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Preeminent Pisces

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Everything posted by Preeminent Pisces

  1. Thanks everypony! I feel so happy to have so many welcomes does any pony know what the forum ranks are (in order) and how to get to them?
  2. "I-I-I don't know...I need to focus! I have to stop this! I cannot..I must...I will try to stop my magic before it blows up....again," Splash stuttered. "Thank you, though." Splash closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. I did not summon this magic. It is not there. I just imagined it. The magic slowly waned. She felt the connection to her horn and magic. She slowly powered it down. Her heart rate decreased. She slowly exhaled. The magic faded further until it disappeared. "Okay...I think I'm good...for now...we should be safe...thank you, again!" Splash slowly said as she massaged her forehead. She opened the letter and read: Dear sister of mine, I am sorry that I could not be there to accompany from the station to your new home. I paid a price to find you a cure and I think I have! Have you ever actually tried using your magic, like, actually to do something? I visited a knowledgeable friend and they said you should try it. Next time that you have an emotional outbreak, try casting a spell, any harmless spell, on a nearby object (not pony). I eagerly await your response! -Thresh, your big older bro! P.S: You will be staying at the small house near Cupcake Corner. It has a bright green door (your favorite!) and matching window panes. There is a new neighborhood on construction and yours is the second on the left. No pony else has bought any of the houses, at least since I last check. The key to your door is enclosed in this letter. Love you! Splash stared open-mouthed at the letter for several moments. A...spell? But what if it went wrong? And where is this "Cupcake Corner" exactly?
  3. Pie? I LOVE Pie! And Pinkie Pie! And Apple Pie! LOL! I had an energetic day (since I'm not good at ignoring questions) and have been on mlp forums three times (which is a record for me) in one day!!! Oh, and somepony should check out my roleplays! I love them! (any that I've participated in!)
  4. Splash smiled up gratefully at the kind pegasus for the gift, but gave it all to Splinter. "I have too much already," she replied. "I'm sorry if I'm cutting this a bit deep, but who is this close friend?" Splinter asked. Splash shuttered. "It's a long story, but since I'm going to be here a while, I should probably explain. I was born with a rare, dark magic entertwined with my very soul, as you can see," she said pointing to her horn. "My magic is highly unstable and can cause disasters and such. My twin brother thankfully wasn't cursed the same, but he has been faithfully trying to cure me for years now. But some time ago, I felt overwelmed with anger. My magic acts up due to certain emotions and only then due to my magic brace that Princess Celestia gave me. Anger happens to be my #1 trigger. I was mad at my brother for choosing his girlfriend over me. I lived in a town called Bridle Straps and had a good life then. I had a special somepony named Joy Splatter. While I was mad at my brother, my magic flared up more powerfully than ever. I knew something terrible was about to happen, so I ran for the docks. Joy Splatter tried a spell to stop my magic. It worked at first. But, my magic decided that Joy could not stop it this time. It shot out, killing Joy, a few citizens and destroying the entire town. I've been hiding from everypony since. Please don't think badly of me for telling you practically my life story! I just...oh...Thanks for waiting with me, though. But I am dangerous. I probably cannot be trusted. I don't want to hurt anypony EVER again. My brother's special somepony knows a lot about mechanics and probably can help advance my horn brace until my brother or Princess Celestia finds a cure. That's why I'm here. For relaxation and tranquility to keep my emotions from exploding..." Just then, a messenger ran up to her. "You Splash Paint?" he asked briskly. "I-I-I am...." Splash mumbled. "Letter for you from your brother." the messenger handed her a letter. "Thank you." Splash whispered. "Welcome. And nice brace." he replied rudely over his shoulder as he trotted away. Shock and panic filled Splash's face. NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! Her magic flared up. "I need to get out of here! I need to calm down! I am so sorry! I...I...I...do you know any where calm or peaceful?!?!" Splash practically yelled at Splinter as she bolted up and threw her sketch book into her luggage.
