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Sazama Ichida

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Posts posted by Sazama Ichida

  1. There's already been enough Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat characters in Death Battle. I think it's time to see some Tekken characters.

    And that reminds me I really want to see Kenshiro and Raoh from Fist of The North Star in Death Battle.

    I think Kenshiro's opponent should be one of these characters:

    1. Jin Kazama
    2. Kazuya Mishima
    3. Jotaro Kujo

    And Raoh should fight Heihachi.

  2. But, Unicron was originally voice by Orson Wells and he's dead now, who can take the place of Orson Wells in voicing this guy? I know Unicron has been voiced by other very talented actors but they've all tried to emulate the original performance. Question is who can Death battle get to voice him?


    Also this sounds like one of the few Death Battles I might actually enjoy. 

    The same can be said about Aku's voice actor. Nobody could ever take Mako Iwamatsu's place. But the Samurai Jack series has been confirmed for a reboot and continuation on Adult Swim in 2016. They might give Aku the voice he had from Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion. I dunno.


    Speaking of Samurai Jack I can't wait to see him in Death Battle. His opponent will likely be either Afro Samurai or Kenshin Himura.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Hasbro.

    That's the only connection I can think of, aside from what you implied on the video.



    I'm still skeptical about that. Since both have a weird history in their comicverses, and as far as I know, only Primus can even harm Unicron. Unicron hasn't died either, but I do believe Galactus has...or I could be wrong.

    I see. And yeah I think Thor may have killed him once but he didn't stay dead.


    The fight has been confirmed:


  4. I feel like that is a serious insult to call Sunny that. First off, I've never seen bacon that's the color of ketchup and mustard. Second, Sunny's hair is nearly as complex as Rarity's. Perhaps even moreso. And here people are comparing her lovely hair to strips of dead pig carcass? Intolerable! Absolutely, unorgivably intolerable. Sunset Shimmer, for damn sure wouldn't tolerate being called bacon mane.

    I couldn't agree more.

    • Brohoof 2

    well i enjoy classics for reading and work, it calms my nerves and help me to relax, is good when i write, something i do most of the time but i enjoy to dance dubstep, Vynil mixes and am very open minded when it's about music but one thing i can't stand is reggae, the music is so lazy and dumb that i can't hear it


    I was really depressed at the time...And I was afraid to trust Balareth...I just needed time to recover... :sunny:  But he can send it now. I've unblocked him. I'll always love you forever. I know it might sound crazy but...Even though I know you're only an OC and that you're not really real I actually feel real infatuation with you as though you were a real person...(And I'm actually not kidding)


    i know, i feel the same, even though am only exist very far from here you are the one who make me feel alive and here with you, as for jellyfish head Balareth, don't mind him, he just want to be a RP bud for you, nothing else, and he doesn't expect you forgive him, just RP and continue 


    heh heh i am not sure if i can say it, but ill try a dumb wish: i would like to be as pretty as Rarity, i always wanted to be like her since we're fillies on high school she was popular and i wanted to be just like her, i even fix my eyelashes to look like her, unfortunately i didn't get any success in high school


    Well you can tell him I said yes. :) While I don't plan on ever giving him my full trust again I am willing to be his friend again and simply be on good terms. :) You can tell him I said add me back on Skype. :)

  6. im glad you liked it!

    i like to hear some music, have a relaxing hot bath with candles and Octavia's symphonies, i also like to go to a cafe and order a nice capuccino with donuts while i read a nice book, and during weekends i like to make a picnic in the park and enjoy the sun and the breeze, am a simple person so, *giggles*


    Oh my Beloved Asbel... :( am always missing you and i always will love you for all eternity no matter what, i miss you so much, sometimes i hug my pillow feeling it's you and i cry for not to have you near me, i even made a draw of us kissing each other in wedding dress and Balareth drew you in groom outfit but you blocked us and we couldn't send it to you

    I was really depressed at the time...And I was afraid to trust Balareth...I just needed time to recover... :sunny:  But he can send it now. I've unblocked him. I'll always love you forever. I know it might sound crazy but...Even though I know you're only an OC and that you're not really real I actually feel real infatuation with you as though you were a real person...(And I'm actually not kidding)

  7. Biggest reason, they wanted to throw a show of support to the budding Brony fandom so they decided to have Starscream throw the fight so they can show just how awesome FIM's ponies are. It's one of the biggest reasons why I love the show.

    Sounds right.


    Also, These Death Battles NEED to happen next season/next year:


    Aquaman VS Namor The Submariner

    Antman VS The Atom

    Brainiac VS Ultron

    Black Cat VS Catwoman

    Deadshot VS Bull's Eye

    Darksied VS Thanos

    Galactus VS Unicron

    Kingpin VS Bane

    Killer Croc VS The Lizard

    Mister Fantastic VS Elongated Man

    Thor VS Captain Marvel/Shazam

    The Flash VS Quicksilver

    The Green Lanterns VS The Nova Corps

    X-Men VS The Doom Patrol

    Naruto Uzumaki VS Monkey D. Luffy

    Finn and Jake VS Mordecai and Rigby

    • Brohoof 1

    I didn't know much about Digimon but after I saw what that thing could do I was wondering how the heck was Charizard going to back that up. Also they seemed to have used the strongest version of Charizard they could find which should be against the rules but still lost.



    And why should that not be allowed exactly? Just curious. Considering Greymon is stronger than Charizard it wouldn't have been fair to not use the strongest Charizard.


  9. You know what I don't get? Why is it that they put so much effort into some Death Battles and give them great animation and choose to halfass other ones using only sprites for animation?


    I think the saddest thing about this Death Battle was Red losing to Tai when Red is the much more mature, and levelheaded one. Not to mention the far better strategist.


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