird together."

    • Brohoof 1
  8. @@Fender,


    She looked away a bit. "I don't want you to think less of me, or think that I'm weird. I'm just so used to just watching the town and spending time alone. I never really thought we would meet, let alone spend an entire day together. And I don't want to ruin this friendship. I ... I just.. can I tell you later?" She asked.


    The sun made it's final wave before the darkness took over.


    "We have stars to look at." She timed that right.


    He looked at the stars also. "Right you are." He smiled normally again. "I don't picture you doing much to ruin our friendship." He couldn't help continuing, he didn't want to leave her to her thoughts with no sense of closure. "You can tell me anything you want, whenever you want." He looked back at the mare, "And as for those thoughts of never meeting...aren't glad you can be wrong about the right things?" His tone was a tad cocky, but he meant no harm.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. @@Fender,


    "Uhm." She started thinking about everything. I can't tell him that I've had a crush on him. Seriously... that would just be like the school yard again. Just say you are clumsy and that your lack of interaction with other ponies has make you a bit rusty in conversation and such.


    "I tend to be just a bit clumsy and since I don't spend a lot of time around other ponies, I'm a bit rusty in conversation and such." She smiled nervously.


    Please don't see past my fib. she thought.  


    "What about you, what do you think has been going on today?" She asked, trying to take the spot light off of her.


    The stallion's confidence wavered a little. "We...well, we've had a few close encounters aaaand..." he trailed off, partly because he wasn't buying that smile of hers. "Is...has something been wrong?" He asked nervously. "I mean, I know we're new friends, but don't be afraid to tell me if something is wrong."

    • Brohoof 1
  10. @@Fender,


    "ooh, It's okay. Really.. It's... okay." She said. She noticed that he had folded his hooves and could tell he was a bit cold. She started to reach over him to grab the other corner of the blanket to cover him. As she was doing so she slipped a bit as the shingles on the roof moved a bit. She gently ended up falling a bit on top of him. "Oh, pardon me, I'm sorry." She was only inches from his muzzle as she turned to look at him. Her heart began to race, she was almost frozen and then she desperately grabbed the corner of the blanket and pulled it over his body.


    "I noticed you seemed a bit chilly. So... uhm.. yeah." She bit her bottom lip a bit.


    He stayed still like he was petrified until she did what she needed to do and settled. When it was quiet again, he tried to vanquish her redness, and his own, "It uhm...it's okay. Thank you for that." He smiled sheepishly. Another moment passed. "Uhm...so what...what has been happening with us all day?" He chuckled nervously, but there was a bit more conviction in his words, "Is there something you're not telling me that I should know?" The sheepish smile held strong.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. @@Fender,


    "This will do nicely." She made her way over to sit next to him. She gently pulled one corner and wrapped it around her shoulders. She was much more comfortable out in the open under the sky. As the sun inched its way down the horizon. She took a deep calming breath, Perfect, absolutely perfect. She thought. 


    "You know, this.... this is nice. This is truly nice. Thank you Sky, thank you for taking the time out of your day to check on me. If you hadn't, we wouldn't be here right now." She looked into his eyes, and she just got lost in them. Like she did while looking at the clouds. This has never happened before. I want to fight this feeling, but ... She looked back towards the sunset. "Just wait until it goes down, then the real magic will begin." She smiled and laid back, perching herself just so that she was in the perfect angle to see the colors of the sun begin to extend high into the sky.


    He laid back like Stardust had and smiled. The mixed shades of night violet and fading-sunlight orange were now filling the sky. "And thank you, for having me."

    He shifted to get more comfortable and accidentally bumped his hips into hers, causing him to blush out of embarrassment. "Woops! Sorry."

    • Brohoof 1
  12. @@Fender,


    She smiled as she listened to him. She was watching the clouds as they passed by.  The breeze started to pick up and it sent a shiver down her spine. "Maybe a blanket would be, that would be more than enough in return. It is going to be a bit colder once the sun goes down." Her eyes were still on the sky, she would get lost in the sky at times. 


    "My entire world is in that sky." She said, not particularity to anypony, but just stating it out loud. The sun was getting very low on the horizon.


    He less-than-graciously flew into the house in a single motion and grabbed a large blanket and splayed it out on the roof. He made sure to pat it down nicely every which way and make sure his weight didn't cause it to slide off of the roof. "There we are." He looked at her for a moment in her wonder and awe of the sky. In the fading light, her mane, tail, and eyes almost seemed to glisten. He stared for another moment, and then just sat down.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. @@Fender,


    She very much enjoyed the flight and she was able to watch Skyjumper in his element. So graceful and serene, she could see each muscle in his back flex as his wings carried his body. 


