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Posts posted by SrFrog

  1. I'm so sorry, but you're gonna hate me for this one...


    Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2:



    God, I just can't help liking those crappy jrpg's that are released every once in a while. I suppose this was better than average for that, but still the shame is there.

  2. That would be what they call in the business, "jumping the shark".


    So no, just because they can doesn't mean they should. Hell, their formula has been working perfectly up to this point, so this idea just screams desperation from every angle you see it.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I'd like to see another Rayman game like they used to have, those damn rabbits ruined that franchise. It's was about the next best platform aside from Mario.


    Secondly, Final Fantasy needs to return to it's roots if it want's to survive during the next generation of games. Cuz' the way it's going, it's not going to last very long on nostalgia alone.

  4. Basically what Zygen said...


    For a cartoon that's character driven, it'd be difficult to develop a male character when the main audience can't relate. They could try to appeal to them, but there's always the chance that the viewers won't buy into those changes.


    Like Venus...




    • Brohoof 1
  5. Bart has his defects, still at times it just seems like he's the one grounded on reality the most and that's great. A long time ago, I could've said the same about the rest of the characters, but at the present moment they are mostly caricatures of what they used to be.

  6. In one of my smartest moves, I finally decided to take some art and language courses. I've actually been waiting for some time to take those classes, but my apathy can be my worst enemy at times. This might of been about my best year so far, now that I think about it.

  7. Not many people use horses for transportation nowadays, so I don't see much harm on some competition. Except maybe horse races, but that's a whole different story.


    Having spent some time in a place where the only method of transportation was an equine, it wasn't so bad. Well, as long as you got used to the lingering smell of manure being everywhere. So y'know, I had to get used to them real quick to even stand that place.

  8. Different strokes for different folks, I guess...


    As much I tend to dislike some of the clop and gore, I wouldn't necessarily call it a complete disrespect. People might tend to have strange ways to appreciate their affection sometimes, but does that put them in the wrong? not entirely. After all, they do spend time creating amazing works sometimes, like it or not.

    • Brohoof 1
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