  5. Splash glanced around at her surroundings. Her boyfriend lay dead. A pegasus cried over another's dead body. "What have I done???? Why me????" Splash yelled into the sky. Black magic flared around her horn. Not again. Never again. Too many deaths. Even one is bad enough. Splash took off running in the opposite direction of the nearest civilization. Princess Aura would be disappointed. She had failed to be strong, as Joy Splatter had always told her she could be. She was a loner....forever....but she didn't want to be....but it was for the best....to keep every pony safe....she had hurt too many already....she......KILLED....some pony!!!! I killed some pony other than Joy! Oh my Aura! I actually killed some pony!!!!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!?!?!?! Now, I can never see my brother...or any pony else for that matter!!! I might kill them!!! I must go....where no pony else will find me! Then, Equestria will be safe from the danger I am! I refuse to ever see another pony again! I...I...I can't do that... Splash stopped running. She needed Aura's psychic powers to save her! Aura could help her! Splash turned and ran for Canterlot, which was over 3000 miles away! Aura could save her! Aura could save her! Aura...could..save..her..... Splash fainted in a heap on the ground...
  6. Just then, a mint unicorn ran square into Cloud Chaser and tumbled to the ground. "OhmygoshI'msosorryIshould'vebeenwatchingwhereIwasgoingcanyoueverforgiveme?" the unicorn droned out. A purple pegasus flew overhead into another pegasus and both of them crashed to the ground on top of the unicorn. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I should've been watching where I was going! Can you ever forgive me?" the purple pegasus apologized. Finally, a blue earth pony slipped in a puddle of mud, slid downhill and crashed into the pile of ponies. "Oh my gosh...I-I-I'm so sorry! I-I-I should've been watching where I was going! Can you-hey! Splash! I sh-sh-should've known! Y-y-y-you're always causing mishaps!" the blue unicorn stuttered. "Sorry! I don't try to!" the mint unicorn, who's name is Splash, said. The other ponies rolled their eyes and untangled themselves. The two pegasi flew off in different directions and the blue unicorn trotted briskly away. Splash turned to the pegasus she had originally collided with and said, "I'm Splash. Sorry to have disturbed you! I am so bad at paying attention! I'm just that poor!" Splash giggled.
  7. The unicorn sniffled and wiped her tears away. "I-I-I'm Splash...I think I'm lost...my brother was supposed to meet me here, but he's afraid of me..I mean, I mean...oh...why did I mention that? He's just really busy and I...I..." the tears started again. No, I have to be strong. Joy Splatter would want me to be strong. Splash sighed and wiped her tears again once more. She took a deep breath and tried again. "I'm new and afraid that my brother won't be here to help me find my new house. I wish there was something you could do to help, but you're probably really busy, like every pony else here. Sorry if my tears are disturbing you...I just have a lot of emotional trauma that I have to deal with...I lost...a friend...a close friend and it was...my fault...." The insane pink pony was hopping towards her suddenly. "Um, do you, um, know who that pony is? She...erm...looks excited to see you...or me? Urg, I'm no good with words..." Splash said as the pink pony hopped close and closer. Splash's heart rate accelerated. What if she mentions the brace? I certainly hope she doesn't tackle me...Oh, what to do? Black flickers of magic began to appear around her horn. Splash glanced fearfully at the pink pony as she came closer and closer.......
  8. Yeah, I LOOOVE them both so I couldn't decide which to chose as my profile name! I am soooooo glad to be here! P.S Rainbow Dash rocks too!
  9. Remember the major rules of role-playing! No swearing, no character copies, and definately no not having fun!!! Oh, and no inappropriate behavior! I'm new at this so please forgive any mistakes I make. Princess Celestia has retired alongside Luna, Twilight, and Cadence. The new princess of Equestria is Princess Aura and her husband, King Metamorphasis the changeling king (son of Chrysalis). Aura is a psychic pony and her husband can change into an alicorn with a chrysalis as his cutie mark. All of the mane 6 are gone and all of the ponies we all once knew (sorry!). The town that this story takes place in is Bridle Strands. Splash Paint charged into town screaming. Black magic illuminated her horn and sparks constantly flicker around her body. "Every pony RUN!!!!!!" she screamed as she charged towards the dock. Panic broke out as ponies fought to get on the train first. A blue unicorn stallion with white hair charged after Splash. Another unicorn stallion who looked a lot like Splash tried to sort out the chaos. "What's going on?!?!?!?!" several ponies yelled to him. "Splash's horn is acting up again! It's highly unstable and we need to get out of here before this whole place blows up! Joy's gone to calm her to see if he can stop the magic, but we don't know if it'll work! " the unicorn replied. Meanwhile, Splash ran as