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Ruddboy Olaf

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Posts posted by Ruddboy Olaf

  1. Blue Sky.

    Who made Bah, Humduck! A Looney Tunes Christmas?

    1 hour ago, Will Guide said:

    Your first instinct was correct; it was not Disney! Once again you have fallen for the "All Animation is Disney" trope:P

    Actually no, I've never seen the film. My mind just mixed up JelloApocalypse's Every Disney Film Reviewed in 10 Words or Less with the DreamWorks one.

    1 hour ago, Will Guide said:

    I wanted to say Rakin-Bass, but that was the animation team that made the original stop motion Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer

    Wrong. Misfit Toys is a 3d animated film. And It was GoodTimes Entertainment. That or Cayre Brothers or GT Merchandising and Licensing. I'm not sure. Either way, you likely wouldn't have guessed it.

  2. I want to say that Prince of Egypt is one of those non-Disney productions, but I feel like that would be wrong. So, Disney.

    Who made Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys?

    15 hours ago, Will Guide said:

    Although I will have to say when I saw the title Gladiformers, the first thing that came into my mind was transformers only with actual happy face of on their neutral mechanical mugs.

    Gladiformers as in Gladiator. They do transform from vehicles into robots, though. 

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