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About Passacaglia

  • Birthday March 8

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    melodic minor scale
  • Personal Motto
    Music is life.
  • Interests
    Music and the creative arts in general are a big part of my life. I've played the viola since I was four years old and adore it. I also like drawing (though I've never taken a real art class, so I'm not astoundingly good - I just figured out how to draw human bodies without messing up all the proportions, and I still have to learn perspective, shading and coloring) and writing, which I am best at out of everything I can do.

    My hobby is creating characters. I have around 75 individual characters at this point, and as mentioned above I'm currently working on multiple things that involve some of these characters. I do aspire to be published at some point, although patience is probably a virtue I'll need a lot of in that area.

    My guilty pleasure is fanfiction. I love reading a good fanfic, and I write some myself, although the ones that I have published I am extremely lazy about updating.

    I also get very emotionally invested in movies and TV. It's not that I watch too many hours of TV - more that I watch too many TV shows. I'm part of at least fifty fandoms at this point, even if I'm no longer an active participant in many of them. My issue is that I'm always hungry for new and engaging stories and characters, so if you have any recommendations for books, movies, TV, anime, anything - let me know!

    When it comes to music - orchestral and symphonic are my favorite, but yes, I will listen to almost ANY sort of music. There are of course exceptions, but my taste in music varies a lot.

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference

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  1. I actually think modern art can have soul if it's created with integrity and care. And I love the Emerson Quartet. But yeah, I'd rather just listen to either an orchestra or choir by itself than hear both together - that doesn't feel like a true partnership to me, it feels like orchestra accompanying a choir.
  2. To each his own, I suppose. Glinka is not large on nuance, is what I guess I meant. I prefer composers like Shostakovich and Stravinsky.
  3. Currently playing this piece in my school orchestra... a bit too simplistic for my taste. Again, not a giant Glinka fan. It's a fun read though.
  4. I have the same problem. I do tend to feel a bit ignorant when in a room full of other musicians, because they often seem to know more than I do.
  5. Pshaw.Yes you are, just not in that particular area. I wouldn't know either of them if I hadn't played their music. I'm also fond of Rimsky-Korsakov, by the by. Probably the only famous Russian composer I actively dislike would be Glinka.
  6. Yeah, Tchaik rocks. And Gershwin and Bernstein, although I'm not much for contemporary composers. My favorite composer at the moment is Shostakovich, with Stravinsky running a close second.
  7. I have a giant soft spot for 20th century Russian composers.I also love Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi and a bunch of others but... not a huge Mozart fan.
  8. I'm not really very fond of the rule 34 or any of the more extreme grimdark. It's fine that people like that sort of thing, but I don't like seeing it in places where I'm not expecting it to be, which tends to happen a lot since most of the fandom seems to assume that everyone is fine with it.
  9. I think the topic of romantic relationships in kids' shows should be left alone, period. The children that these shows are targeted at aren't ready to seriously think about a relationship and there is no reason that a TV show should encourage them to do so. If they want to learn about relationships, fine, but they should look somewhere else.
  10. Doesn't matter to me which search engine is better; I'm used to using Google and there's no chance of me changing to another one, since I have no problem sifting through any irrelevant results. Trimming 45 seconds off of my search time is not enough incentive to switch to another search engine. Plus, Chrome and Google Doodles.
  11. I really hope she doesn't have one, but my guess is it's just for marketing. If she actually does have a "palace" it might just be a toy that the marketing people created as an extra gimmick. Moving away from Ponyville would not be a good shot for the show to take at the moment, since there's so many unexplored (and interesting) directions they could take Twilight's alicornness before doing that.
  12. A single pony taking on Discord in a fight would absolutely lose. Not only is he immensely powerful, he's also a lot cleverer than most ponies on the show. If he was only defeated by a. Celestia and Luna working together and b. all of the Mane 6 working together then there is no chance of any one pony beating him on their own.
  13. I agree that it's good for teenagers to get outside and be useful, but the mentality of the judge quoted in the article is not very accommodating of certain types of people. He sort of said that it's not okay to dream and be an idealist... and I know that wasn't the point of what he was saying, but I find it kind of upsetting because you can still have that kind of personality and be useful. And I'm kind of tired of people trying to turn everybody into a copy of themselves or what they consider to be the ideal person. Anyway, on topic, it's not really that hard to do the stuff you do inside outside instead. If it's just about getting fresh air, then take a laptop or phone outside or go meet some friends or something. Parents forcing their kids to go outside might be annoying, but it's not like you have to be outside all day or anything.
  14. I've always found Silver Spoon to be more sympathetic than Diamond Tiara at first glance, largely due to her reaction to Granny Smith's story in the classroom (she had a positive response as opposed to DT who was upset). Silver Spoon is really just a follower, and I have a feeling that Diamond probably tends to neglect her as a friend, which makes me feel bad for her. However, Diamond isn't without her problems either - as several people have pointed out, bullies usually do what they do because they're unhappy, particularly with their family lives. We've already sort of had a "bully redemption" episode with the whole Babs Seed thing, so it's sort of unlikely that we'll have a DT exposition episode anytime soon, but anyway.
  15. Picking background/minor ponies was easy for me because the Mayor is flat and boring (really nothing interesting about her) and Diamond Tiara's just kind of evil at the moment. I ended up picking Pinkie as my Mane 6 option because she's very childish and often selfish but this is ignored in-universe and she never really gets any negative consequences for any of the more irresponsible choices that she makes, with the exception of Too Many Pinkie Pies.
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