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Status Updates posted by NothingIsEverything

  1. 1576102413_Screenshot_20190411-055846_BanGDream!.thumb.jpg.d917aa25550a3a5a92ad49db28765e88.jpg

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      She's like: "By the way I can't see anything with this on."

    2. NothingIsEverything


      As Shakespeare once said, "I cannot see anything with this on...how fleeting".

  2. Man, arguing with people who are stuck in their own echo chamber is not fun at all.

  3. Lol I think I got banned from the subreddit or something because I can't reply to anyone 

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Ah Reddit, a place for sub reddits to be never ending circlejerks. It is sad. 

      "You dare slightly criticize what we like? AWAY WITH THEE FOUL DEMON."

  4. Lol



    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      These people are hopeless. If they so desperately want the most realistic experience in rally racing, why don't they just go out and do the real thing rather than dictate what others are allowed to enjoy IN A VIDEO GAME?

    2. NothingIsEverything


      And apparently Dirt 4 is a arcade game and Dirt Rally 2.0 is a sim, even though they are the same game

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      The term 'sim' is one that has a different definition to basically everyone now. The elitists will use it only to justify their ego and make other games look bad. Like all the idiots that say "Forza isn't a sim", maybe it isn't the most 100% ultra realistic racing game out there, but it has more features and content than most other racing games combined.

  5. 5 minutes in and that meme I sent to the dirt subreddit has been downvoted lol 😂

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      HA. Elitists are funny. :P

  6. When will game developers learn that defense/escort mission are NOT FUCKING FUN IN THE SLIGHTEST. It's just a stupid excuse to throw everything at you while protecting something with a weak health bar.

    1. Rikifive


      And escort missions usually involve people with extremely stupid AI. :mlp_icwudt:

      I don't like these either. :-P

  7. I hate the concept of drive-thrus. I personally think they should not exist. It's just another step towards laziness. 

  8. How could you just mention me like that? THREE DAYS added to your sentence 

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Look what you did! You mentioned my arm off you fuck.

  9. 52806640_394624487769917_6965467846281265152_o.thumb.jpg.c8c0e46a3cbd720c0e637e18774c9878.jpg

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Good times. :P By the by, I apologize for not being on yesterday. Was up late, slept late and...yeah. Kinda been bleh. Hopefully won't be the same way today though.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Holy shit that is out of nowhere. o_o Since he is the model for Chris Redfield, did the shooter think "He can punch boulders, surely he can take bullets!" Perhaps it was a deranged mega fan. XD Glad nobody was harmed though, that stuff is nuts.

      Oh, speaking of stories, this is rather funny. This is from a town in the next county over, a church that is right next to the city limits and I noticed this sign long before this story came about.


      This church has a history of displaying incredibly stupid messages. Best part? The sign is criticizing something happening in a school, even though it is actually happening in a city library. :P  That is religion 101: Make a bunch of shit up and say it is truth.

  10. I want to do this to every kid I see that does a fortnite dance or dabs unironically:


  11. 651913539_Screenshot_20190212-065922_BanGDream!.thumb.jpg.cd59e49361f6512be77f4dc55c950441.jpg

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Amazing that they actually allow that. XD There should be an anime girl version of Menard in the game. :P

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