The sun was setting in Ponyville, and lights of the circus were illuminating the dar night sky. Yes, Cirque Du Poney was visiting around all of Equestria, but fornow, they were in the little welcoming town. Harlequin looked out from behind the curtain, to view the audience. He was sure that most of the town, if not all were here tonight. Why wouldn't they be? He heard Ponyville hardly ever got such a thing like this.
This is what excited Harle. The chance to bring magic into their life... for a short while anyway.
Briar was among the throb of ponies on the stands. She had seen a small circus once, a long time ago, so you CAN imagine she was very excited. She had heard nothing but rave reviews of this troupe. Not to mention, their tickets were reasonbly priced aswell!