quickly as she could. She missed the turn for the dock and headed straight up the side of the mountain. Joy Splatter, the blue unicorn, chased quickly after. He reached the top to see Splash prepare to hurl herself off the side of the cliff. "Noooooooo!!! Splash don't!!!" Joy yelled. Splash twisted quickly around to see her boyfriend coming towards her. "D-d-d-don't come closer! I could kill you! Save yourself!" she said as she backed away. Joy trotted towards her and said, "I can help you! Remember the spell we practiced? Let me at least try!" Splash hesitated but nodded. Joy placed his horn against hers. His blue magic fired up and began to absorb the black energy surrounding her horn. The energy slowly drained...and Joy slowly faded... Back in the town, every pony had escaped via train, magic, or wings. The panic that had so quickly started had ended. As the last of the energy disappeared, Joy was nearly invisible. Splash looked calmed and relieved. Joy began to slowly reappear. Suddenly, an enormous beam of black magic fired out of her horn..straight at Joy and at the town further behind him... From miles away, the enormous explosion could be seen as debris and smoke filled the sky. As the smoke settled and debris lay all about, Splash sat up and rubbed her sore head. "W-w-what just happened?" she asked herself. Then it all came back. She saw the debris and smoke that still existed...the broken houses and assorted items....and Joy's dead body...Tears welled up in Splash's eyes. She sat alone in the dust and sobbed until she dozed off....... who's next?
  10. Thanks!!!! Ya'll are great!!! I am so excited! I'm already in a role-play!!!
  11. Just then, Splash Paint tumbled off the train. The magic brace on her horn stopped her from using magic, so she carried her luggage in her mouth. She noticed a crazy pink pony tackling newbies so she tried to blend in with the crowd. If only some pony wouldn't mention the brace, then everyone would be safe. She glanced around for her brother. He clearly hadn't arrived yet because she could sense their twin-link the nearer he drew to her. A tear streaked down her face as she sat in the corner away from every pony else. She missed her old friends. She had come to Ponyville to see Princess Luna, but that wasn't going to happen if her brother didn't show up. She pulled her sketch book out of her baggage and finished the high-detailed picture of her brother and his special some pony. Another tear leaked out of her eye. Why did her friends have to go? It wasn't their fault that they had been banished from Equestria, it was hers. She was afraid that she'd never have friends again. Even her own twin feared her presence. Her emotions triggered a deep, dark magic hidden in the very strands of her soul. The only emotions that kept every pony safe where joy, sorrow, courage, and fear. She couldn't destroy another town because of the brace, but it still leaked from time to time when she became embarrassed or mad. Last time some pony had asked about the brace without properly introduced themselves, that pony had a major hair disaster. She couldn't afford for that to happen again. She was sent to settle in ponyville, but she feared for the other ponies. If only her brother would hurry up with the cure he was concocting from his extravagant garden. She flipped the page on her notebook as more and more tears streamed down her face. The next page held the outline of her now-dead boyfriend, Joy Splatter. He had saved her life twice and she had failed to save him even once...now her heart lay broken and empty...awaiting the next pony who would fill it...
  12. Thanks ya'll here's a pic for those who need it. It's a bit out of date (since I learned different techniques to draw ponies and all) but it'll have to do. Thanks!
  13. Thanks everypony! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad to be here! I feel very welcomed and can't wait for more and more fun! You ponies are AWESOME!!!
  14. What about Apple Jack and Big Mac's parents? Or an avatar the last airbender pony/ponies? i heard they look cool. My friend got me to draw 1 direction ponies (which I did not enjoy) but they did look pretty cute.
  15. Hi ya'll! I'm glad that I was able to join MLP Forums and am ready for some fuuuuuuuunnnn here! Does anypony know how to become a muffin?
  16. grrrr this is aggrivating

    1. null123456



      Also, can you post in the advanced roleplay?

    2. Preeminent Pisces
  17. grrrr this is aggrivating

  18. Just uploaded my profile pic :)

  19. I am trying to draw a fiery pony ( abit like Twilight when she was upset at Pinkis Pie in Feeling Pinkie Keen, except I started the art before I saw that episode) but I need a name desperately. Anypony have any bright ideas? I can try to update a picture if anypony needs... but I need help!!! Please? I'm new...so I don't know if I'm doing this right...
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