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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Ampharos

  1. Honestly I don't watch MLP anymore or even participate in the community but I really do miss the good ole roleplaying days

  2. Oh hey this is a thing still

  3. Soooooo... Who watched/is watching Sense8?

  4. *rolls by in a stampede of tumbleweeds*

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I am picturing either a western theme or a town getting bit by a dust storm. :P

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Hit* Though I suppose it still makes sense.

  5. Holy crap, these latest episodes for Flash and Arrow were tippy toppers

  6. *tumbleweed rolls by profile*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mars


      *gets hit by tumbleweed* wow

      dumb tumbleweed

    3. Ampharos


      Aw darn, the tumbleweeds got out again... Sorry bout that.

    4. mars


      i say we attack the tumbleweed! *picks up sword* We can not let this menace continue!

  7. Must. Have. DJ. Sona.

    1. Plume


      Doooo itttttt

  8. Monty Oum has been someone I looked up to for quite some time. His creative mind was so admirable, and he did not deserve what happened. Monty did so many incredible things in his life, and I'm now going to make sure I don't waste the life I'm privileged to have.

  9. Sorry to the people I'm 1x1 RPing with. "My Content" is down right now and I don't really feel too up to digging for our RPs. I'll post once "My Content" is back up.

  10. Tenshi ni Fureta makes mi cri evertim

    1. Ampharos


      *Tenshi ni Fureta yo

  11. Your Lie in April is gonna be the death of me.

  12. K-On!! was so good! Still surprised a show like that had such an emotional final episode... Welp, time for the extra episodes and movie!

  13. I think my top two ships are Yuiazu and Mugi x Ritsu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CheeryFox
    3. CheeryFox
    4. Ampharos


      Huh, meant to put "top two K-On!" ships there. Woops, lol.


      And yes, Ritsu XD

  14. K-On!! is my guiltiest guilty pleasure

  15. Just watched the latest episode of Your Lie in Apri. Excuse me while I go sob in the corner.l

  16. Why can't I just be handed a story line so I can do something with my characters? I wanna write, gosh dang it TT^TT

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Countess Noodle

      Countess Noodle

      What kind of fic are you planning on writing

    3. Ampharos


      An original story, actually XD

    4. Ampharos


      Which is even harder...

  17. "Can you imagine a world where we spend more time working and being productive than shaking our god damn butts? It'd be magical." -William Haynes 2015

  18. Hm... Thinking of writing a story.

    1. TenorSounds


      You should take those thoughts and write them down.

    2. Ampharos


      Yea I gotta do that at some point. I only have the characters at this point in time, and a few more internal plotlines within the characters themselves. I haven't thought of a overlying plot nor do I even know the setting yet. I'll figure it out though. Probably.

  19. Your Lie in April is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooood

    1. Plume


      Oh my gosh is it? I've been wanting to watch it!

    2. Ampharos



  20. AHHHHH I love Your Lie in April so much and I'm only on the 3rd episode!


  22. Is it weird that I found Anna Kendrick much more attractive when I found out she was 5'2''?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ampharos


      I think I just have a thing for short girls XD

    3. Steelstallion


      Haha! maybe. Slightly shorter girls just seem...cuter.

    4. Ampharos
  23. Hmm... Maybe I should get back into RPing...

    1. Wolfeus Silverpaw

      Wolfeus Silverpaw

      OR SHOULD YOU??? *dramatic music plays*

  24. I need to find something to do here...

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