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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Swebro

  1. My copy of Last of Us came today. See ya in a couple of hours!

    1. Swebro


      sooo... you will be hybernating in front of your ps3 now? :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. I gotta go in 20mins..I also here Thunder outside!yay!*hugs*See you all later.

  3. I'm going to convinve my mom to take my little brother's airsoft guns away...i'm tired of him threatening me with them. When I say this, I mean he is a real dick.

  4. I'm going to convinve my mom to take my little brother's airsoft guns away...i'm tired of him threatening me with them. When I say this, I mean he is a real dick.

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