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Posts posted by Gingerpotato

  1. If I ruled Equestria...

    *Ponders for a minute*


    It would be pretty much hell for the ponies. If I had that power then I'd like to be Discord-esque with it. Cotton candy clouds, chocolate rain, trees standing up and dancing. Not to mention the strobe between night and day.


    So, I'd pretty much doom Equestria to a life of chaos. It'd be a blast.

  2. Name: Tears in the snow


    Ship: OCxTwilight


    Tags: Romance, slice of life (I'd add a bit of dark in here as well)


    Global rating: 114 likes, 12 dislikes


    Personal rating: 4/5


    Content: After having a vision, Twilight saves a colt from wolves in the Everfree forest. She reaches out her hoof in friendship, but soon begins to see signs that he has suffered from a terrible past...


    Why I like this fiction: I like this for a few reasons. One of them is that the affection is not rushed and feels right. Another reason is this shipfic has some badass fighting in it so that is something that I was a bit surprised at but I also liked it. It is also part of a series of fics, each linking into each other quite nicely. Finally, it has a pretty...interesting ending on the whole. Its not fantastic by any means but I still enjoyed reading it.


    Rated: Teen


    Status: Complete


    Link: http://www.fimfictio...ars-in-the-Snow

  3. Youtube.


    There is a more varied entertainment choice for Youtube, unlike those crappy Facebook games. Also, people on Facebook annoy me and whilst there are some annoying twerps on Youtube they are usually destroyed by someone pretty swiftly.


    The Facebook guest is watching me....I feel bad now.

  4. Hello and welcome to the forums! We have a great community and I'm sure you'll fit right in :D


    I joined the herd around mid November so I am fairly new.

    One question, can I...can I eat you? Just a little bit?

  5. Different monarchies represent different displays of power. Equestria has no Queen and therefore the Princesses are the highest power in their land. The Changelings have a Queen and she is the highest power in her land.


    Although, saying that a Queen is more powerful then a Princess due to title is a tad off. Would that classify the Queen of England as a higher source of battle power then Prince William? Title does not specify power, it specifies rank of political/royal standing.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I was walking whilst chatting to a dear friend of mine completely oblivious to the sign post which loomed in front of me. I can honestly say that five seconds later, I was no longer oblivious of the sign post and was in fact clutching my nose in pain whilst declaring that the sign was my nemesis.


    To all of those who know what a crucible is in science, I went out of my way to remove ones lid whilst it was over a bunsen burner. I am in the highest science group in the year and yet my mind still manages to evade the details of "flame+metal=hot."


    *Obligatory asked a slightly "large" lady how long she had been pregnant for*


    There is a bunch more but I have forgotten them.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Just about any erotic thought of Twilight Sparkle can set me off...if you know what I mean...


    Even her voice, *drools* Her incredibly sexy voice just makes me wanna...I'm gonna stop now...


    Oh, someone seems to have left a suggestive Twilight picture in this spoiler...silly them!


    Posted Image



    Back on topic, I sometimes log off of Steam just to escape from my friends due to them not truly understanding how much I love ponies and why I can't talk to them.

    Also...I may have slightly fallen deeply in love with shipfics. Not to say they are bad but I never expected myself to enjoy that style of literature. Octavia and Vinyl are best ship.

    • Brohoof 2
  8. 8.5/10

    Its Pinkie sneezing confetti. It may not be the most spectacular, bizzare or most random avatar but if it contains Pinkie and confetti then it is immediately pretty high up on the scale. Plus, it moves!


    Mine moves...you just have to stare at it for a few hours.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I see Luna is putting up the good fight!

    I had to choose Luna, she made me do it. Her and those damn "bedroom" eyes.


    Posted Image



    Cadence may be pretty and pink but what is more elegant and beautiful then a full moon? You can look at the moon, you can't look at the sun. Crummy Celestia... :lol:

  10. I haven't even seen Korra yet since I'm in the U.K. We have the crappiest shows but I loved A:TLAB so I should love this new series.


    Yeah, I want to know how both Toph and Aand could have died before Katara. The only explanation I can think of is: the plot needed it


    I don't know about Toph but I am guessing that since Aang was trapped in that iceberg for a long, long time that it affected his ageing process and thus made it so that his body caught up with how old he should have been. Just a thought though. I mean, he was in that iceberg for about 100 years.


    Also, any news on whether or not Azula/Zuko are still alive? Man, I wanna get into this new series...

  11. My heart soared when I saw this...

    ...my heart crashed and burnt when I realized that it starts the day I go for my two week holiday.


    I really want to go, I mean Glaze is going to be there! I suppose a holiday is a smidge more important then a meetup but I shall not be attending. I do believe that there are a few people in my school who will be going though.

  12. His sheer levels of swag would distract the viewers and the ponies from the task at hand.


    In all seriousness, though I like his character they shouldn't try and force his character into the show any more then they already have. He is a lot more common then the average "other" pony that we see (I shall never classify Mac as a background pony). We should be happy with the levels of Mac swag that we have, we do see him pretty regularly and though he doesn't usually say anything other then eeyup, it just means that when he does say things other then eeyup that we begin to really pay attention. He is shown as the strong, solid type and I would't want to change that just so he can fit a couple more lines in :lol:

    • Brohoof 3
  13. Hello and welcome to the forums! We have a great community and I'm sure you'll fit right in :D


    I to have a little library, completely brimming with books. I can honestly say I've never played croquet but I saw the Alice In Wonderland flamingo version so I guess that sort of counts? :lol:

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy browsing and adding to this forum.

  14. Lets see what is every single pony in the Mane 6 scared of?


    Hmm. There is the obvious Discord case but I'm not sure if they'd bring Discord back just to have him turned back to stone. I'm also not so sure what normal things that they would all be scared of. I mean, we all got scared of creaky doors and scary noises when we were younger so it may be that but then I think back to the second pilot episode and Pinkie giggling in the face of all things scary so it would be kind of redundant if she were to get scared by that sort of stuff.


    Basically, I have no logical idea. Guess we're just gonna have to wait...

  15. Discord is making a return in Season 3.

    Posted Image

    As you can see, John announced it on his Twitter page and he has also stated before, in that video above, that he will be returning for another episode. Speculation on the matter of how he will be portrayed in the episode is something I have thought a little bit about. I personally think that since Discord is back, it won't be another breaking out of his stone prison episode. I think it may be a flash-back esque scene which involves him in. Perhaps a backstory to Celestia, Luna or The Elements Of Harmony? Afterall, if they were to relive the creation of harmony, then Discord would have to be in it seeing as he is the apparent first being to be defeated by them.


    Also, Discord is best villain and I positively love that they are bringing him back. It takes some serious backbone to stroll into a place and tear it up without a plan and I am really looking forward to his return!

    • Brohoof 6
  16. I have never shrugged off any major tests for ponies. Hell, I only study and revise for the major tests, I usually just wing the smaller, less important ones. Truth be told, ever since ponies came into my life, revision has become harder and harder to do. I still soldier through it but I feel that if it were not for ponies, I would be able to study a lot easier. The only actual exam that I didn't really study for due to ponies was my recent chemistry mock and I still got a B in that so I guess I am pretty lucky :lol:

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