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Will Guide

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Status Updates posted by Will Guide

  1. Well, after a year I decided to finally see if I can catch up with generation 5. I pretty much only saw the 45-minute special. Make your mark when it first came out and then the first 2 episodes of Chapter 1 shortly after that but then stopped.

    Does anyone who have seen the episodes so far have any recommended episodes for me to look forward to?

    1. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      I think you mean the first two episodes of Chapter 2, since Chapter 1's just a special. :kindness: It's funny, because Episode 3 of Chapter 2 is a fan favorite, so you'll have an episode to look forward to right off the bat. :cheeky-smile:

  2. January 16th is "Appreciate a Dragon Day". So, let's all give our appreciation to Spike, Ember, Sparky, and all the other dragons of Equestria

  3. So I heard that Spike the dragon from generation 4 makes an appearance in generation 5? If so, which episode?

    1. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      He's in every episode of Make Your Mark Chapter 6 barring Secrets of Starlight. 

  4. Can somebody remind me about what makes up the My Little Pony generation 5 show and I only saw the opening a new generation and chapter 1 of make your mark?

  5. Forgot to share this one that was also made by Alex Blastfire 2.

    Don't worry, the points of contact where my hands are touching are phasing right through, So no crushing or property damage but it feels like they're being hugged


  6. I guess on very rare occansions shall I post here on this website, but for now, check out what Alex Blastfire made for me:

    All my Personas:

  7. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, 

    Or as the Changelings like to call it All the Love You Can Drink Buffet Day

  8. Finally finished my Luca-based fan fiction of a Sea Monster raised as a human who discovers his aquatic side on his 13th birthday.


    Luca is one of such awesome movie I've seen in recent years 

  9. I had a Christmas Avatar badge made last year that I know was originally given me here on this website during an event. I was thinking of seeking it out so I could use it as a avatar again for the holiday. I don't think the file name was a coherent word to do a image search for it. Any advice?

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Turned out I saved it to my phone in January of 2022, not December 2021. So I still got it

  10. Alex Blastfire made this for me


  11. Will Guide, now that you've learned some time off from working for Walmart for 10 months what are you going to do next?

    I'm going to Walt Disney World!


  12. Alex Blastfire 2 made this Werewolf version of Will Guide in time for Halloween


    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Wow. More intense looking than I expect. O_O

    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Yeah you don't want to mess with me

  13. Hey guys what do you think about these arts of Dragon Will Guide done by Alex Blastfire 2?





    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      I see you fix the status update bug

    2. Old Accnt.

      Old Accnt.

      It looks pretty good 

      and yes finally status updates seem to be fixed for me as well

  14. In the past few weeks, I written and uploaded new chapters to my Luca-inspired fanfiction, The 13th Year: A Sea Monster in Portorosso.

    Check it out 

    I even made a bonus chapter that serves as a fan-made trailer screenplay.


    Chapter Index:



  15. I have added a few new chapters to my Luca inspired fanfiction.




    And just yesterday, it's been the one year anniversary of the film!

  16. I forgotten to tell you guys that I've added a new chapter to my Luca inspired fanfiction about a week ago.



  17. Been a while since I uploaded a new chapter to my Luca-inspired fan fiction, The 13th Year: A Sea Monster in Portorosso. Check it out


  18. Does anybody know what happened to @Mesme Rize he hasn't been on here since around May of 2020 and that was 2 years ago.

    1. Megas


      Yeah, I've been wanting to see that too. Just disappeared without saying anything

      His Steam account was more recent, though he hasn't been on it for 3 months

    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Oh, that's somewhat good

  19. After 2 weeks of being busy, I finally added a new chapter to my fanfiction on Archive of Our Own:
    The 13th Year: a Sea Monster in Portorosso Chapter 6: Encountering Newcomers to Town

  20. You do a pretty good job as the Legion of Doom answering questions

  21. And now Chapter 5 of "The 13th Year" is up.

    Soon, little mermen, our characters will meet face to face.

  22. I uploaded the 4th chapter of "the 13th Year" early. And it's the chapter with my version of Part of That World


  23. Chapter 3 of The 13th Year: A Sea Monster in Portorosso is up

  24. My 2nd chapter of "The 13th Year: A Sea Monster in Portorosso" is up on Archive of Our Own. Check it out here!

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