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Posts posted by BizzarePony

  1. Dusty smiled grimly." I understand the importance of this mission, and I won't interfere. However, I will stop anyone who kills for the sake of killing alone. The love of murder is something I do not tolerate. If somepony needs to die for the sake of the innocent masses, then so be it, but that blow will never come from my hooves."

  2. Dusty gazed off into the distance. "Then I suppose I will just have to stop it. I know that the enemy will not show mercy to us, but that is why we are fighting. We are better ponies than them for not stooping to that level."

  3. Dusty looked at her with an absolutely rigid expression. "Why do you think I've trained for so long? I've trained to learn exactly how to avoid killing at all costs. Why do you think I use the staff, as opposed a sharper, more deadly weapon? Because I can control it. It is not for me to decide when a pony must be taken from this world. I will always believe that."

  4. "I suppose I'll tell it again, for Ocean's sake." He pulled out the broken sword from his bag, admiring its sheen. "When I was just a colt, my parents were some of the most renowned ponies in all of Equestria. So renowned, in fact, that they attracted a slew of enemies. One day, an assassin was sent to murder them. I was young, very young. I watched my parents fall before my eyes. I was so enraged that I took the assassin's sword and slew him with it, breaking it in the process. This very sword. I was horrified at what I had done. I couldn't take the emotional weight of my actions. Fortunately, I was taken in by my uncle, who was the leader of a place called "The Monestary." it was there where I learned to track, to fight, to survive. It was there where I made my solemn pledge to never kill another pony as long as I lived, nor would I stand to see one of my friends killed. To this day, I have followed that vow...." Dusty lost himself in the blade, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.
  5. Dusty smiled at the compliment from Legacy. "Back at the Monestary, they told me that I always did have a gift for determination. Without magic, I worked for everything I had. Oh that's right, I never told you about the Monestary, did I?"

  6. Dusty's smile faltered a bit. He knew that he couldn't anticipate what sort of traps or foul schemes that laid in wait for them up ahead. He said as much to Legacy. "Which is exactly why I think we need to find a place to rest pronto. If you think it's cold now, wait until night falls." He paused again to once again strike the groud with his staff. Noting the feeling as it hit the dirt beneath the snow, he adjusted his course slightly. "This path we're on was created by a decently sized company of soldiers fairly recently. If you're going to march that many troops, you're going to need places where they can rest in shelter from the elements. We ought to find one of those places if we just keep following this trail."

  7. Dusty smiled. "Of course. This ain't my first trip through the wilderness, you know. I've been through just about every sort of terrain you can think of. Still here today. Trust me when I say I have things under control."

  8. Dusty turned to Legacy. "Actually, it looks to be about 7 or 8 miles away to me. If we just follow this path right here," He pulled out his staff and struck it very loudly against the ground. "We should be able to make it in about a day's walk."

  9. Dusty shook his head. "Never did trust magic all that much. Fortunately, the least I can do is get her warm. Dusty reached into his bag and produced a strange, cylindrical object. He pulled out a match from the bag as well, using it to light a wick protruding from said strange object. A warm glow began radiating from the open top of the cylinder. He placed it next to Ocean. "This device is called a Kairo. I was taught of its use during my training. It will keep her warm for at least a day. I don't see much shelter around here, so I suppose we'll have to press on until we find some. Dusty helped Ocean up and began to help her walk foreward toward the source of the storm.

  10. Dusty surveyed the Icy landscape, reflecting on the chaos that has just recently ensued. He had gotten seperated, yes, but at least he wasn't alone. Dusty couldn't take the thought of being alone. Truly alone. Looking through the ice and snow, he noticed that it all seemed to flow from one central location. He examined the other members in his party. They didn't seem to be in too bad of shape, but this cold weather could play tricks on even the most trained of minds. He called out to them.

    Are y'all all right over there?

  11. Dusty packed only what he needed to survive (including his weapons) in a small pack on his back. He didn't like to waste space. The only thing he packed that wasn't essential gear was a short broken sword. He went off to meet the group at the desegnated spot.

  12. I loved the Minnesotan accent of Rarity's parents (being Minnesotan born myself). Also, Applejack, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom just got bumped up by a ridiculous amount on the awesome scale. Props for the ability to burn juice. Also, the heart thing was the biggest D'AAAAWWW moment ever.

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