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Foxxy Tails

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Everything posted by Foxxy Tails

  1. holy shit, someone who actually read my posts and isnt arguing over imaginary things! its a freaking miracle
  2. For the love of god, if you are going to talk, understand the topic first. Tell you what, you can all have your conversation about Ditzy being offensive to people, and I'll go elsewhere to talk about how it is mean to tease people since you people don't seem to understand that what you are replying has never been the topic. Thanks to everyone who actually responded to what I was talking about, but if I headdesk anymore, I'm going to get a concussion
  3. Oh? Well then who was the grey and yellow pegasus named Ditzy Doo who went north to get the southern birds? Good job
  4. Do none of you know how Ditzy became a character? It's from all the fanart making fun of her derpy eyes and making her look like an idiot. So congratulations to all of you who are talking about things you don't know. So to all of you, I hope that someday someone takes a bad picture of you, spreads it around and start making fun of you. And then I will come back and say exactly what you are saying. How it's okay to treat you like an idiot because you aren't actually stupid. In short, look up how Ditzy became a canon character before you post please. And at least have the intelligence needed to understand that this isn't about Ditzy being offensive. It is about how unkindly she has been treated for her derpy eyes to the point of it becoming canon.
  5. Exactly. Ditzy is great and probably my favorite pony. The mane six, I think, were meant to encompass such a range of personalities, that everyone watching could connect, with minor characters filling in the blanks. Ditzy is definitely my...personification pony I guess I can call it. And weyland, I don't know if 'a background characters' was bad grammar or an ingenius way of putting it.
  6. I don't think it was an animation error, but to continue off my analogy in the first post, the animator would have been the one to start a rumor about Ditzy that made everyone else think she is an idiot. Surely there shouldn't have been room for rumors and teasing in the 'love and tolerate' community
  7. The difference is, those characters were always...less than bright. But with Ditzy, she used to be normal until people found that split second of derpy eyes. Then they started calling a perfectly normal pony 'derpy' and treated her like an idiot. Also, I think you are very clearly missing the point of this. This has nothing to do with mental disabilities, this has to do with the fans heartlessly teasing poor Ditzy just because of one picture. How can you love and tolerate when you make fun of a pony and call them names just because they had a bad picture of them taken? Anyway, to SrFrog, that is true, and she is adorable, AND I'm glad she is getting airtime. But I just can't feel good with the way she has been treated. But what about that one blue pony that lost his nose, had one eye, and a line going across his head, making him resemble a pokeball or Portal GlaDOS core? He looked far worse than Ditzy and probably had as much airtime as the derpy eyes. But for some reason it was poor Ditzy that was teased and called names If you honestly think this is about being mentally handicapped, please leave until you actually understand the topic. And in response, who got teased more? Twilights full episode of being insane or a split second of derpy eyes? Is Twilight's character going to change over that episode? I highly doubt it.And I can say the same to you. "You and people like you are the only ones who think teasing someone just because of a bad picture is ok"
  8. Because of the derpy eyes an animator gave her for only a few frames, everyone made her out to be stupid. And now to top it off, it's become canon. I feel so bad for Ditzy, if it weren't for that one shot of her, she would be getting treated like any other pony. But instead she is the village idiot. It just seems so heartless to do that; treat someone like an idiot just because you saw a bad picture of them.
  9. Ditzy doo. Poor Ditzy Doo. How would you like it if, just because someone took a bad picture of you, everyone treated you like an idiot and called you names so much that even your friends started to do it (referring to hasbro making it canon)? Nopony should have that done to them. One eye muscle twitch and everyone started treating her horribly. One mistake, or even worse if it was a joke, from the animators completely ruined Ditzy's life. She doesn't deserve that. I joined this forum just to say that; and I for one will never call her 'derpy'. Is there anyone here who is with me, that can get past their fanfics and fanon to give Ditzy Doo the same kindness all the other ponies get? The same kindness she deserves and has been denied? Will anyone join me in shunning this heartless and cruel rumor turned fact and treat Ditzy the way she should be treated?
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