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Posts posted by Gingerpotato

  1. I had just finished creating my mansion on the forum server out of sand and wood, which looks very good with the love and tolerance texture pack.


    Of course, just as I finished I ran away for a second in order to get a decent view of my new house which had taken me days to build.


    Instead of seeing a fully completed, wonderful utopia of a house I was rewarded with the sight of not one but two Endermen running off with various parts of my humble abode, including sand and furniture, the lack of sand causing part of the house to collapse in on itself.


    It was not funny at first but looking back on it I can't help but laugh.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Its used for extreme poking, its like a flat beak. Possibly a hammer-beak.

    I shall name it Mjolnir.


    Meh, I would think it was because she's an alicorn and that she is pretty damn massive, therefore she would have to have a different shaped nose in order to keep up regal/ different appearances to the "normal" ponies.

  3. Posted Image


    "I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you."


    (epic geek fight starts NOW)


    Posted Image


    "I think I would just cut the wire."


    (It begins...)

    • Brohoof 1
  4. FiftyShadesOfGrey...




    Hmm, I can't truly offer suggestions until I know what sort of name you want, funny, serious, badass etc...

    Even then, suggestions would be sort of meh from me. It needs to be something you like, something that sits well with you and, most importantly, something that other people will remember.


    Sidenote: I'd go with the one Cricket suggested, it sounds so amazingly supertastic and it makes you sound like a big man.

  5. H8_Seed (also known as Ulasht) is a very good musician that a lot of people know as the guy who sang Awoken.



    ACRacebest is good for hilarious "Bronies react..." videos.



    FiMFlamFilosophy makes the brilliant RD presents videos.



    Finally, I am a fan of YellingAtCats (TwilightTheDicktator) because I honestly enjoy his rap music and I normally hate rap music.


  6. Oh good, its actually some alright press instead of the usual slander Fox spouts out.


    I'm glad that they got some actual comments from Faust and people at Bronycon instead of just asking random people what they would think. It allows us to get ourselves heard instead of allowing others to just laugh at us and discriminate against us.


    Basically, GO YAHOO!

  7. The Haymaicans would win nearly all the medals anyway...


    It would certainly be an interesting concept for a future episode as it could border on a story for any six, or all six, of the Elements. That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all really, it would allow us to probably see all sorts of species compete, hopefully even zebras.


    All in all, I could actually see the creators making an episode like this because it has a good premise and has a number of ways that it could work.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. "Big man in a suit of armour. Take that off, what are you?"

    "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."


    And that is how you become my favourite Avenger.


    I'm following the crowd here but it has to be Stark just because he doesn't need any superpowers to be a hero, just a ton of money. That and he's bloody hilarious. Anyway with super human powers can become a hero but to use your own money and to risk your own, mortal life to save others is one of the things that makes both Batman and Ironman some of my favourite good guys.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Holy sweet bananas on the moon...


    That is most certainly a Doctor Who reference for the first one, my heart just expanded with joy at that.

    The second one could possibly be foreshadowing an event or it could be referencing the numerous pairings we have made of the musical duo. Either way, its pretty awesome.


    After I stopped collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards a couple of years ago I thought that would be it, I'd never touch a trading card again but now, now, Hasbro has truly done it. Looks like I'll be getting back into the swing of collecting cards pretty soon.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. Dear Princess Celestia.


    Today I learnt that, holy flying buck I missed out on a ton of awesome stuff at Bronycon.


    Your faithful student.

    WhyTheHell. Didn'tYouGive. MeTickets.


    In all seriousness, it sounds like it was great fun and the atmosphere you described sounds like the sort of thing of which I had dreamed a brony convention would have. The autograph voucher ordeal sounds mighty dull with the hour upon hour wait but I'm pretty sure it would be worth it. I'm also going to have to follow the herd here and say, man, am I jelly.


    I'm not entirely sure if having a poster double signed increases its value, I suppose it might considering if I got two CD's on one case they would probably charge me extra. My analogy was pretty great right, linking CD's to Lauren Faust's double autograph.

  11. "You're like the Ralph Wiggum of the real world. Turn your back for five seconds catch ya eating crayons and paste."


    And my favourite funny one goes to...


    "When I die I want to go peacefully like Grandpa did, in his sleep- not screaming like the passengers in the car."

  12. I want to see one of the changelings from the invasion being befriended by the Mane 6. It would be so freakin' sweet and the changeling would be named Wubsy. The moral of the story would be not to judge a book by its cover, every creature deserves friendship blah blah blah.


    Also, like in that family episode which I have forgotten the name of, I want to see a series of flashbacks depicting how Celestia/ Luna came to power, how they beat Discord and how Luna went corrupt. Moral of the story would be that if you allow jealousy and anger to overtake you then you'll be sent to the moon. Pretty legitimate moral, pretty legitimate indeed.

    • Brohoof 3
  13. I have no objections, nor any quarrels. It is not like they would be changing the ponies themselves, just the physical layer so the show would remain near on exactly the same minus the species of the characters.


    If the animation were as good as that particular video then I'm sure it would be something that I would watch, just so I could compare animations between ponies and humans.

  14. Hello and welcome to the forums! We have a great community here and I'm sure you'll fit right in :)


    *Obligatory you know RainbowCrash nerdgasm*


    Cupcakes: The Game, eh? Sounds interesting, very interesting.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. The more I think about it, the more I realize that Up is probably my favorite movie of all time.


    These two scenes (spoiler on the second in case you haven't seen it) are just... oh my God. Just... just give me a minute. No, there's something in my eyes, just... *sniff* no, no, it's just allergies, I swear...


    Now you've gone and made me sweat from my eyes... :(


    I'm going to have to go with the majority of Dark Knight fans and say this:

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Well, I'd be a tad spooked if my girlfriend turned out to be an equine but on an emotional level it is not like they had changed that dramatically. It would mean that the sexy times would be a big no-no but having the chance to cuddle and snuggle with a fluffy pony? How could I resist that?


    So, basically, after getting over the shock which may take days, I would probably keep going out with them for their personality and their cuddlez.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. How could I say anything but Discord for best antagonist?

    He strolled back into the lives of every pony in Equestria with no plan and manages to change the lives of every single creature. Once more, it takes some serious balls to stroll into an area and tear it up without a plan. That and he never actually harmed any creature, his mischief was his main weapon and that makes him fantastic. Finally, he was so powerful that he didn't think he could be beaten so he let the Elements freeze him up which may sound pretty arrogant of him but you know you've got to be pretty powerful if you can shrug off the solar and lunar Goddesses.


    Worst antagonist goes to Gilda.

    Not because I don't like her but because she wasn't really that big an antagonist, she made a mistake and now everypony and body hates her which I find a little bit cruel. She isn't a real antagonist, just misunderstood and quick to anger and it still riles me a little bit that ponies can forgive each other for nearly destroying the town to create a friendship report but they'll chase a griffon out for being a bit disrespectful and mean. Since Gilda really wasn't an antagonist but is regarded as one, she is my least favourite because she makes me feel sorry for her.

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