Ok, so I've pretty much figured out who the main rulers of Equestria are, hold on to your hooves, there's some meat to it. *ahem* So we start with the three that first claimed equestria, Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead, and Princess Platinum. After the events from the Hearths Warming Eve episode they decided to unanimously elect a ruler for their land. There could have been any number of rulers after that and I won't speculate, however, we will jump to the next ruler of interest. In the Hearts and Hooves Day episode, it is brought that a prince fell in love and created a love poison (meant as a love potion) for his princess. It is stated by the CMC that the book says that they neglected their duties and "chaos reigned". This is when our good villian Discord steps in. After he rules for some time (causing dismay and general unhappiness for everypony) Princesses Celestia and Luna decide enough is enough and use the Elements of Harmony to usurp the tyrant and rule Equestria in peace (disregarding the Nightmare Moon incident) to present day. Whew, that was a bunch, huh? Well this is just what I've gathered from the show, this is COMPLETELY CANON (though canon does step on it's tail a bit with Starswirl the Bearded, but another discussion for a different day). But what I do want to know is if there's anything I missed. Is there anything you know, anything you picked up that I missed. Please, comment and tell me!