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Everything posted by THE WILD HUNT
Acheron examined the throne room, taking special care to analyze the traces of magic left behind from the spell that was apparently used to cause the disappearance of Celestia. "This was a spell strengthened by the blood of the caster. More like a ritual really, as I doubt the one responsible for this was here directly. Perhaps the guards were not all loyal to her, Dimitri, a blood teleportation ritual like this requires some part of the target as well. Either they provided something like a lock of hair to the perpetrator willingly, or they were controlled to do so. The latter would be reasonable, it would explain why no one noticed the sound of the glass..."
"The cycle of change is always manipulated by those who have the strength and resolution to do so be it for selfish or benevolent means. Regardless, I am sorry to hear that this new regime had to return to your country...." Acheron remembered well how he had been the cause of several changes in the past. Too many, none of which provided happy endings foraanyone unfortunate enough to live through them...
"Sovestria huh? Hm... I recall the name... Wasn't it at first ruled by some rather despicable leaders, the last of which was overthrown during a revolution to make way for a new government that promised equality of status and wealth?" The history of that place had always interested Acheron. It showed the cycle of order and the passion of the people, how they would always seek to destroy orders deemed too abusive to restore their natural rights.
Acheron nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you from?" For a second Acheron thought back to his homeland. It was a rather beautiful place, kind of like Equestria though not as large. It was a shame that such a fate had to befall it, and even more shameful were the consequences that came to it...
Acheron's ears perked up at the mention of history, but then he remembered that the history he knew about wasn't something even the most knowledgeable historians would know... or should know for that matter. The histories of darkness, history of the twisted and secret things which have transpired in Equestria and in the Dark Realms... Acheron shook his head. He did know quite a bit about "normal" history, and it was something that always interested him anyway. "I enjoy history. What of it?
Husband of Fluttershy? Well no wonder the stallion seemed so distraught, his wife was missing. Acheron knew well how much losing someone could hurt, but he quickly pushed the thoughts out of his head before he could dwell on them for even a second. "I see... do not worry about your being foreign, I'm not truly from around these parts either." Acheron continued to follow the others into the throne room.
"Intimidated? Ha, we already faced off against some power-armoured guy with twice the equipment and size this guy over here has." Abaddon laughed as he drew a bit closer to the two. He noticed that the one with the weaponry possessed a magical aura, so he kept his guard up as well as he spoke. "We're foreigners here in this land, although that's a bit of an understatement..."
Acheron returned the gesture. Such a thing was actually custom from where he originally came from, but that particular place was best left unremembered in Acheron's mind. The very thought of it already brought back some unpleasant memories, but Acheron had coped with them for a while now; his face showed no change as the pain rose and subsided. "Pleased," he said as his head rose back up, locks of his curly mane falling back into place. The other stallion had yet to answer, but his mind seemed to be preoccupied with something else by the look of his facial expression. The unicorn rolled his eyes at the gestures Draco made on Majestic as he followed them to the throne room.
"Hm..." The O'Malley name had appeared a couple of times in some of the tomes Acheron read, though considering these particular tomes were written by "spiteful" ones, the name was usually berated and insulted. Acheron looked towards the other ponies in the room. There was another red stallion, this one taller and bulkier than the rest. Black hair and a rather large beard, this pony didn't seem to be from around here. He also seemed rather distraught and unkempt, but Acheron didn't know why this was. Turning to the mare, that's when he noticed he was being stared at. Not only in just a "what the heck" type of way, but in a way that seemed she was studying him. Acheron bit his lip in a bit of irritation, but otherwise did nothing hostile. "Let's get the formalities out of the way then. I am Acheron. The rest of you are?..." Acheron said as he pointed a hoof towards the mare and foreign stallion.
(Uh... Dragon...? Right now know one currently knows anything for certain about Acheron. I don't mind there being rumours and stuff about him, but it'd be better to not use any pre-obtained knowledge right now for the sake of the RP and development. Thanks .) Acheron raised a questioning eyebrow at the red, blonde maned stallion. He had seen him a couple of times around... pretty much any town he visited, doing his trade of delivering exotic items or just special packages. A courier, but that's all Acheron really knew about him. Despite this, "Draco" would have been someone Acheron didn't expect to be summoned for a mission like this. Perhaps there was more to this pony? Acheron himself was a pony fit for this phrase, so it would come as no surprise to him if he had skills or abilites no one knew about. More powerful offensive magic might be one of them, considering this unicorn's job called for such to help hold his own against bandits and less than agreeable creatures in the foreign lands he had to visit sometimes. "Acheron would be my name, yes, but as to the rest of what you said, I have no clue of what you're talking about."
"Oh for fuck's sake..." Abaddon cursed as he heard and saw the activating tech and weaponry on another individual next to his questioner. He too prepared himself for any hostile actions, ready slash with tendrils and claws or obliterate with his dark powers. He was getting fed up with the people he was encountering here, especially the ones who seemed to be from space and experts at hunting aliens. "You know, pointing guns at someone who hasn't even done anything to you is a surefire way to gain their appreciation and cooperation," Abaddon said sarcastically. "If you want any proper responses, I suggest you relax yourselves and take a knee. Do note WE are not attacking or doing anything that could count as intimidation, so think carefully about your next moves..."
(Scipio isn't even in the realm of Equestria right now, he's still in Gehenna restoring himself from the battle and examining the info from Blood. Regardless, I think it's about time he does something again.) Scipio had just returned from the dark realm of Gehenna and to Equestria. He was just about to make his way to the eerie castle in the distance when he heard someone call out to him. Wonderul, just what he needed, more inquisitive and hostile horses. The symbiote quickly began to spread over his body to convert him into Abaddon. "Why do you ask?" Abaddon questioned as he finally turned, razor teeth glinting in the moon light.