    When they landed on the roof she was awoken from her day dream and she took in the scenery and his home. "It is very beautiful here. Thank you for bringing me." She looked to the trees that he pointed out, he was right, they were just high enough and just bushy enough to be the perfect resting place to watch the sunset. 


    She noticed that he looked very thoughtful, and was curious. "What's on your mind?" 

    Her question caught him off guard. 'What was I thinking about?' He looked at the mare, 'Ohhhhhhh. Yeah. Yup. That's- she's what I was thinking about.' He was looking at her and not saying anything for perhaps a second too long than was socially acceptable. His facial expression was perhaps a bit too intent as well. He quickly snapped out of it when he realized. "Dahhhuhmmmm," he bit his lip, "how...nice you have been to me today." His brain was shouting at him to fly away from his awkward display, "I wish I could do more in return right now." He gulped.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. @@Fender,


    After wiping her muzzle she was ready to go! She giggled softly at his comment. "I'm glad you enjoyed the meal, it was nice to have company." She made her way to the stairs and on the way she made sure to turn off the stereo. She unlatched the door and opened it up, stepping out she waited for Skyjumper, she would lock the door once he was out and then she would be more than ready to go for a nice long fly. She had been so cooped up the past few weeks that she didn't get to feel the wind through her mane.


    He followed her out, watched her lock the door, and soon both of them took to the sky. The flight was relaxed, and quiet. And over a short enough time, they found themselves on the complete opposite side of town, and then out a little further, to a small house very familiar to Skyjumper. The house was neither in the town, nor was it not part of it. He had them land on the roof. It wasn't at too steep of an angle so it wasn't hard to stand on. "This...is my house." He smiled, "And the trees here," he pointed to the trees on both sides of the road that connected his house to Ponyville, "act almost like a perfect alleyway for the sunset." He grinned.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. @@Fender,


    Her heart raced for a moment as their bodies bumped into each other as he came to the sink. "Oh, okay, thank you. I ... uhm. I will get dessert ready then." She had a soft smile on her muzzle and almost a twinkle in her eye as the sunlight caught them just right.


    She made her way to her saddle bag where she had wrapped the fritters from earlier. She brought them back to the table and quickly grabbed two smaller plates. She plucked the ice cream from her freezer and two spoons, she used her spoon to dish up the ice cream on each plate she placed the fritters just so. 


    "Ready when you are Sky." She smiled at her creation on the plate.

    They promptly enjoyed their dessert, with Skyjumper keenly moving in to stop the dishes from continuing their dirty reign. "That was wonderful. I get the feeling I am gonna feel a bit heavier during our flight." He chuckled. "We can go when you're ready."

    • Brohoof 1
  16. @@Fender,


    "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Like I said earlier, this is one of my favorite meals. It takes some time, but very much worth it!" She dabbed her lips with a napkin before taking her last few bites. She stood to clear the table, she figured she should wash the dishes at this point since everything else had been cleared from the sink, she didn't want to start a new pile.


    "Soon as I finish with the dishes I will serve dessert, I hope you're not too full." She began putting hot water in the sink and added a bit of soap.


    He joined her at the sink, "I can do it for you, you have shared a meal with me, I might as well be helpful." He smiled, and took over dish duty. It didn't take him long to knock out the small amount of plateware and glasses. "Dessert sounds nice, by the way." He smiled.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. @@Stardust*,


    yea, that makes sence :) I was indeed thinking of the trouble it would give with interacting with others since most of us are still in the early morning :adorkable:  but I guess you and fender don't want to get interupted now, right  :smug:

    @@Summer Breeze,


    Lol, we can always do a jump back in time or time skip as well. I figured anyone would be able to do that. Like for instance since Sleepy Hallow fell asleep, Raze and her pretty much did a time skip to the point of where she woke up.


    (pokes head in) is there still room for a curious batpony?

    Unfortunately there are no more open spots :c


    And as for time skips, whenever the RP transitions between days, I will say so here in the OOC. It will usually be when the large majority of the RPers have finished their "day."

    • Brohoof 1
  18. @@Fender,


    "Great, I'm excited.... wait... it's not your cloud is it?" She teased. As they were talking, another song started to play softly in the background.




    The two nearly got lost in conversation, laughing and poking fun at each other. Everything seemed to be going very well. Stardust was continuing to cook but she couldn't help but continue to smile as she and Sky talked. As time passed it seemed like only moments went by and she was finished with the cooking. She reached for the plates and dished them up. She placed them on the table and when she went back to grab the forks she fluttered just high enough to reach out the kitchen window where she had a flower box and picked a red daisy and placed it in her single flower vase and placed it on the table. 


