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Posts posted by FancyPhoenix

  1. Hello everypony! img-1275246-1-cool.png
    Once again my artistic side decided to surprise me and this time it produced something I've never done before. A drawing that is not a copy of something else, but completely my own, not inspired by anything but my own crazy mind img-1275246-2-blink.png

    (The size of this, when clicked, might be humongous. Sorry'bout that...)

    While drawing, I usually let my mind wander, and while drawing this little OC, I started to think, "What's her story? Where did she come from and why?" Then I started throwing ideas about who she is and stuff like that... And I came up with an entire backstory and even better, I came up with a sequel to the backstory img-1275246-3-laugh.png

    That means that sometime in the near future (or far, depending on when I get some progress on my two other fanfic works-in-progress) I will start writing a fanfic about her. (The name of the fic is on the drawing) There's only one problem... She doesn't have a name. I have an idea for the color scheme and the cutie-mark, but I need ideas for a name. And that's where you come in, my dear brony-friends. img-1275246-4-wink.png Please, please, PLEASE come up with ideas for a name for this cute little filly? img-1275246-5-sad.png Of course, to get ideas for her name, you'll need some info about her history, so here goes... (Might also be the description for the upcoming fic unless I change my mind about some things)

    [insert name here] is the daughter of a changeling and a unicorn. She was raised by her mother in the changeling hive. She has always been a little different from other changelings, and not just by her looks, the biggest difference being the fact that she's not connected to the hive-mind like all the others because of her pony-heritage. Being bullied by the other changeling-foals for being different, she has developed a strong sense of righteousness. After her mother is murdered she flees the hive fearing for her own life. Finding herself in a strange new world, she makes her way to the only pony-town she's ever heard of: Ponyville. Her mother often told her about this place and its inhabitants. She has a plan to find a safe haven at the home of one particular pony, a pony she has never met, but about whom she had heard so much from her mother. Her aunt...

    I don't know if this particular type of fiction has been written before, but if it has, could you please point me towards it so I can read it and make changes accordingly (I don't plagiarize) img-1275246-6-tongue.png Also, if you figured out some stuff that will be important in the story from that description (which you probably did) please don't post any spoilers in the comments, but PM me instead if you have any questions.

    As always, I'd appreciate any and all opinions, hints, advice, etc. on the drawing. (Also, should I keep that hole on her ear? I thought it looked cool, but I'm not sure if changelings can have holes in their ears too img-1275246-7-laugh.png )

    PS. I put this in the "Fan art" -section, because that's what it is, in the end. If any moderators feel this should be in any other section, please feel free to move it. img-1275246-8-mellow.png


    Decided to take a few more pics just for the fun of it. I really liked the pink-ish hue my Pinkie Pie desktop background gave, so I decided to post it here img-1275246-9-sleep.png (Not gonna keep it that way, I'll color it sometime this weekend or next week)





    Also drew a side profile for her today mellow.png  I thought long and hard on whether to add holes to her hooves, but decided to go without because it looked weird laugh.png  Anyway, here it is:



    (No, I didn't draw the cutie mark yet. I might reveal it at some point)

  2. Yes! I have once again been creative! I have drawn absolutely nothing after my last CMC drawing, and tonight I felt like making something cute.  ^_^


    So here we have filly Vinyl Scratch in all her adorableness!



    What do you think? I need some honest opinions, hints, advice, critique anything that can make me improve. Thanks in advance!  ;)


    Also a big thanks goes to my good friend KittyCaty1 for giving me some invaluable advice through the drawing process  B)

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Well, I don't know how long reads you're looking for, but David Eddings' Belgariad and Malloreon sagas are definitely ones to read if you're looking for epicness and a long read  :P  Both sagas have five books that are about 500 pages each and there are two more preguel-like books that are a bit longer, about 800 pages each I think.


    I would also recommend Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle. Amazing story too. One of my absolute favourites. If you haven't read it yet, it's another must-read.  ;) It has four books in total, all are quite long, but the flow of the story is so intense, I finished the first one (656 pages) in two days.


    Also one of my favourite authors is Rick Riordan with his Percy Jackson -series. If you're interested in ancient Greek mythology, that's a nice series that brings together the mythology and modern world. It has five books I think, and there's a sequel series currently being written.


    Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments is also a great read. As is Angie Sage's Septimus Heap -series, the latter might be a bit more appealing for younger audiences, but I enjoyed it tremendously. But hey, we're not exactly the intended target audience for MLP either, yet here we stand  :lol:


    What else... Oh, right. Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl is a fantastic series too. Can't believe I almost forgot about that  :o


    Hope there's at least one her that you find appealing  ;)

  4. I liked Chrysalis the moment I first saw her in the season 2 finale. To me she is not just a villain. She is THE BEST villain. Had she been in the recent "Most Attractive Pony" -tournament (I know, she's not exactly a "pony", but still) I'm sure she would've made it far  -_-

    I find her very attractive in her own way. I tried to find a thread like this, but couldn't for some reason, so here's a thread for all Chrysalis-fans to spread their love (and pictures ofc.) for the cutest, most awesome villain who ever set hoof on the show  ;)

    I've noticed that many people dislike her, but I really can't understand why. Here are some pictures I find so totally and completely adorable, they just need to be shared  :wub:




    Filly Chryssie! D'awwww!





    Omnomnom :3








    Happy Hearts and Hooves day! (a bit late, yeah, I know)





    I'd give you a hug  :wub:


    Isn't she just the best?? Go on and feed her that love! Tell your thoughts about her and share some cute pics  ;)

    • Brohoof 3
  5. I'm not native (Finnish), I've studied English in school for 9 years and I've spent one month in USA few years ago. The test says I  have a vocabulary size of about 16 600 words :3 I'm pretty happy with the result. What do you people think? Is that a lot?  :blink: I really don't know...

  6. From the future, eh? :P That would be cool, wouldn't it?

    But what I meant about the 2014 was that the Crystal Fair convention will be in 2014 (see that small "upcoming" word there?)

    Thanks for the ideas anyway, mates. :) There really aren't any stores where I live that sell pony-merch, so that's unfortunately off the list... But all the other stuff sounds good :D I think we can make it happen. Now that I think about it, calling it a meetup isn't really right, since there's so few of us. More like just a get-together with friends :)

    Oh, and as a side note, that other guy I mentioned did turn out to be a brony :3 So now there's a total of six bronies in just my class. That's a lot concidering that my school is very small and there's only 24 people in my class... Holdon just a moment... That's friggin 25%! Wow... :P


    EDIT: Cupcake-rank achieved with this post! Booyah!! :D


    EDIT #2: Oh, and in case you want to know more about the convention, visit here http://www.crystalfair.fi/ the convention is still so far away, there's really nothing big decided yet, apart from the venue, but more stuff will be added as the planning continues. I'm hoping to see as many people there as possible :) I'm totally going if I just manage to get the weekend free from the army (damn you mandatory military service...)

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I recently found out that I am not in fact the only brony in my very small school.

    I happened to be around when four girls in my class were discussing conventions and one of them mentioned the upcoming Crystal Fair brony-convention held in Finland in the summer of 2014. I had suspected them being bronies for a while already, and I had been thinking how to ask them about it. Seeing my chance, I threw in a comment: "Oh, yeah. I'm totally going there" Result: They all look at me totally flabbergasted for a moment and then one of them asks me: "Do you watch ponies?" To which I answer: "Yeah, I do actually" Their faces literally lit up and they were like "YES! We're not the only ones!" After this we chatted random stuff for a while, after which I say, completely as a joke btw: "There's so many of us, we should totally have a meetup or something" Like I said, it was a joke, because there's only five of us, but they get all excited and ask me when and where.


    So, now I need some fun things to do at a brony-meetup with four girls (and one other guy possibly, found out he might be a brony too). Any ideas? Of course we're probably going to watch some MLP, but anything else? I've never actually been at any meetups, so I really have no idea what people usually do in those.

  8. I'd definitely choose MLP. I'd say that if she really loved me, she'd accept my hobbies and interests no matter what they were. If she really gave me an ultimatum like that, I'd know our thing wouldn't work. I want a girlfriend who accepts me as I am, not someone who frets over my likes that badly.

    • Brohoof 32
  9. Aw, thank you so much Shaky and Beatrix :3 I promise I will definitely color this at some point just as soon as I get some good pencils and a bit of practice. I don't want to ruin this by making it the first picture I ever color, because frankly, this is the best I've ever done. I might start with coloring some of my older drawings, or I'll just draw something new, but this one I want to make perfect.

  10. Okay, so I know I said I wouldn't color the eyes until I managed to get some proper coloring pencils, but I was extremely bored today so I did it anyway  :P

    Here's the thing with the colored pupils.



    Thanks for the comments Creeping and Strawberry  B)  I appreciate all the advice I can get. Hopefully I'll get to try making the poses myself soon.

