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Rainbow Dash

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Everything posted by Rainbow Dash

  1. Some of you might call me a boomer here, since the new norm is to label someone old who has a slightly different view than you, but Tik Tok has to be the dumbest app to get any entertainment from since the invention of short form comedy...and i mean shorter than 15 minutes. Back when Vine was the in thing, i tried becoming the first brony viner. I got dunked on hardcore by critics and bronies a like. "random doesnt equal funny" "theres gotta be a theme, no one likes randomness" "filters arent funny" etc So i ignored the criticism, not haters. Disliking a medium for a reason doesnt make you hater. That term has since been botched as Most people call anyone who gives them criticism haters. Not a millennial thing as peeps my age always do it despite their age. Ignored the critiques and continued doing mlp themes vines til Vine itself was shut down. Fast Forward a month or two and all i see on Tik Tok are people doing exactly what i did. One video i would do is high pitched voices. No one cared despite me pulling in over 500 views. On Tik Tok some reject is doing the same thing but with a shark puppet. A few videos I deleted because of hate was me messing with filters. Literally half of the tik tokkers who are "famous" are using filters. Like, theres a little kid using the wide faced filter and he pulls in thousands of views with hateful comedy. (comedy that makes fun of a race or gender in a non self-deprecating way) So either i was before my time, or the time i was waiting for was a time full of people who get laughs from almost nothing.
  2. Im the type of pony every pony should know....wait...wrong song

  3. normal people: Ponies are colourful

    Analysts: Ponies are colourful because of socio-economical trends in the world of equestria that stem from real world trends as well as other things.

    Artists: Ponies are colourful

  4. i cant handle the poeple who are like "Im a jerk and proud of it". Cause that just comes off cocky, selfish, and immature. I get if a group of people think your brash, but when most people say you are a jerk its not a good thing. I get being edgy as a kid/teenager but if your an adult and you have more peoplehating you than liking you its something you should take a look at seriously. And im all for being me and letting the haters hate but if im pushing away friends and family theres something about me i need to fix. Not because society wants me to but because i dont wanna be a loser loner.
  5. Always. Im either too young or too old for people to understand my references and jokes.
  6. Im mad cause Epic Games is giving out Shemnue 3 for free the same day Final Fantasy 7 Integrade is releases for PC users. So their servers are over loaded, and no one can actually buy anything but they are still charged for the game they cant download.
  7. When i first joined the forums i was just kinda going with the flow, posting random dumb things to get my user level up and sorta grinding for the highest level (which i think was Alicorn at the time, iirc). I also had weird tastes that have just gotten weirder
  8. i remember when Lil John was blowing up, that was a meme or something joked about heavily. To think people were actually serious makes me sad and happy. Sad people bought into and happy that there might be a market for the new genre im making that is essentially music with cars. I like music from all genres but there a time in each genres lifetime where it goes from good to trash then good again...if its lucky. I hate current pop, but i will listen to 80s and early 90s pop all day. Current Pop is all the same: Take a somewhat good looking person who sounds like Rhianna or Katy Perry, make them weird, rinse and repeat. Country is a love and dislike for me. Hate early country when it was uber racist, Johnny Cash era country is good, and current country is basically rap but with harmony..i mean, all they sing about is their trucks or tractors. Current age Hip-Hop like Nicki Minaj or XXX LIl showboatmclarenswag360noscope, is just rich rap. In that its a bunch of rich well off people flexin on their fans and "haters". If Tupac was alive, he'd be wishin he was dead.
  9. growing old is getting old 

  10. I dont think its admirable that your out here generalizing an entire community of people, using made up memes, and disregarding others points just to say PC gamers are trash people. Nor is it smart because your arguments are based on heresay and what you feel, not whats actually the truth.
  11. Its been a while, Im a yak. How many posts do i gotta make to get the highest one now? What even is the highest badge now?

    1. Astralshy
    2. Splashee


      The highest rank comes with a prize: Custom title ^_^ (you get one with a subscription if you want one earlier)

  12. KFC is objectively better. Ive had one of their sandwhiches just cause i moved to a state that had a Chick-Fil-a. It was horribly dry. With the first bite my mouth felt like sand paper. I drink two bottled waters afterwards. Their name annoys me to no ends. Chick Fillet but its spelled Chick fil a...like Chick fill A. One, you dont even serve chicken fillets of any sort. Two, your trying to be quircky with the spelling of an old latin word that has more meanings than a strip of high end meat. Might as well have called your place Diamond Superman 420 dabahoilic chicken and fries.
  13. ANG but i hope the analysts stay in their holes and don't ruin this generation

  14. I remember when bronies were considered furries. I want to be a furry, love the art and what not but ive lived in washington and Illinois and had nothing but horrible experiences that only played into the "false" narratives of non-furries.
  15. Im pretty sure they do and when MLPforums expanded it was even harder to hide from Hasbro.
  16. Theres someone out there for you. However, whether is next door, in the next state, or next country is something you have to leave up to fate. Until then its a countless pool of people who share the same interests as you but are never on the same page as you or are with you with you.
  17. I got Izzy but my energy levels or enthusiasm is no where near hers XD
  18. I too am conflicted. Was it speculation? I thought it was "an old fillies tale" which is how the nightmare moon arc was painted, or at least, presented to us. It defiantly seemed like something AFTER Twilight's time happened and pony kind went back to when they fought, only it was more isolation due to fear. Also seemed like it was going on for a few generations of ponies. The characters werent stand out-ish like Gen 4's but they did stand out for better or worse. Im just gonna call it now and say Hitch is going to be the new Spike aka comedic sidekick.
  19. Didnt like the artstyle all too much. Hoping it sticks to the movie and the actual series is animated. I came into Gen 4 expecting nothing and was pleasently surprised. Coming into Gen 5 with a low bar and i was borderline impressed and wanting more. I just hope they dont go overboard with throwbacks.
  20. You know your still young when you try crazy food combos out of sheer boredom. I could eat my cheese and sauerkraut separately, or i can live life like its a party.

    1. Astralshy


      You eat Sauerkraut?

      Live you life like a true awesome Rainbow :>

  21. Big spender. I try to save a little cash from my paychecks but im always wanting some new clothes or boatloads of candy.
  22. For me, there felt like one season the writers decided to stop caring. A lot of Characters like Brian and Meg have gone through terrible transformations. Brian went from a snarky talking dog who went on escapades with others in the family to a jerk who seth uses to push his agendas. The jokes have become stale or overly done just to gets laughs at how absurdly long it is. The last Family Cut-a-way gag i genuinely laughed at was this.
  23. I only dream in black or white; I only dream cause i'm alive

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