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About Fac3Desk

  • Birthday 1995-05-18

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Australia, Perth
  • Personal Motto
    I can be friends with anypony, so long as their morals are high.
  • Interests

    My Pony Personality Test:

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOHpYkLQQ-A Its not a wild remix, but I'm still working away on it. Here is an orchestral mix. Lol. Ok then If I'm gonna help you, would I be able to change the rhythm of the song (which you've already seemingly set out), and maybe a few words, here and there?
  2. To be brutelly honest. You've got an amazing voice, far better than me. The way you sing is really well done, and you don't seem to go off pitch (which, disappointingly, I do). You keep the rythm there well, although I feel like you could slow it down a bit. I'll see what I can do
  3. Oh, sorry. I haven't actually been able to listen to it, due to my internet being really really slow. I'll download it, and listen, then tell you what I think
  4. I present two new songs. Et3rnity - DJ-WildPonyz ft. FlareDash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_6m1r9eW9M ~~~~~ Smile Song - Orchestral Cover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHqQvixyw3k So, the first was a collaberation done by myself and Flaredash, and the second was my first shot at trying something orchestral
  5. Thats why I allow the user who requested, to have the one with text on it! http://broniesaustralia.com.au/attachment.php?aid=814 Mind you - it should be saved to desktop so the person can view the image on notepad properly.
  6. What should I do next? Make music, or ASCii?

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea


  7. HULALUYAH! I HAVE FOUND ANOTHER BRONY WHO CAN DO ASCii ART! HELL YEAH! I do it as well. My method is the extreme method, where I have two screens, one with notepad, the other with the image, and then I draw with notepad. It takes me a long time, but its hell worth it! Can you tell me your method? Via PM - if thats alright.... You can view all my artwork on BAU if you want. ~~~~~ Oh yeah, also - you can use INFeKt NFO Viewer to export your ascii as a png or jpg to make it better for forums
  8. @BroniesUnite - Thanks! I put a lot of work into my songs, and the viva la pony was done with headphones, so maybe thats a reason why the clapping is too loud... OK, A new song has been released! Eternity - Original by DJ WildPonyz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RHh0a9Exro
  9. Thanks, I'm glad you think so! I've had another look at "This Day Aria", and it seems remixable, but the "Find a Pet" would be pretty hard to do... In other news, I'm currently working on my piano based song "Eternity", so all other songs have been put on hold.
  10. @ferrousphantom - thanks for the tip, but I may end up getting a friend who has been trained in singing to do it for me, as she is also going to help sing another song I'm creating. @Zygen - thanks! @Otty~ - an instrumental basically means no vocals... so maybe thats why you don't hear any? Anyway, the only song there that should have GOOD vocals is my Babs Seed remix Also, I created the first two songs using the pattern method only on FLStudio, but the Babs Seed one I actually used the tracks... it ended up being easier that way
  11. Fac3Desk

    request shop [PERMANENTLY CLOSED]

    These are REALLY GOOD! Now I've got more images I can ASCii! I remember when you did these for me, a few weeks ago. It was a really pleasent surprise!
  12. Fac3Desk

    mega thread Anime Discussion Thread

    I started watching FMA: Brotherhood... WHY is there so many CLIFFHANGERS!? Lol... I go into the early hours of the morning watching it, until I finally decide not to watch another episode....
  13. Hello Everypony... So, my mainstream so far is to remix music, and \ or ponify it. I have several songs that I am working on currently (thats me... I take on 3 at once... I'm an idiot.). ANYWAY - I currently have 3 songs up, but some are not finito to what I would like (just one... so far). The first one I remixed was "Viva la Vida". I also had lyrics re-written to it (ponified it). I've posted lyrics below the song in a spoiler. I have not been able to get someone to record it them singing for me, I would, but 1) My recording equipment isn't that great, and 2) I can't sing the song well... OK, so on with the music! Viva La Pony (Instrumental) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_9LGkIWpvQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flutteryay - Wild Remix http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPmVjCebqo4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bab's Seed - Wild Remix ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do I take requests? Hmmmm... eh, may as well... Current Songs under my gaze: Eternity - original composition BBBFF - Wild Remix Love is in Bloom - Wild Remix Thanks for your time!
  14. Fac3Desk


    Hello everypony! I'm Fac3Desk, a relatively new pony to the entire fandom. My old haunting ground, BAU, has somehow become full of trolls, and getting a bit out of hand, so Somer FireMane (a good friend ) referred me to this site! So this will be my old haunting ground from now on. Ummm, I like video games, watching movies (comedy is my favourite genre, with action in second place). I enjoy watching some anime and Doctor Who (it was a frequent question on BAU, so I may as well answer it now...). My favourite Movie series is Star Wars (major fan right here), and my favourite tv series is obviously, My Little Pony. Favourite Pony is FLUTTERSHY! So... uhhh, oh yeah, I'm also Aussie... G'day!
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