  11. Thanks to both of you Chaotics  :P  A brohoof back at you Fluttershy *(\

    Hmm... That mane... Yeah, you're right.. I think I drew it there at some point, but without the colors it made Blooms look a bit plump  :lol:  Even now I think it looks a bit like she's shrugging.  :blink:

  12. Thanks for the comment Concord :)


    Yes, this is hand drawn. I have just a normal sketch pad of white paper, my trusted pencil and my crappy eraser  ^_^

    As for the reference... No. I didn't put the paper on the computer screen and draw "through" it (like I'm assuming you meant). I did have a reference picture in front of me almost the entire time though. I'm trying to learn to draw without the references, but I really suck at poses. My process of drawing is usually as follows:

    1. Find a picture I like

    2. See it through and try to memorize the basic poses and stuff

    3. Close the picture

    4. Draw what I remember

    5. Open the reference picture again and finish up what I missed/screwed up

    6. Draw the faces (I really suck at faces if I don't have the picture in front of me at all times)


    So... yeah.. Even though I don't just copy the original picture (anymore), I still have it in front of me almost through the entire drawing process... Ask me to draw something original and I'll probably never succeed  :blush:

  13. Made some changes to the previous one.  ;) Changed Scoots' eyes a bit, Made the lines on Swetie's horn, changed AB's left leg a little, small stuff like that...


    Here's the updated version


  14. Well... My sleep rhythm has been pretty much screwed ever since I first discovered fimfiction.net  :lol:

    I usually stay up VERY late reading fanfics. What can I say? I like reading  -_-  I currently have 47 stories on my read later -list and 23 unread chapters on my favourites -list. (Although most of those are from "Background pony". Over 400 000 words... seriously  :o )

    That being said, I usually read until 2 AM or so. On some nights I can read until 3 or 4 AM. I have very little school at the moment so it's okay. On the weekends though... I might go to sleep around 5 AM or later... Then I wake up at 2 or 3 PM  :mellow:

  15. Oh darn  :o  Totally forgot to do the stripes on the horn... I was thinking about doing that at one point, but I guess it slipped my mind  :blink:

    About the additional curl on Sweetie... I dunno... Doesn't she only have two?

    I agree on AB's left leg. Should be a bit thinner.

    Thanks for the comment!  :wub:  I think I'll fix these if I ever get to coloring it. 

  16. Okay, so I thought I'd share this one with you guys. Once again I caught myself drawing, and to be completely honest, I think this is my best one yet. I did a little blunder on Scootaloo's hair at first, and due to a lack of a good eraser, the fixes left the right eye - hairline area a bit smudgy. But I'm still happy with it :mellow:


    I will most likely put some colors on this just as soon as I can afford to get any sort of coloring pencils... I have absolutely nothing to color with at the moment :(



    Can you tell me your thoughts, opinions, hints on how to improve, etc. etc. Anything at all and I'll be glad B)


    EDIT: Oh, and yes, the centers of the eyes are supposed to be black, I just didn't want to do it with a pencil...


    You can check out my other drawings on these topics:



    • Brohoof 8
  17. Hm. I'm sure I've had several injuries during my life, but I'll just tell about the ones I still have scars left/ones I can remember.


    The earliest one I recall is riding my tricycle straight to my dad's car when I was three or four. Now this would've been nothing if I hadn't happened to be holding a meter-long stick in my hand, right before my face. Anyhow, the stick was the first thing to hit the car, and of course the other end happened to be right in front of my eye. It was only due to sheer luck, that the stick missed my eye by less than one cm. I still have a scar right next to my right eye and my sight is a bit worse on that side too.


    The next one would be a few years after that. I was ice-skating, and I had one of those... Whaddayacall'em... Kick sled's? Anyway I had one of those with me for whatever reason. And of course, as luck would have it, I fell over and slammed my face right into that steel-skid-thingies (dunno what they're called) Result: Once again my right eye was spared by pure luck, as the skid hit me right above the eye, splitting the skin above my eyebrow all the way to the skull. Five stiches and a mild concussion.


    The last one is something that happened not too long ago. July 17th 2012 if I remember correctly. I had a summer job at a local factory. Packing roofbuilding-supplies and other roof-related stuff so they could be shipped all over the world. Anyhow, there was this conveyor-belt-thingy, that brought the items from the machine that wrapped them in plastic, to be put into the boxes. I was working next to the conveyor-belt, waiting for the next item. I apparently had my hand somehow funnily on top of/next to the conveyor belt, and as it started moving, my glove was caught under it. Now, the glove would've been nothing, if it hadn't been tight enough to pull my hand with it under the belt. Suddenly I feel a crushing sensation on my fingers and notice where my hand is. I shouted for my boss to stop the machine, which he did as quickly as possible, but the damage had already been done. My right-hand index finger, middle finger and ring finger were totally crushed, two major lacerations on the index finger, around 1,5 cm cut off from the middle finger, and the nail ripped off + one smaller cut on the ring finger. I don't know why, but my genious dad decided it'd be fun to take a picture of the hand when we were at the hospital... I'm going to add a link here just for the sake of the picture existing (and for the sake of being different from everyone else :P). Meaning, there's no reason for this picture, but the fact that I happened to find it just today :D





    Another note: I'm not sure, if a picture like this goes under the category of NSFW, thus breaking the rules of MLPforums. I myself would not put it under that label, since it doesn't contain any sort of pornographic material. If it does indeed break the rules in some way, feel free to delete this post, and please accept my deepest apologies.


