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  1. GeneralDirection's post in question regarding blog and profile picture was marked as the answer   
    In short, no and no.
    Slightly longer explanation: You can use your blog to talk about whatever you want, so long as you follow the forum rules in regards to what is acceptable content. None of those rules force you to talk about MLP in your blog. Regarding your avatar, it does not have to be your own work. There are many other users here who use avatars from the internet. In fact, I used to have one myself. Hope this helps.
  2. GeneralDirection's post in Username link was marked as the answer   
    @@Brock Obama,
    The exact BBCode is:
    [member='Brock Obama'] But it's a lot easier to highlight a portion of the post from the user you want to mention and click the '@Mention' button that comes up, if you can.
  3. GeneralDirection's post in How Can I delete My Roleplaying Topics was marked as the answer   
    Hey there!
    Unfortunately, there is no way for you to delete any topic or post you make. If you've simply made a mistake, you can always edit your post. However, if you really want your post removed, you will need to PM a staff member and ask them to delete it for you. Hope this helps!
  4. GeneralDirection's post in How do I get a signature? was marked as the answer   
    You don't need to. Just go to Signature in your settings and stick the image URL between IMG tags. If you need it hosted google image hosting and pick one. (In before this gets deleted, please use the search function next time) nvm, got moved.
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