The brooding unicorn trotted in a quick yet calm way down the streets of Canterlot as he headed for the castle of the Royal Sisters, turning the heads of civilian ponies and guards alike. It wasn't because he was famous, or because he looked strange and out of place, but because he carried an oppressive air about him. As soon as Acheron would turn his piercing eyes and scowling face towards somepony looking at him, they would feel uneasy. Something dark seemed to lurk within Acheron's eyes... After minutes and minutes of checkpoints and street corners, Acheron finally arrived at his destination. "Canterlot Castle, this place looks no different than when I was here to discuss some... personal matters with the Princesses." The unicorn entered the castle, noticing some ponies upon entry. These individuals seemed different however, unlike politicians or royal guards that would usually be found here. "Perhaps these are others that they have requested help in looking for the Six?" Acheron scowled even more. He didn't like, no, HATED working with others. It had never boded him well, and one particular instance had already destroyed any desire for working in a team and developing trust between them...
(Sorry I've been absent from this guys, I've been a bit busy as of late) "Hm," Scipio muttered as he read the holographic text, "And I'm guessing that's where our friend comes in. I think we've established that he isn't from around these parts, so my guess is that he wound up here while pursuing 'Horus'." "Who apparently has a pact with 'Chaos Gods'. That doesn't sound to good. I gain knowledge from you about the supernatural, but still have much to gather," the symbiote spoke. "Do you know of any other such entities besides Apophis?" "Other than the Chaos Snake of Egypt? No, not really, though I'm guessing their influence, goals, and powers wouldn't be too different."
(I know right -_-? Sometimes you have to make elaborate, novel worthy posts... about your character eating a donut...) Scipio brought up the name that said "Battle Master Horus", wondering who exactly Horus was. He seemed to be the cause of the Heresy, that much was way too obvious, but for what reasons?
searching Gathering Of The Heroes (Still Accepting!)
THE WILD HUNT replied to CornBreadGang's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I'm sorry, but I could think of no other image after I read, or tried to read, Fireblaze's most recent post. Dude, no offense but you seriously should fix your grammar if you expect for any of us to actually pay attention to your posts and take them seriously. It's almost illegible, and I honestly don't want to take the time correcting every single mistake found in the first four words just to make sense of what the heck is going on... -
Scipio was rather shocked to see the death toll of the battle. 6 billion confirmed kills?! That was more than 85% of Earth's population! Not to mention, there was at least 7 billion more casualties, although these were unconfirmed and mere estimates of the true damage that was caused. "You ever come across something like this in your travels?" Scipio asked the symbiote. "No, and I've always looked to bond with hosts on planets that are in constant conflict. Feeds me more. This is something else though, I've never seen death tolls resulting from war alone rise this high...." "Talk about 'planet-cide' eh? Just what exactly was this Horus Heresy? It seems to be the root of all of this..."
Scipio displayed the battle statistics prompted by the hologram, curious to see if it would reveal anything other than the number of deaths and honors given to soldiers and whatnot. (Can't word limits just be restricted to something like Advanced RPs or something -_-...)
Scipio remained silent after the holographic tape ended. That was... interesting to say the least, and he took note of the soldiers expressions after the chaos had ended. Instead of cheering, they mourned. It all reminded Scipio of the Civil War that had taken place in the US back on Earth; brother against brother, torn apart by different ideals and beliefs. The only question Scipio had was what had caused this battle. The name of it was "Horus Heresy", so he thought that maybe one side had abandoned the beliefs they had all once followed together. Heresy?... maybe one side had defected to follow something considered terrible? He didn't know.
Scipio watched with interest as the brutality played out before him. He had seen such deaths before, in fact, he had killed his enemies in such ways before. It was still slightly.... bothersome though. Not because of the violence, but because the people fighting seemed to have once been all on the same side. What had happened?
searching Gathering Of The Heroes (Still Accepting!)
THE WILD HUNT replied to CornBreadGang's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I admit I am being a bit of a hypocrite considering the Dark Entity, with the level of power he had, could be considered a "god" xD. I dunno, Blood seems a bit borderline OP, but at least he's able to be fought unlike other characters I've made Abaddon fight. Chaos gods... again man, this is one weird scifi franchise xD. Never expected such things to be found in it, I honestly thought Warhammer was your typical super tech and alien game. -
Scipio paused for a while as he saw the 3D image. Holographic tapes, he was intrigued to see what'd they show. "Meh, why not?" He hit the play button and graciously gave Krein more words to write to complete the requirements of the word limit thingamajig.
searching Gathering Of The Heroes (Still Accepting!)
THE WILD HUNT replied to CornBreadGang's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Adamantium soldiers with weaponry that can decimate nearly anything? Cool. Adamantium soldiers with weaponry that can decimate anything and the ability to call upon the power of thousands of souls for even more power, releasing nuclear level explosions and fighting gods of chaos one on one? Sounds legit... ... Yeah... -
(I'll play the tapes, but you'll have to dictate how they play out seeing as how I know nothing about Warhammer xD) Scipio had been studying his tomes diligently when the symbiote brought something to his attention. A strange tape of some kind. Odd, Scipio didn't remember carrying something like this around before crossing realms and winding up in that equestrian world. "#It is most likely from that soldier we fought recently...." "Ah, figured. It doesn't seem like a tracking device of sorts, but even if it was, nothing like that could ever even work in this realm. Even if it could, there would be no readings due to the otherwordly energy abounding here." Scipio examined the thing to see what it would do.
searching Gathering Of The Heroes (Still Accepting!)
THE WILD HUNT replied to CornBreadGang's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Yeah, Abaddon's symbiote is still from the same species seen in Marvel universe. Functions in the exact same way. Scipio and the symbiote have an immensely powerful bond though, making them extremely difficult to separate truly.