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Posts posted by Gingerpotato

  1. My lungs. Ah, they have seen me through many a tough time. I wouldn't be the man I am without them.



    My copy of The Hobbit. My dad brought the book when it first came out and gave it to me when I was 8. Man, I love that book. It's pretty damn tatty now though.

    MLP: FiM, my cats and my family are on the list. Also, my copy of "Silly stories" which I got when I was 5. Being the little book worm that I am, I devoured that book time and time again. It still has a special place on my book shelf.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Perhaps I may get a tattoo linked with MLP, a cutie mark or something slightly conspicuous like that. However, I don't believe I would ever get an actual pony tattoo. It would seem sort of odd and I wouldn't be able to disguise what it is if I began to drift away from the fandom. I mean, if I got a tattoo of Dash's mark then I'd be able to make up some badass story about it but if I got Dash herself then I'd have to say..."I used to watch My Little Pony". I don't think I'll ever stop liking the show but out of fear of drifting away in the future, I wouldn't get that sort of ponylicious tattoo.




    What do you guys think of that idea?


    Your body, your choice. I, for one, believe that if this OC cutie mark expresses what you like and your interests then go for it! You've already said what I would say and that is, to quote: not because of the mlp aspect, but because it fits what I love, poetry.So, yeah I say that is sounds like a pretty good idea for a tattoo.

  3. If they didn't mess with the show itself, then of course I'd still watch it.

    Knowing Disney, they'd allow the show to run in the same way as it is at the moment but they would alter the merchandise drastically. There would be MLP mugs, sweaters, jellybeans and plushies. That sounds pretty awesome but there would always be the fear of Disney altering the actual show itself and creating a monstrosity.


    So, yeah, if the show itself was left relatively untouched then I'd still watch it but if drastic alterations began then I'd stop watching and/or rebel against and criticise Disney.

    • Brohoof 27
  4. Ok....time for me to just admit it.


    Rarity and Twilight might be taking my favourite place among the Mane 6. I feel as if I've betrayed Dash.

    Oh yeah, I am also a massive fan of the "Human In Equestria" stories. Unless they have guns, I just don't think that guns fit into Equestria at all. Humans are one thing but objects solely based around killing or wounding are something that I feel should never enter Equestria.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Thou hast invoked the wrath of a certain cyan furred, rainbow maned filly!

    Posted Image


    Anyway, what do you do with the rings you collect? What is their use?

  6. Different voices doesn't mean different personalities though. Even if they were to change voice actors, they wouldn't completely re-create the voices for the characters, it'd be like giving Homer Simpson a new husky voice after 10 seasons.


    Anyway, I don't believe they will change any voice actors. Why change what isn't broken? There is no need to change voice actors, especially for reasons such as "The characters are older". I've already noticed significant voice changes due to voice actors personal voice alterations and since this is a cartoon for 7 year old girls, I don't think they're gonna change the ages of the Mane 6 since the teenager-like years they are in at the moment are what appeals to the target audience.

  7. Yell out "Ice bank mice elf". Its harder to say then you think....


    Had to try.


    A big bug bit a bold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood badly". That's a tricky one, for me especially.

  8. "The Great And Powerful Trixie falls in love with a pinecone"


    Pretty self explanatory title. Not the creepiest shipfiction I've read but its one of the weirdest along with the one where Rainbow Dash falls in love with the kitchen sink.

  9. thanks ^-^ how did you get the muffin thing? i am finding no way to change that


    The number of posts=the funky badge

    For example, I have 600-800 posts and I am therefore a pwitty, wickle birdy.


    Anyway, welcome to the forums! We have a great community and I'm sure you'll fit right in :)

  10. Yes, if you ever, ever see a topic named "Fluttershy's shed" don't click it.


    Anyway, welcome to the forums! We have a great community and I'm sure you'll fit right in :D

    • Brohoof 1
  11. What would I do with that power?


    Wreak chaos. Oh the fun I would have, the places I'd go, the people I'd prank and most importantly the egos I would raze. Of course, I wouldn't be all chaotic, that sort of power pretty much commands a person such as myself to try and do good. I'd probably act a wee bit like Deadpool, with the whole I'm a good guy but I do bad things anyway approach. However, I feel that if I held that power I would probably go absolutely power mad and crazy. No longer would I have to fear the consequences of my actions, there would be no one who could stand in my way, no one that would be able to go up against time itself. With that sort of power I would slowly derive my fun from the aimless destruction of others, perhaps not physically but mentally.


    Now that isn't to say that I wouldn't like this power because I so would but if I did have it I pretty much guarantee that I'd go batshit insane. On a little side note, I'd be too scared to go back in time out of fear of altering the timeline that we see nowadays. I'd hate to go back and return only to discover that the world was under command of a super mutant robot dinosaur, which does sound like a nifty future/present but I like what we have at the moment. Other super powers you could obtain from time...

    You'd pretty much obtain super speed considering you can just stop time and go to a new place and then restart it. Man, that'd really mess with my school "fun" races.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Well, magic kindergarten is obviously the lowest form of education that there is for the unicorn children.

    I believe that places like the Ponyville School-house are primary schools for all different types of races of ponies.

    Then there is Cloudsdale flight school (it may have a fancier name that I have forgotten). That is of course for pegasi ponies alone. It seems that unicorns and pegasi each get their own separate schools whilst earth ponies don't, a bit biased, but I digress to the matter at hand.


    Lifespan may be different so a couple of years at school may be all they need in life. After all, we go to school to get good jobs but for creatures that have their talents outlined on their flanks for all to see, C.V's and GCSE's are not necessary qualifications. On a side note, I always thought that Princess Celestia's Magical School for the Gifted may be an educational type that allows any younger-teenager years of ponies to join. Almost like a secondary school and a college rolled into one where ponies were judged based on talent, not age. That's just my two cents though.

  13. Staring at the jelly that has been sat on my side for God knows how long, trying to decide if its still edible...

    Live for the day, if I am to contract some horrible disease from this jelly then it'll be future Potato's problem

    *Waddles off to devour jelly*

  14. Well, this one time at band camp...


    Hmm, a tricky question to answer really. I probably have had a Mane 6 moment before but it has slipped my mind. Of course, I've learnt the whole "Don't judge a book by its cover" and "Don't be too boastful" lessons but those are not strictly linked to MLP and I'm pretty sure most people have experienced them. I'm not one for over-working like AJ, I'm not a perfectionist like Rarity, I'm not one for crazy-schedule keeping like Twi, I'm most certainly not known for being too assertive unless it involves busting through the swamps of kids at my school and I am not known for loneliness or depression due to no one liking my parties but that could be because I've never thrown a party. If I remember a specific incident that relates to MLP lessons then I shall post it here.

    • Brohoof 3
  15. Rainbow Dash, Vinyl and Luna...


    Well, naturally I'd have to take Dash to see some sort of racing, probably car racing. Speed demon that she is she'd probably love it. Luna would be taken to a carnival/fairground since she seems to love this "fun". And Vinyl must of course be taken to a club to experience the contrast between her music and ours. Hanging out like buddies of the ages.

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