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Posts posted by glacialchill

  1. Okay, I've got good news and bad.


    good news first; my classes are winding down, and there is not much more left I have to do. after this week, I should have plenty of time to work on drawings.


    bad news, I probably won't have a spare minute until then. :( 


    I'll have to ask you all to be a patient for a bit longer. sorry.

  2. sorry for the delay... I suppose I chose a bad time to start this request topic. School is demanding 90% of my time lately, and I can't put as much effort into my drawings as I did before. therefore, I present a very bad Butter Bean. If you like, I'll give it another attempt after I do some other requests. Really, I'm just kinda stressed at the moment, and my art reflects it. I'm gonna start CXbrony's drawing soon, when I have the time and inspiration to draw something other than depressing pencil sketches of the third iteration of my character glacialchill (I actually put that particular drawing on the first post, if you are interested in seeing it. It might balance out the badness of this drawing. :I ).



  3. I know exactly how you feel. I often try to ignore such thoughts, as they keep me awake at night if I dwell on them for too long. 


    All I can really say is that when people act like that, they have their own reasons for it. Perhaps their reasons don't make sense to us, and maybe not even to them, but they exist. All you can really do is to be the better person and take comfort in doing so. Look through bad things that happen, find why they happen, and act avoid getting yourself in such a situation. Live your live the best you can, and don't let others drag you down.

  4. @, looks cool. I"ll get to it eventually, I'm expecting less work over this week, so I'll have more time for drawing.


    @, I'd like to say okay, but I'd really like a personality. Without it, all I can really do is basic picture, like a pony creator picture but with pencil and pen. I'd much rather draw something I can relate to, it will come out much better.

  5. So, it seems like my classes are piling up work on me now that I've decided to start taking requests. I'm still working through the drawings, but I have less time than usual. this means that I've only just finished penciling Butter Bean's picture. 


    Oh, and I totally forgot to edit the first post. I'll do that now.

  6. @@Stormlight34, @@Screw Ball, sounds cool. It'll be a while before I will get to your guy's requests, though. I hope you can be patient. XD


    @@MyLittlePonyTales, I will probably do them with pupils. I find it hard to put an identity to a changeling with completely flat eyes.


    oh, and I forgot to bring my first drawing to school the other day... so I got started on butter bean's as well. Good gosh, is it hard to draw decent-looking curly hair on a changeling. 

  7. I had told my friend @ that I'd draw his OC, and then a mirror image of him as a changeling. Finished that today, and I'll upload it here for others to see as well.


    Forgive the slightly sloppy coloring, my blue highlighter has seen better days. I'll be using a new one soon.


  8. sorry everyone, I'm trying desperately to post, but I keep getting errors telling me that I need to enter a name between 3 and 11 letters, or that I can't use certain symbols. If anyone knows what's going on, I would appreciate an explanation.


    meanwhile, I'll just keep updating the first post as best I can. sad.png


    [edit:] Good news! I may have found a way to avoid these weird errors.

    @@MyShiningArmor, okay then, ponies it is.


    @@MyLittlePonyTales, looks like I'll be drawing shadow, then. funny thing... Her story is almost like an inverted version of Gale's. How interesting... and it reminds me to go back and fix Gale's OC page as well.


    @, ok, looks cool. I must ask though: are those mechanical wings?


    @, hey, I've finished penciling your drawing. if you want, I'll scan it in and let you see my progress thus far. 


  9. apparently commas and brackets are illegal to use in posts. So I'll be posting this without commas or mentions. sorry...


    Butter Bean hm... I think I'll have fun turning you into a changeling. I've drawn adowable little hatchlings before and I'll do my best to make her look just as good. 


    MyShiningArmor I'm temped to just say that's out of my league try again. but you know what? I'll give it my best. Also unless you specify that you want them to be ponies you will get a picture of two changelings... I'll just give you the chance to specify before I add you to the list.


    XC Brony looks good! this will be my first drawing of a pony in motion but I'll see what I can do for ya!

  10. So, I'm told by friends that I can draw with some amount of skill, and due to the suggestion of a friend, I am starting up a request thread for drawings of OCs. (preferably OCs, at least.)


    Basically, when college classes become the majority of your high school curriculum, the high school classes themselves feel a bit negligible. So, I draw ponies and changelings instead.


    Of course, saying ponies and changelings is a bit misleading in my case. it really should be changelings, changelings, changelings, and the occasional pony. So, due to my tendency to look at a pony and see a bug in it's place, I'll be drawing your requested OCs as changelings unless you really don't wan't me to.


    Also as a note, I almost never work on drawings outside of my English and Web Tech classes, so please don't expect these to be done quickly, or even in the next few days. I do have work I need to do. 


    Then there is the issue of color. I am limited to the five pens and four highliters (plus a pencil) that I have in my backpack. I can get awfully creative with those tools, but chances are high that I won't be able to get the colors of your request spot-on. Especially if one of the colors is red. the closest I can manage is pink unless I find a red pen lying around. 


    a few guidelines I will follow when doing this: 

    1: I will do the drawings in the order I approve them in, not in the order they are posted in.


    2: I will either need a reference picture to draw from, or a full description of the OC, including their personality. (yes, personality does matter. if fact, it would be great if I could have a personality description along with a reference picture. It does change how the drawing turns out.)


    3: I reserve the right to ignore outrageous posts asking for something I can't draw. I'm not Da Vinci. please don't request something too complex. I'll probably ask you to lower your expectations and try asking me for something else.


    4: If I forget to draw certain features, (horn, wings, etc.) I may or may not go back and fix them. Ink on paper has a tendency not to erase.


    and I will make a list here of requests I have approved. It won't get any longer than 6, and I'll remove names as I complete them.


    1. XC Brony

    2. MyShiningArmor

    3. MyLittlePonyTales

    4. Oireann

    5. Lunar Red



    finished drawings : (look through the thread to find the pictures)

    Cobal Crescent

    BroWhoovian test subject

    Butter Bean


    a few samples of my work thus far:


    my OC Gale, in her dress for the Grand Galloping Gala



    my first OC, Trace Echo



    the third version of my first character, glacialchill.

    perhaps not my best drawing, but it sure helped improve my mood when I drew this.


    I'd upload some better pictures, but MLPforums seems to frown upon certain file extensions. So... I'll put more up when I happen to convert them.

  11. Well, it appears that I was the one who derped and created the second reality, I sincerely apologize. In my defense, I have no defense. 


    Standoff has disappeared down the road. Gale's reaction is no different, really. I'm going to go on a reasonable guess and say that Kismet's reaction wouldn't change, (considering that's the reality you were in in the first place), Dusk's reaction is probably the same, (since it works in either reality), and only Pinoak's reaction is really in need of adjusting.


    Sorry Pinoak, but you'll have to edit your post, I believe. That's just how things work out. On the bright side, your Churro is still delicious  and totally edible!


    Is this okay with everypony?

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I feel a rewind is in order... from reading Baman's post, I had assumed he had stayed on the table. Reading his OOc post, I had assumed he had kept running. And then the table was pulled out from under him, and we have two versions of reality... I say rewind to when Standoff's hoof hit the table, and get a bit of clarification whether he kept going or not.



  13. "yeah, I'm fine. nothing hurt but my pride."


    She stood up, kindly refusing Kismet's offers for help and looked toward where the pony had disappeared into the crowd at top speed, as if something was chasing him. She let out a long sigh.


    "I swear, I'll never understand why ponies do half of the things they do."

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