    "Bon appetit!" she exclaimed and she sat down more than ready to dig in.


    The food was served and the conversation seemed to disappear for a moment, as the two ponies were hungrier than they thought. Skyjumper was amazed by the quality meal, though he thought maybe he shouldn't be, Stardust seemed to be adept at cooking, as it were. He finished his meal in short time, using as much tact as he could. "That was wonderful!"

    • Brohoof 1
  19. @@Stardust*,@@Fender,


    aaaahw, I love stardust and sky so much together :rarity: so much fun to read your posts   :D


    the only thing that confuses me is how the time could go so fast in your timeline. I mean, from stardust*'s post I can make up it's already (late) afternoon while they haven't done so much since sun raised (first post of the RP) 

    but I guess it's because time flies when you have fun  ^_^

    Something like that I guess. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  20. @@Fender,


    "Don't worry about it." She said, "Just didn't want there to be another awkward silence." She looked out the window, the sun was nearly on it's way down. She still had a bit of cooking to do, but it wouldn't be dark by the time they were finished with dinner. She wondered what they could do after they ate.


    "I know, how about after dinner we go flying, and we can find a place to watch the sun set and star gaze." She suggested.


    He grinned at her. "I don't mind a good awkward silence if I am with the right pony." He inhaled, "Aaand...I think I might know a great place for a sunset." He raised an eyebrow at her and stretched his wings a bit. The smell of the cooking was starting to fill the room. "That smells quite good."

    • Brohoof 1
  21. @@Fender,


    She was relieved when Sky went back to sit at the table, she could breathe a bit easier.


    She chuckled. "You caught me! This is all an illusion, bet you didn't guess I was also a magician!" She added the mushrooms to the onions and stirred them around a bit, turning down the heat and adding more stock to the rice.


    She also went back to the table and picked up her tea taking a few small sips. "So back to those silly questions, I have more! What is your favorite spot in Ponyville, aside from your cloud that you attack each morning." She smiled. "Oh and what is your all time favorite food?"

    He chuckled. The bombardment of questions caused him to pause for a moment. "I'm telling you I'm very bad at favorites." He smiled at her, and sipped his tea once more. The stallion fluttered his wings a little. "Sorry, I'm not the best at sitting still." He chuckled once more.

    • Brohoof 1
  22. @@Fender,


    "Wait... did I really say that out loud!? Oh goodness. It's not like I went there and stood creepily outside the cottage just waiting. I did go in and order something." She chuckled nervously. Noticing that he was not standing next to her she felt butterflies in her stomach again. Why is this happening? What is my problem? He is just a stallion, in my home, helping me cook and clean, and he is staying for dinner, and I am going to show him the stars. What is the problem? Why do I feel like I'm about to throw up?! Why do I have the urge to throw my hooves around him?! I just met him!! This has never happened before! Keep your cool Stardust, just breathe and you can get through this night without too much more embarrassment. Just get to know him, and you will have an actual friend. So many thoughts were running through her mind.


    "And don't forget, I'm usually sleeping during the day. With the large project that the University needs me to get done I have been very dedicated and focused to make sure that it gets done. So I've been very strict with my sleep schedule, except for today that is." She was anxious with him being so close to her. She could smell his cologne, and as she tried not to make it obvious that she very much enjoyed the scent.


    He chuckled and returned to his less inquisitive demeanor. "Well fair enough, I suppose." He sat down at the table once more, "I'm excited to see how this meal turns out. I can cook a little, but what you're making seems gourmet for Ponyville." He smiled, "You sure you don't have several other cutie marks under that one?"

    • Brohoof 1
  23. @@Fender,


    "Mmmhhmm." She said as she took a sip of her tea. "When I heard you singing at the Cake's I couldn't get your voice out of my head for days." She took another sip then got up again to check on the food. She started to slice the mushrooms. "To be honest, I would go to Sugar Cube Corner about every other night just in case you might be back in there singing to the twins." She felt a bit more comfortable to talk with him.


    He felt like he should almost be disturbed, but flattery took over. "Well, thankfully, the Cakes don't need my kind of help that often." He smiled to himself, "Every other night, though?" He sipped his tea, then proceeded to get up and stand next to the mare. A sly smile now rest on his face, and he had an eyebrow raised. "You know, if you really wanted to hear it, you very well could've come to the main street during the day at some point." He chuckled.

    • Brohoof 1
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