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Sazama Ichida

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Posts posted by Sazama Ichida

  1. Im not worried about the reboot at all.


    AND...   I hope there will Never be a reboot of ED, EDD, and EDDY      I loved the show but i dont think that It could get away with some of the stuff it used to show.

    It could. It would just be a simple matter of upping the rating to TV PG. They did it with the Teen Titans reboot (even though it sucks ass) so why not?

  2. We'll need to look that up and see.

    So far, the quote of 'being able to destroy any target the user wishes and if his mind is strong enough to wield it. Considering that the Ultimate Nullifier is an aspect of Galactus itself, we can presume he'll have no issues using it. I see no reason why the Ultimate Nullifier cannot eliminate Unicron.

    If that's the case and they allow the use of it in the fight then Galactus should win.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. If it can kill an equivalent being to Unicron, than I see no issue with it's effect on him as him being labelled as can only be killed by the mentioned things in the Transformers verse is an in universe thing and may not apply to other verses.

    Yeah my question is whether or not the Ultimate Nullifier would bypass that or not.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Isn't the Ultimate Nullifier qualify as a multiverse buster. Can't it literally erase anything from existence?

    It can supposedly kill almost any cosmic being or conceptual force within the multiverse. But it's been stated that Unicron can only be destroyed by The Autobot Matrix of Leadership (although it can’t truly kill him, only delay him).

  5. Most likely. It should be a victory for Bayonetta considering her powers unless they pull the whole 'no summons' shit on her too.

    I don't know anything about either character so this is one fight I can't judge. But I'm hoping for Virgil VS Sephiroth next.

  6. I stand corrected. Apparently that Galactus VS Unicron thing I found was fake and got deleted off of Wikipedia. Bayonetta will be in the next Death Battle. But they haven't confirmed who she'll be fighting.

    Meh I'm just gonna call it. Dante from Devil May Cry is going to be her opponent. It's happening.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Well, after another round of thining and analysing (I do it often) I came to one conclusion I want to discuss. That conclusion states, that friendship doesn't exist.

    Yeah, it's that simple. The concept of friendship is wrong and misleading from the very beginning. Just an illusion, like many others.

    And I'm speaking from rich experience, from my side. Never had friends, so far (as in, people who can be considered as friends) and the only person I talk to is... complicated, to say the least. To the point of me dreading every message.

    So, what's your thoughts? Maybe someone would like to share an opinion, or even a story? I'd like to hear it.


    It can be really hard to tell who your true friends are. Especially over the internet. But you just have to keep trying and hope for the best with each new person you meet.

  8. How exactly are bronies a bad fanbase though? Is it just because alot of them are perverts? If people have had the kind of experience I've had with them though then I can understand it. Because I've encountered a good many hypocrites in this fanbase. They claim to "love and tolerate" but what do they do when they misunderstand me because of my Asperger's? They'll judge me and they'll either unfriend and/or block me or they'll say things to me to troll me and piss me off and act like total dicks...

  9. Cloud is vastly overrated. He's actually meh compared to even past sword fighters in Final Fantasy. Cecil would kick his ass all over the place, easy. Link has fought quite a few things with far more strength and speed than he has, and still pulled through. It also helps that Link has part of an overall god power from his triforce.

    And Advent Children is even worse, since it's like DBZ with swords...just stupid in all regards (Except Reno and Rude, who are like the best parts of that movie).

    Cloud's stats:


    Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magic, summoning, master swordsmanship, flight and levitation (what he did to reach Sephiroth and hand him the Black Materia), potentially possesses the likes of elemental manipulation (of the fire, lightning, ice, wind, and earth variety), healing and regeneration (mid-low), poison manipulation, transmutation (in the form of transforming others into toads), petrification (possible side effect of the Break spell), teleportation (can also be used to send target(s) far away, not to another dimension), barrier creation, time manipulation, gravity manipulation, energy blasts (in the form of Ultima)


    Weaknesses: He can be emo (especially in AC)


    Destructive Capacity: Star system level | Star system level+ (has defeated Sephiroth with all versions of Omnislash.  Notably, at the end of the original game, Cloud's will briefly surpassed Sephiroth's in their battle inside the Lifestream) | At least large planet level+ to star system level (higher tiered summons like Typhon or Knights of the Round are capable of this level of power)


    Range: Extended melee range with his Buster Sword, much higher with magic


    Speed: FTL+ (capable of keeping pace with Sephiroth [a character far stronger than Bahamut Fury] in all incarnations)

    Durability: Star system level (tanked the awakening of the five remaining Weapons in the Northern Crater and survived Sephiroth's Octaslash [or at least slashes that just moments before parried his original Omnislash] in Advent Children)


    Lifting Strength: Superhuman+


    Striking Strength: Class XPJ | Class XPJ+


    Stamina: Extremely large, he can fight for a long time without being exhausted, also he was impaled many times by Sephiroth and he was still fighting


    Standard Equipment: Buster Sword, First Tsurugi in Advent Children (collection of 6 swords combined into one) and Fenrir (his bike)


    Intelligence: Skilled combatant


    Notable Attacks/Techniques:


    - Braver: A powerful singular jumping downward slash.

    - Cross Slash: A single physical attack with three slashes. Can inflict paralysis.  In AC, with the first Tsurugi, he can split it into 2 separate blades and do a cross slash.

