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Status Updates posted by Leatherbehlt


  2. I just watched episode 8 and I am absolutely flabbergasted.

  3. Tree Hugger is so bomb. omg

  4. If anyone can give/sell me an android phone, I'll marry you. But not really.

  5. Hello world. I've missed you.

  6. When I go to the ghetto, it's like: Awful house, dropped out of high school in 9th grade, 4 hungry kids, and a 60,000 dollar car.

    1. Evilshy


      I have a coworker like that. 2 kids with a girl he's not even with, barely makes rent, just bought a new car and a $600 phone. He's funny as hell, though.

  7. Adblock's turned off for MLPF, and I'm remembering now how cheesy virus ads are.

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      You actually did that? I just said that I did that to look good :D

  8. Check the weather for nebraska and much of the mid U.S. That's not common weather, nor is it el nino. That's climate change, and if we don't slow it down, it's gonna slap all of us across the face very quickly. Not saying that it won't slap us anyways of course.

  9. Oh my god, 4 weeks of school left. No. ;(

    1. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      School. What joy.

    2. N.W.


      You kidding me? I am on my last spec of sanity with 3 weeks to go.

  10. That feeling when you realise that it's not a big deal, and you can move on to other homework. Oooooooooh *drools*

  11. It must have been cool for turtles near places like India back in the day, watching land masses inch closer to each other every year... Besides the fact that it takes 6 years for some places to go a full meter.

  12. The key to overcoming emotions is being aware of their cause.

  13. Teenage emotions absolutely suck So does crunching two research papers in two weeks in a row. Don't get sucked into either of them, I beg you.

  14. Violence is bad, no matter what someone said or did.

  15. That feel when you finally finish an overdue research paper that you've been staying up to 12 for each night...

  16. SimGretina makes such flopping good music...

  17. I'm gonna be performing a duet with a friend of mine at school for a variety show tomorrow. I'm nervouscited!

  18. Whenever it's possible, give. It's one of the few good things you can do with what you don't need.

  19. Green tea and soy milk is fracking delicious. Try it now.

  20. I'm quite fond of this.

  21. Putting a little T in war will still get you a wart.

  22. *Tries to research Malcolm X's siblings* *ends up looking at pet chickens*

  23. Just saw the new episode. If you haven't seen it, it's a... DARK HORSE!

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