Remember the major rules of role-playing! No swearing, no character copies, and definately no not having fun!!! Oh, and no inappropriate behavior!
I'm new at this so please forgive any mistakes I make.
Princess Celestia has retired alongside Luna, Twilight, and Cadence. The new princess of Equestria is Princess Aura and her husband, King Metamorphasis the changeling king (son of Chrysalis). Aura is a psychic pony and her husband can change into an alicorn with a chrysalis as his cutie mark. All of the mane 6 are gone and all of the ponies we all once knew (sorry!). The town that this story takes place in is Bridle Strands.
Splash Paint charged into town screaming. Black magic illuminated her horn and sparks constantly flicker around her body.
"Every pony RUN!!!!!!" she screamed as she charged towards the dock. Panic broke out as ponies fought to get on the train first. A blue unicorn stallion with white hair charged after Splash. Another unicorn stallion who looked a lot like Splash tried to sort out the chaos.
"What's going on?!?!?!?!" several ponies yelled to him.
"Splash's horn is acting up again! It's highly unstable and we need to get out of here before this whole place blows up! Joy's gone to calm her to see if he can stop the magic, but we don't know if it'll work! " the unicorn replied.
Meanwhile, Splash ran as quickly as she could. She missed the turn for the dock and headed straight up the side of the mountain. Joy Splatter, the blue unicorn, chased quickly after. He reached the top to see Splash prepare to hurl herself off the side of the cliff.
"Noooooooo!!! Splash don't!!!" Joy yelled.
Splash twisted quickly around to see her boyfriend coming towards her.
"D-d-d-don't come closer! I could kill you! Save yourself!" she said as she backed away.
Joy trotted towards her and said, "I can help you! Remember the spell we practiced? Let me at least try!"
Splash hesitated but nodded. Joy placed his horn against hers. His blue magic fired up and began to absorb the black energy surrounding her horn. The energy slowly drained...and Joy slowly faded...
Back in the town, every pony had escaped via train, magic, or wings. The panic that had so quickly started had ended.
As the last of the energy disappeared, Joy was nearly invisible. Splash looked calmed and relieved. Joy began to slowly reappear. Suddenly, an enormous beam of black magic fired out of her horn..straight at Joy and at the town further behind him...
From miles away, the enormous explosion could be seen as debris and smoke filled the sky.
As the smoke settled and debris lay all about, Splash sat up and rubbed her sore head.
"W-w-what just happened?" she asked herself. Then it all came back. She saw the debris and smoke that still existed...the broken houses and assorted items....and Joy's dead body...Tears welled up in Splash's eyes. She sat alone in the dust and sobbed until she dozed off.......
who's next?