    - Bleam Blade: Fires a Blue energy beam that can be fired multiple times at once.

    - Climhazzard: Strikes his target, then proceeds to jump up into the air, slicing his way up his target in the process.  Used to finish off Bahamut SIN/Tremor in ACC.

    - Meteorain: Cloud swings his sword and fires off 6 meteor-like bolts of energy at his opponent(s).

    - FInishing Touch: Swings his sword, generating a tornado/distortion of air that sends his target(s) flying.

    - Omnislash: Cloud's original ultimate Limit Break.  It's initiated when his sword is imbued with fighting spirit from the heart for just a moment.  In the blink of an eye, 14 critically damaging strikes are dealt one after another… Cloud then dramatically leaps into the air and brings his sword down for the final slash.

    - Omnislash Version 5: Cloud separates his sword into six blades that surrounds his opponent. He then grabs each blade and slashes the enemy with each of them. During this attack Cloud glows in an orange aura and moves fast enough to create afterimages and finishes before the afterimages disappear. He does this with the First Tsurugi which is made up of those swords.

    - Omnislash Version 6: Cloud does this in the Advent Children Complete movie, same as his Version 5 but he glows blue and hits in an unpredictable pattern and seems much faster.

    - Cherry Blossom Slash: This move is used in the game Final Fantasy Tactics.


    Link's stats:


    Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, resistance to high tempuratures, can swim deep underwater and breathe indefinitely (via Zora Armor), skilled archer, master swordsman (learned his skills from a past version of Link), holds a third of the Triforce (Triforce of Courage), can transform into a wolf, can animate and control stone statues (via Dominion Rod)

    Weaknesses: Using the Zora Armor makes him weak to fire and ice based attacks

    Destructive Capacity: Multi continent level+ with the Master Sword

    Range: Dozens of meters with arrows

    Speed: Massively hypersonic+ reflexes/reaction time

    Durability: At least continent level+ (should generally be no less durable than Spirit Tracks Link), possibly multi continent level with Magic Armor (it should be capable of protecting him from all sorts of harm upwards of Ganon’s magical power)

    Lifting Strength: Class T+ (can match and physically overpower Ganondorf)

    Striking Strength: Class ZJ+ (is Ganondorf's equal)

    Stamina: Superhuman+

    Standard Equipment: Master Sword, Hylian Sheild, Ball and Chain, Bombs, Bomblings, Water Bombs, Double Clawshot, Dominion Rod, Gale Boomerang, Hawkeye, Hero's Bow and Arrows, Iron Boots, Slingshot and Pellets, Spinner, Zora Armor, Magic Armor

    Intelligence: Very clever, is able instantly learn how to use new items and can solve complicated puzzles on the spot, mastered all the Hero skills and is a master swordsman, also adapted on the spot to his wolf body

    Notable Attacks/Techniques:


    - Din's Fire: Calls upon the power of Din to summon an expanding dome of fire around himself, incinerating everything in its path.

    - Farore's Wind: Calls upon the power of Farore to summon a warp point in a given location so that he will be able to teleport back to that location at a later time.

    - Nayru's Love: Calls upon the power of Nayru to erect a magical barrier around his person that protects Link from all harm (upper limit being magic chucked by Ganondorf).

    - Fire Arrows: Imbues his arrows with the power of fire that explode upon impact.

    - Ice Arrows: Imbues his arrows with the power of ice that freezes their target upon impact.

    - Light Arrows: Imbues his arrows with the power of light.  His most powerful magic, these arrows have the power to dispel Ganondorf's magics and even stun him upon impact.

    - Spin Attack: Charges his sword with his magic and unleashes it in a 360 degree sword attack.


    These stats prove that this fight would've realistically been a stomp in Cloud's favor.


    But apparently Screw Attack finds Continent Level Destructive Capacity more impressive than Planet Level Destructive Capacity and faster than Hypersonic Speed more impressive than faster than Light Speed...

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I can understand now why Superman beat Goku, And I can even understand why it was correct for Kirby to beat Majin Buu.

    But why in the HELL does Screw Attack think Link would beat Cloud? Cloud would decimate Link in seconds...He's far stronger, far faster, far more skilled, and superior in literally every single attribute and all around in a completely different tier than Link...Cloud makes Link look like a pussy...Seriously, What kind of drugs were they on when they made that fuckery? One person told me it was because of the Master Sword. I get that the Master Sword is really powerful but a good weapon doesn't make a good fighter. That's not to say that Link isn't powerful of course he is. But he's completely outclassed against Cloud.

    Let's think about it this way. Let's say that you found a magic sword in real life that was indestructible and weighed practically nothing and was capable of cutting through tree trunks and any metal in one swing. And now let's say that you're a person who has had no formal training at all and you found this sword and picked it up and decided to go out and fight an entire army with it by yourself. Would you be able to effortlessly just hack through all of them while deflecting all of their firearms? Hell no. Because you wouldn't have the kind of speed, skill or reflexes needed. Because a sword is only as powerful as the one who uses it is. But according to Screw Attack's fucked up logic you yourself are just as deadly if you wield the weapon.

    This is basically like saying Samurai Jack would've still had what it took to beat Aku and his minions without any of the training that he went through as long as he had his sword...

    • Brohoof 1
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