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  1. these are seriously fantastic, man once again, this fandom goes to show that custom pony is best pony
  2. I don't even know what 3DS forums is. I heard about it on 4chan actually. Someone said they were doing the art for the site; this was before it was launched. I signed up for the mailing list then. Whoever that /b/-tard was, good job btw
  3. >very disturbing it's just bewbs, lady
  4. Twi def. She's extremely knowledgeable, she consistently displays strong leadership capabilities, she respects traditions and other social institutions, she's faithful and gentle, yet always with a strength inside... AJ in second, because she knows economics! She knows how to accomplish a task. She's confident and skilled. If anything, she'd work too hard. no one else even comes close to these two IMO maybe rarity in a far third fluttershy has her moments, too, but they are too far in between Rainbow Dash would probably be the worst and celestia's a power-hungry tyrant, so no
  5. so yeah... is this confirmed or not? seems unlikely cause they've been spacing out episodes throughout season two for whatever reason. Usually that makes me think they want more time to finish the rest. however, it does not seem unlikely that there will in fact be a season 3. It's season 4 I'm worried about.
  6. This is like that scene in the '68 Planet of the Apes film when they find a speaking human doll at the dig. "Why would they make a headband with a HUUUUMAN skull?!?!"
  7. PhunkThisNoise is cute as hell. Also... D I V E R S I T Y that is all
  8. 'At the Gala' was the first pony song I heard, since 'the best night ever' was the first episode I watched. I remember being wowed at the transition to Fluttershy's part. That still gets me. I went from 0% brony to at least 25% brony at that point. After that I watched the episodes in a kind of haphazard order. I don't really remember liking any song as much as 'At the Gala'. Maybe 'Winter Wrap-Up'... Also, the Eurobeat Brony version is awesome... seriously though, 'At the Gala' played a HUGE part in me liking MLP FiM at all. It also reminded of my disastrous junior prom all those years ago... nostalgia/melancholy overload weird though, because I had no context for any of the characters....
  9. Fucking great fic.... Outlines look perfect so far.
  10. Pinkie's singing is pretty often quite shit even though she apparently has an opera singer doing her voice for those parts It's too... talky But it's the lyrics that make her singing anyway I fail to see how Fluttershy has not swept this question. Her voice is by far the most wonderful to listen to because of its soft, airy texture. Twilight comes in a close second but out of sheer pitch perfectness alone and because a like Twi as a pony. Rarity's pretty decent too. Dash and AJ are whatever. They have a lot of texture and style in their voices, which make them cool, but I've yet to really be impressed. They, of course, don't have their own songs yet either. Here's lookin atchoo season two
  11. EqD has consistent quality and the format is clean, navigable and familiar it's just fucking great
  12. Don't underestimate the extent to which this "movement" has undermined western cultural norms then again, I think Faust definitely undermined MLP quite a bit, not to mention how the fandom further undermines what Faust undermined plus everypony knows the fandom is 90% of the fun it's like this I bet you could enjoy Eqd without ever even watching the show. That's how rich it is.
  13. 1. Twi 2. Dashie 3. yellow one 4. AJ 5. Pinkie Pie 6. Rarity
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