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Posts posted by FancyPhoenix

  1. Hey, good to see you again Jamza! 


    You're right!  :wacko: Well, I can hardly start off the tournament by breaking one of my own rules, so...last minute change! Photo Finish has now jumped in for Opal. (Too bad...Rarity's cat could be a much more dangerous competitor if threatened!)

    Heh  :P I agree, Opal could... deal some real damage  :please:  Would that mean instant win though? I don't think anyone's beaten Opal like ever in the show. If you don't count Tank ofc.  B)

    • Brohoof 2
  2. My girlfriend lives in another country, so I fly quite often as that is definitely the most efficient way to get from place to place. I don't think there's anything bad about flying, in fact I love it. The feeling of taking off is amazing, especially if you get a window seat and can watch the ground getting further and further away. It's amazing.  :D

    People always ask me "But aren't you afraid the plane will crash?" but the fact is, the chances of a plane crashing are so minimal, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's more likely for me to die crossing the street than by flying.  :lol:

    In short, as one of my favourite wizards says: FLY YOU FOOLS!  :yay:

  3. My family grows  :wub:

    At least for a moment that is...


    I've had my little girl, Princess Lulu (Yeah, guess where that name came from  :P ) for about two years now.



    Last year while I was in the army, she was taken care of by my parents, who decided to take another cat to be of some company for her. And what a company he was (If you know what I mean...  :tAjTk7v:) When I returned from active service in September and took her back home, nothing seemed different at first. Then I noticed a slight difference in her gait. She was sorta... wobbling a bit. In October it became clear that something was indeed different when she started getting bigger in the middle. And as you probably guessed, in November I had a nice little bundle of fur to come home to  :pinkie:






    They're eight weeks old now, and quite the rowdy trio... Enough so that I relocated to the couch for the nights to avoid being woken up by their nightly combat training and whatnot  :lol:


    Sadly, I don't have the resources to take care of four full grown cats, so I'll have to give them away in four weeks  :(

    Luckily my parents decided to take the only boy of the trio to be of some company to his now-alone father back at their place, so I'll get to see him from time to time  :yay:

  4. Well I guess I could once again participate  :)  I just hope I haven't missed any of the giveaways because of the army... But sign me up and if I win I'll hang it over my bunk  :lol:

  5. You have a painting already, and one with a fine frame at that. :P

    Haha  ^_^  I know, I know  -_- And besides, mine is the best of them all if you ask me  :D

    But you can NEVER have too many, eh?  ;)

  6. Dangit! I overslept...  :(  One of the reasons I hate living in Finland... All the fun stuff happens in you 'Muricans' time zone  :okiedokielokie:

    Well... I guess my being there wouldn't have changed much of anything.

    So congratulations to all of you who won something!!!  B)  Especially that Pinkie Pie painting's winner!  :lol: (I am so jelly to you right now...)

    Merry Christmas, people!  :wub:

  7. I'm also pretty close to the finish, chapter fourty-three. I think.. I started reading approximately five weeks ago :P


    I have to say, at the beginning, I felt a bit cheated... Yes, the story was pretty nice and interesting, but the basic quality of the writing wasn't really that good... :/ There were many basic mistakes that shouldn't be in a story, for example Kkat broke the Chekhov's gun -rule in about every other paragraph, and the parenthesis-usage -mistakes are still driving me crazy xD I actually thought several times about stopping, but then I decided "NO. I will read this now that I've started." And so, I almost have :3 And I'm not as thoroughly disappointed as I thought I'd be. AND it got me into playing Fallout myself ^^


    It's a great story with a good plot, but I honestly think people give it way too much credit...

  8. Not getting into any wars here, but just to state my personal opinion, I do agree with Tech Pony. The officers made the right choice by restraining the guy. Sure they could have used some less aggressive methods than a taser, but they couldn't have let that guy into the house where he would've been killed with almost 100% certainty. A fire without any protective gear is a deathtrap. 


    I feel for the child's family, and I think it's horrible that something like this happened, but if they hadn't stopped that guy, there would be two bodies to mourn right now. 



    What if the cop was in the tased-man's position? Would he just sit there and let his kid burn alive? Yes, they were most likely abiding by the law. But is the law always correct? No. What's right is whats right. Either they should have sent some firemen into the house to save the son, or they should have let the guy go, and get his kid. I mean, how would you feel if you were on the ground just after being tased, knowing your son was burning alive? 


    It's your duty to protect your child as a parent. Seriously, this makes me mad. Imagine not being able to save your own kid because you're too busy getting fucking tased. 

    I'm sorry, but did you even read the article? They clearly said "After he was pulled back, a firefighter tried to enter the home but was forced back by the heat, the AP reports." 


    Even the firefighter WITH FULL PROTECTIVE GEAR was forced to retreat from the house. How in the name of Celestia do you people think the man without any gear could have survived??

