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Posts posted by SrFrog

  1. How exactly do you make a movie about the Justice League though? It's just, as characters they are far two-dimensional to create a deep sense of excitement or relevance. Besides Batman though, but that's a whole different thing all together.

  2. I'd rather be an acquaintance with a pony if I had the option, because no hands? I don't think I could live like that. Taking care of one also seems like a drag, so neither option for me. Though, it might depend on the situation all together.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Windtalkers and I'll take a stretch here with this second one, Inglorious Basterds. I'm not gonna mention every single war film I've seen  but yeah, those two are about the only ones that I can remember perfectly.

  4. Might of been the time I ate 4 medium chocolate cakes in a timespan of three hours. Even after that I was still hungry a couple of hours later, so I suppose my high metabolism has it's advantages at times. Yup, all I can eat and I'm still below 170.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Gwoemul (The Host)- Saw the trailer a couple of years ago, but I never really found the time till' recently. Glad I did though, because this one proves to be a contender for best monster film of the past decade.

  6. It's a start, it's a start. I still want to see them bring back some of those other shows that were aired in the WB back in the 90's. Pinky & the Brain? Freakazoid? yeah, that needs to happen.

  7. "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it", that's a horrible motto to live by, but here I am...


    As much as I'd like to dismiss the whole notion of abandoning that motto, it's actually served me well for these past six years. Maybe I should look for a better one, but a lack of ambition takes care of that.

  8. I wouldn't call the CGI Wolves a, "jumping the shark" moment as that would of required more focus on them through the episode. It's just nice to see some new animation techniques go into the show, and it's not overwhelming that it detracts from the animation.


    Honestly, I don't see why the CG wolves were so badly received afterwards.

  9. The Musashi games had the bad luck of having to compete with some of their parents company better known tittles, like Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy. Which is sad, because it really contains some of those elements that made Squaresoft great at one time.

    • Brohoof 3
  10. It still actually amazes me how I ever finished High school without studying any of the lessons they thought us. Even more when I fared better than those who did, most of the time.


    My basic study method back than was, frantically read through an entire chapter 30 minutes before anything involving a test.

  11. What if, we're all just living inside the fantasy of an autistic child? Yeah, pass the good stuff around.


    I don't mind those theories, but they could of at least out a bit more effort on their execution. Seriously, just gonna steal the basic explanation for St. Elsewhere, tweak it and call it done? that's weak.

  12. I wouldn't have the slightest clue on how to judge a ponies attractiveness to start with, so yeah. If I knew their standard on how they judge that, than maybe I'd have an answer to share.


    Points for his Megatron like voice though, I didn't expect that one the first time around. 

  13. You know, I just feel like everything JJ Abrams is involved with has an unsatisfying ending to it. His endings just leave that feeling of, now what? He has the vision for films, but not the resolve to clearly finish something on a high note.

  14. DerpyXDrwhooves



    It's almost unbelievable how many quality fics have sprung from those two pairings. Now, If I could only see an author who could carry those stories beyond the halfway point before quitting. Maybe good ship-fics are unlucky or something, cuz' that seems to happen a lot.

  15. HOW DARE YOU. HARRY POTTER IS ONE OF THE BEST FANDOMS AND SERIES EVER. THIS IS A CRIME. A CRIME. Strawberry Tart's Scripts: 1. Thou shalt not hate Harry Potter.


    BOOM! To be fair, I tend to think the same about a lot of fantasy movies so I won't single out Harry Potter. I mean visually it's an amazing film, and I can see why people enjoy it. It's just not my thing...

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