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Status Updates posted by noplsno

  1. Wow! its been a crazy year and a half.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. deleteduser12304978


      Hmm, well i dont like eating raisins. So we can be friends ^^

    3. noplsno
    4. deleteduser12304978


      c: i will probably get around to putting you in a box sometime.

  2. im back! yay! I'll be more active when the next season starts c:

  3. im back! yay! I'll be more active when the next season starts c:

  4. I wish there were still mods on the MLP skype chat. Having it run by 10 year olds isn't the best.

  5. hmm, haven't gone on in a week.

  6. Dont you love pinkie 3.14

  7. Finally updated my "about me" page

  8. I have much stuffs to do. Sorry about the WYR. Its gonna be up tmw instead

  9. 1000PV on deviantart. awwwyeah!

  10. Hey guys, WYR wont be happening today. Felt out of it, cant think of questions

    1. Thundershock


      They have WYR books maybe you could get one to help you. :)

    2. noplsno
  11. Man! forgot about WYR today!! SOO SORRY!

  12. WYR had to be postponed. sorry about that guys, I'm pretty busy this week. I'll do it tmw for sure :)

  13. WYR had to be postponed. sorry about that guys, I'm pretty busy this week. I'll do it tmw for sure :)

  14. WYR had to be postponed. sorry about that guys, I'm pretty busy this week. I'll do it tmw for sure :)

  15. Starting to feel uninspired. I need some deviantart veiws.. http://horseandraisins.deviantart.com/

  16. Starting to run out of questions for WYR. I need sum more :)

    1. Thundershock


      for another, it should ask if you'd rather live in the world of kirby or pokemon :D

    2. noplsno
  17. Would you rather will be held Monday tuesday and thursday from now on

  18. Still awaiting the new episode to be on youtube or something :\

  19. This forum passes time very fast. Hehe, Good night everypony

  20. I read bubbles, It wasn't sad for me. Am I a monster? I understand the story but It wasn't as bad as MLD.

    1. Pinkazoid


      MLD wasn't that sad.... Now, The Last Laugh, oh jeebus...

    2. noplsno


      you monster ;-;

  21. school tuday. wish flutty luck

  22. Finished reading my little dashe, Someone spilled a cup of water on my desk

  23. "my little dashie" is AMAZING!! ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      I wouldn't go so far as to say "amazing"...

    3. Homura Akemi

      Homura Akemi

      Well, since you are new to the community, Horse, you gotta start somewhere.


    4. noplsno


      very very good. So sad ;-;

  24. Staying up late to finish a picture. Good idea or bad?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. noplsno


      I got the outline out and thats pretty much it

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      In that case, I would go to bed if it's past midnight.

    4. noplsno


      ayy. k, thanks for the advice :)

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