  9. A fellow TaviScratch fan, eh?  ;)

    Well here are a few of my favourite stories of my favourite pairing  :D

    This is the best of the best. It's often referred to as the best TaviScratch fic there is, and I have to say I agree. It's about Octavia and Vinyl's life in the Canterlot University. How they meet, start to hate each other, start to hang out together, start to grow fond of each other... You know the deal  :wub:

    After getting short of money and kicked out of her apartment Vinyl gets a job offer from a friend of her mother's, Vito Philharmonica. She's offered a music teacher's position in Celestia's Royal Academy. She also gets to live in the Philharmonica manor with Vito and his daughter Octavia, who just so happens to be one of Vinyl's students. 

    After Octavia has a serious accident and is left comatose, her ex-marefriend Vinyl needs to put her life and career in perspective. She needs to figure out which means to her more, her friend or job. 

    A very dark story about Octavia's childhood and growing up with her abusive parents, how she was destined, by the will of her father and mother, to continue the family's long legacy of famous musicians. Read this only if you're not afraid of REALLY dark and sad stories.

    After the Grand Galloping Gala and the so called "Pony Pokey" incident, Octavia finds it very hard to find a job. Desperate, and under threat to get evicted from her apartment she takes a job at the new nightclub, owned by the famous DJ-Pon3, Vinyl Scratch. Of-course, Octavia has never stepped a hoof in one of these establishments, but how hard could it be, really?


    Octavia is a high-class pony. Fine alcohol is her wont and uncouthness her intense chagrin. Such is her surprise to find herself lumbered with an insufferable oaf of a DJ pony. However, sometimes these situations work themselves into a satisfactory ultimatum all the same.


    Now this one I haven't read myself yet, but I have been told it's really good. And the stats speak for themselves: 845 upvotes, 26 downvotes and 1022 favourites. That's a lot  :blink:


    These should give you something to do for a while. Have fun!  :lol:

  10. This painting should be done here soon, and that leaves me with 5 more to do for the giveaway. I also need to pick up the other prizes, including blind bags, and maybe, if things work out, t-shirts.


    Wait wait wait wait... Did I read that right?  :blink:


    When you mentioned there was going to be more than one prize, I was thinking maybe two or three at the most... But... Is that a "5" I see there? So if my math doesn't fail (and it hardly ever does) that comes to a total of SIX paintings  :o


    And if that wasn't enough, you're still going to put up more prizes??? And that's not gonna be just blind-bags but t-shirts as well?


    Dude... Wow  :wacko:


    I swear... Some day. Somehow. I'm going to come see you. I'm going to come to your door, knock, and when you open, I'm going to give you the biggest friggin' hug you've ever had... It might take years, yes. But I will. Just you wait.  :fiery:

  11. Entries:

    Jamza - I know you will be here...



    Haha  :lol:  You know me, my friend. I'm always here  :comeatus:

    I absolutely ADORE this way of drawing ponies. I love it!  :wub:  We're Going For a Ride ('cause I'm assuming the idea stems from that one, correct me if I'm wrong though) is, in my opinion, the best MLP-related video in a long while. That would make an awesome addition on my wall, right next to Fluffles  ;)


    So without any further ado, here's my official entry into the giveaway. Looking forward to seeing the other prizes too!

  12. Are we talking just about movies, or can we include games too?  :huh:


    'Cause if we can, I'd mention at least Portal 2, which I found significantly better than it's predecessor. The same goes for Half-Life 2. Oh, and we can't forget Assassin's Creed 2 from this list  :derp: Still the best game of the series in my opinion. The first one...  :eww:


    As for movies...  Well I really liked Spider Man 2 compared to the first one, maybe it's just because I like Doctor Octopus as a villain more than the Green Goblin. Another one I could mention would be both the second and third parts of the LoTR-trilogy. I liked them much more than Fellowship of The Ring.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. I agree. Queen Chrysalis is one of the great villians out there. We should see more of her later on if possible. Also, the reason why I said that sort of stuff earlier on because she ain't my type and I don't wanna be anywhere near her. 

    Heheh tongue.png  To be completely honest, I didn't mean it as harsh as I now see it looks... Just thought I'd say something funny after I saw your comment. I'm not the kinda person to start wars over these things. Suffice to say that I like her a lot mellow.png

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Changelings are malicious creatures that devour love on living beings. The queen of the Changelings is none other than Queen Chrysalis herself. She's one ugly insect...pony...thing.


    How dare you offend the elegant and beautiful Queen Chrysalis with your garbage! Just look at that style and pizzazz! ohmy.png 









    (But yeah, changelings are awesome villains in season 2. Just you wait smile.png Also, sorry for the humongous pictures. Didn't bother to rescale them...)

    • Brohoof 1
  15. Well I might as well post my stuff too smile.png


    Here's my "pony-shelf". It currently contains RD, Dr. Whooves and Derpy Funko figurines, Princess Twilight and Pinkie Pie collectible figurine-cards from the books by G.M. Berrow, Princess Luna customized toy,  22 blindbag figurines and the season 2 poster from WeLoveFine.