    Wow. O.o talk about a wall of text.. Well... I guess I just like talking about this stuff :D

  18. I'm 18 so most of these were around when I was a kid.


    1. Yes, I know how to use a rotary phone and I have dialed one numerous times in the past. We used to have one when I was younger. Maybe like 13-14 years ago :D (Gosh it's been long...)


    2. Yeah. Although I didn't really use internet a lot even when we first got access. Only after it became "free" (not paid by the minute) did I start using internet because then it didn't matter how long I spent there as it would always cost the same amount every month. I remember that dial-up sound and I still hate it this day :D (That's if I happen to hear it at some random place, because nobody really has dial-ups anymore, right? Right??)


    3. Ugh... I blame my lack of following the news, but the first one I can remember is 9/11. I can't remember where I was when I heard about it though. I just remember later talking about it at school or my parents talking about it at home.


    4. Dials? *Googles* Oh right! Those :D I can vaguely remember my grandmother, who was living in the same house with us, having one, but I can't remember my parents ever having one like that. I have seen many of those later on, though.


    5. Ahem... Well... No, I can't, because I practically never read history books :D I didn't even know some of those things were in the history books already  :blink: I know Bill Clinton and reunification of Germany are in there, and about those, I have no opinion.. They seem like any other part of history to me. 


    6. Nope. Everyone in my family has a cellphone. My mom sucks with her iPhone, but she's a klutz with technology anyway  :lol:


    7. Oh I sure do remember those. We've just never had a computer that reads those. I'm more familiar with the 3.5 inch disks. Most of the games I had on the computer when I was a kid were installed from those. I remember the biggest games taking like dozens of disks  :P


    8. Uhh... The yellow pages eh.. Can't remember for certain, but it's got to be no more than a few years back... Nowadays, not ever, but a few years back, several times a week.


    9. Hmh... This is a hard one... I remember really liking this one called "Sport Billy" but I don't think I ever really "fell in love" with it. I'd have to say the first one I actually fell in love with was "Pokemon" I still love it to this day  :wub:


    10.Umm... Not really. I used to watch a lot of kids' shows from the 80s with my siblings when I was a kid, so I learned to like them just as much as the ones in the 90s. Sometimes the 80s shows were even much better in my opinion :D

  19. Hm... I wonder... I'm gonna convert this to the scale of my room because I live in a very big house and I hardly ever spend any actual time outside my own room -_-

    First of all you'd see a very messy small room, with LOTS of stuff on the floor. Barely able to walk on it. I guess what you'd hear depends on the time you're in the room. If I'm alone in the house, you'll probably hear me singing along to pony music, usually very VERY loud, (just realized that's actually the only music i listen to nowadays -.-) or you'd hear me cursing and sighing while attempting to find inspiration for my fanfics. If there were others in the house you'd probably hear lots of shouting in Finnish, most of it directed towards me, trying to get me clean up the place. I'd be quite all right if you just stayed on the wall BUT DARE YOU MAKE ONE FLAP OF THOSE BUZZING WINGS OF YOURS AND EVEN CELESTIA CAN'T SAVE YOU FROM MY WRATH! I hate flies. Especially in the night.


    • Brohoof 2
  20. Well a few ones that I've seen and actually liked on some level are:


    The Horse Whisperer (1998)

    The mother of a severely traumatized daughter enlists the aid of a unique horse trainer to help the girl's equally injured horse.

       - It's been a while since I actually saw this last, but I remember it being quite nice :)

       - IMDB-page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119314/


    Flicka (2006)

    Young Katy claims a wild horse as her own -- an effort to prove to her father that she is capable of one day taking over the family ranch.

       - Saw this a few months ago. It's a really touching story, and very nice to watch.

       - IMDB-page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0434215/


    I don't usually like to watch horse-movies for some reason, but these I really liked. I also liked Spirit a lot. It was one of my favourite movies when I was younger. :)

  21. I'm not sure if this really counts, because it's really not a "film" but I really like it. I think it's cool how they've made it seem so realistic, even though it's just an animation. It looks like something that could actually be built in real life. I really can't explain it, that's just... cool :D

    • Brohoof 1
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