    Here's the shelf above the last one, it has all my manga-stuff, but also the books "Twilight Sparkle and The Crystal Heart Spell" and "Pinkie Pie and The Rockin' Ponypalooza Party" by G.M. Berrow, The Elements of Harmony -book and two bookmarks (I really like how it looks like Chrysalis is chasing Luna XP)


    Here's my Sweetie Belle -messenger bag from WLF and pins I've bought from conventions. There's a few more pins under the flap tongue.png


    My pony t-shirts. The "20% cooler" -one is from WLF, the others are from Redbubble




    Here's a few prints I've bought from conventions and my pride and joy: The Fluffle Puff -painting I won at Detective Butler's giveaway a while back.






    My Equestria Girls DVD. It's perfect in every other way, except that I can't watch it on my DVD player because of some "country pin-code" thing or whatever it was -.-'


    Here's a couple keychain-badge-thingies a friend of mine made.


    Another friend makes "sausagepones" XP They're cute!


    A few canvas-badge-sewable-thingies I still need to sew on something. tongue.png + Fluttershy-badge from WLF.


    And last, but definitely not least, a thing my friend drew in July. We wore these at a convention. I had this and she had Fluttershy.




  16. So yeah. I've been planning to make a fanfic about this character of mine for a while now, but I need some more... I dunno... Stuff to think about before I actually write anything img-1997375-1-tongue.png


    So I thought I'd throw a request out there for any aspiring artists who'd like to practice their skills, or just anyone who'd be awesome and draw her img-1997375-2-smile.png


    So this is her. Her name is Inh (Funny story about the name. It began as a placeholder that stood for "Insert Name Here" but it just slowly stuck, so Inh it is img-1997375-3-laugh.png) She's half-changeling-half-unicorn (I know, not at all cliche, right img-1997375-4-derpy_emoticon2.png) (Oh, and she also doesn't have a horn) and she's running away from home (The changeling-hive) 'cause.. things. She's a really sad, quiet sort and doesn't smile much, unless there's a really good reason. (I know, she's a bit Mary-Sue...)

    But yeah, here's a picture I made a long time ago.

    This one was drawn by me on paper. It's got the placeholder name for the fanfic too. img-1997375-5-blink.png

    This one was made by Arcus Wind based on the previous pic, it's the one I used to make the cover art that I'll probably end up using with the fic. Though I do imagine her mane a bit longer and sleeker. The colors here are somewhat correct, though I'm not 100% sure about them anymore img-1997375-6-KUbAnTY.png So feel free to change them a tad if you want to.


    Anyway, thanks for anyone who draws her ^^

  17. lulz...I can see that going over just fine!


    But being serious for a minute....will they actually want details on exactly why you want to take leave?  Isn't it enough to just say "I want to go to Helsinki that weekend to spend some time with my friends" or something?  Sure, provide info on where you'll be staying, how you plan to safely get there and back, but it seems odd to me that your sergeant would care exactly what you plan to do with your friends during that time.


    Well... Heh :P To be honest, I don't think they'll actually want to know what I'm gonna do with my spare time, but you never know, right ;) A friend of mine said that he got a weekend off to go to a LARP-thing by saying he's attending a... what was it... a "youth culture event" XD I might try that.

    • Brohoof 2
  18. Oh godz how I wish I could go sad.png

    But unfortunately my service in the Finnish defence forces lasts until September and I doubt I'll be getting enough time off for a trip to USA to be worth it... Not gonna spend over 1500€ to spend just one weekend there.. KUbAnTY.png

    I'm already planning to attend Crystal Fair in Helsinki on July 4th-6th. That's gonna be enough trouble explaining to the higher-ups. I can see it now...


    "Sergeant 'X' sir. Permission to speak? Thank you. Could I get a vacation for this weekend? 'Why'? You see I'm planning to attend this convention about My Little Pony. Yes, My Little Pony, the cartoon about magical colourful ponies. I'm a brony you see. 'What's that'? Oh a brony is an adult fan of the series, we're mostly males between 16-30 years old. No, I'm not joking..."


    So yeah.. I highly doubt I'll attend, but I'll be there in the spirit with you smile.png

    • Brohoof 1
  19. Ohgodyessshh! biggrin.png

    Been waiting for this! Can't wait to see your painting in action. Need to start looking for canvases and whatnot happy.png though i'm a bit doubtful I'll find anything in this backwater place KUbAnTY.png In any case, I'll try an join the livestream whatever the case is. Are you planning on a weekend stream or will it be on a weekday?

  20. Hahaha laugh.png

    I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but that was just.. Wow happy.png

    Anyways... The seriousness of the situation really depends on which you think is worse: People thinking you watch porn on your phone, or people knowing you watch MLP. I read your previous topic about whether or not you should wear pony-related things to school and I got the image that you'd rather not have people find out about it. (?) If that's the case, I think it was really cool of your friend to cover up for you smile.png

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