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Everything posted by DrWhoFan

  1. Hi there guys! I have recently gotten into MLP Ask Blogs and i am in the middle of creating a story for my Ponysona Anom-Allie http://www.deviantart.com/#/art/Anon-Allie-389445673?hf=1 I have the basics down about the universe and how the Ask Blog will work, but i've recently come to the conclusion that i wanna have it as audio Adventures because i am not of the best Artistic strengths so an audio series would only require the occasional Screenshot style picture to go with the audio. Here is the basis for Anom's story; In a seperate Universe known as E21, Equestria started out when 3 groups of Ponies were spawned. The Unicorns, the Pegasi and the Earth Ponies. A Leader was chosen from these three groups and made kings; Sinclair-Stare the Unicorn possessing the Elemental powers of Magic and Generosity, Nova-Blast the Pegasi who possessed the Elemental Powers of Loyalty and Kindness & last; Borbon the Earth Pony who possessed the Elemental Powers of Honesty and laughter. In the early days of their rule, a strange creature known as Eris (Genderbent Discord) began wrecking havoc upon their kingdoms, so the three kings joined together and with their magics banished Eris to a Bubble Universe to remain their for as long as possible. After this victory, Sinclair grew greedy for power and chose to betray his 2 comrades, leading Unicorns to be the dominant species of Pony over all others. Borbon and Nova-Blast remained true and defeated Sinclair imprisoning him for the rest of his life. At the end of their lives, the two Kings witnessed the births of the First ever Alicorn (Princess Celestia) and her Unicorn sister Princess Luna. Luna bares resentment towards Alicorns, Celestia specifically. Overtime she develops a Unicomplex, an attitude that Unicorns should be the higher species of Pony over every other and so challenges her sisters rule. Celestia thus banishes Luna to the moon in punishment for her insolence. While there Luna discovers a vast pool of Energy/Magic that multiplies her magics ten fold. While on earth, the unicorns who support her rally together and keep her name alive through cult meetings and word-of-mouth thus dubbing her "Nighthorn Luna". During the thousand year wait, Luna develops a way of transfering the magic of the moon down to earth to empower all of her loyal followers in a final bout against the alicorn rule. Once that day arrives, she blasts Canterlot and Ponyville with a Large dose of magic that will only imbue into those who follow her. Then they attack in force, Celestia almost falling to their might, but not before the earth ponies and pegasi rally to her aid and push them back. Luna is defeated and is imprisoned for her crimes against equestria, but some of her followers remain at large, keeping the legacy going; that's where Al comes in. A few years later, the followers discover an old myth related to the alicorn family, that it will one day be defeated by a pony of Kind heart and soul and thus they try to find the right candidate and when Allie is born, his more good nature compared to his parents is brought to the elders of the followers and they choose Allie to be their saviour to overthrow celestia once and for all. At the time of attack, they craft Armour that resembles "Nighthorn Luna" in her honour and fix it onto Allie and countdown to the attack. In the snare of Celestia's gaze Al gets frightened and confused, closes his eyes and wishes to be alone. He vanishes into nothing and ends up in Equestria Prime. The main story for the Ask Blog is Anom after he arrives in Equestria Prime, He is met as a stranger, causing mischeif in his fear and is arrested. He is befriended by Flash sentry and he is defended in his punishment from Princess Celestia. When he meets Princess Twilight, he is tasked with the mission to find other worlds like his own (E21) and spread the message of friendship and equality between all 3 types of Ponies. The Parts i want filled include; Princess Celestia Princess Luna/NightHorn Luna Twilight Sparkle Flash Sentry Eris Sinclair-Stare Nova-Blast Borbon Upper-Class (Allie's Mother) Usurp-A (Allie's Father) more TBC
  2. DrWhoFan

    movies/tv RWBY

    Well i mean, compared to other background characters, he was in colour. Unless you have reason to hide them, you don't make a model of a character that will appear for 5 seconds. I'm intrigued to know what role his "team" will play opposite RWBY.
  3. DrWhoFan

    movies/tv RWBY

    Here is the ABSOLUTELY AWESOME Theme tune/Opening (hopefully the "1st" for the First season) to RWBY for any Newbies to RWBY that stumble upon the thread xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5tbxxy0mmQ IT'S JUST SO .... TWT Awesomely Japanese Looking and sounding, but still has the English Lyrics which ROCK! xDDDD It's like Soul Eater Met Fairy tail x3 haha
  4. DrWhoFan

    movies/tv RWBY

    i have been up-to-date with RWBY since the Red Trailer came out last year after Red vs Blue Seadon 10 finished. The content of the trailers has gotten better and better. Now that episode 1 is out, i am certain that the entire show is gonna be as awesome as it looks. Plus, I cant get the theme song our of my head, THIS is what you get when western culture and concepts meets Anime, just plain old badassery in 3D form by the Roosterteeth Crew, cant wait for more of it x333333
  5. After Watching "Youtubers React...", I'm into K-Pop abit more now xD GO BIGBANG! x3 "Wow! Fantastic Baby!"

  6. I am starting an Ask Blog for my PonySona Anom-Allie: http://ask-anom-allie.tumblr.com/ And I would like to know if any artists would like to collab to do the images to go with my blog posts. Of course all artwork will be credited to you on the posts and you can of course share liberty to use the blog for your own work too if you so wish ^^ Any interested, please PM me or comment Below, thanks very much ^^
  7. Hi Everypony, I am a Doctor Who Fan (as you may see in my username) a little more than i am a Brony, BUT I do like the interaction and friendlyness that Brony fans have like a majority of whovians. One thing i've noticed about my ipod, is that I LOVE to listen to Podcasts. Both Doctor Who and a mixture of others (Rooster teeth, etc). But ones like "The Internet Box" Podcast catch my ear because of the mixture of things they talk about including MLP when it's on. I've previously tried to do a podcast (about Doctor Who) After about 14 episodes, it kind of slumped into haitusness coz of a mixture of reasons, BUT I feel like that form of Medium, to express Points of view, not just for Bronies, but for fans of other things too, is great for fans to really connect as people. So i'd like to ask if Anypony would wish to partake in a Podcast that is primarily about MLP, but also delves into the other fandoms that people love so much. Please note, you will need a decent microphone to be a part of this, unless you wish to spread the word, and stuff x3 Please PM me or comment below if you are interested; Thanks ^w^
  8. Avatar..... Pure and simple It's a really unoriginal concept, and he released it about 6 fricking time (3 times in cinema, 3 times on home media) It frustrates me sooooo much that a film like that gets a billion dollars in revenue and he's already done that with titanic....... If you break a billion dollars globally with a film, just retire *angry sigh* And now he's got 2 sequels coming, James Cameron, just fricking stop directing please
  9. This weather is just....... Abnormal, please can it cool down soon?
  10. I have a Minecraft World on Xbox 360 where i make Pixel (Block) versions of Artwork of people i watch on Deviantart, Since ive recently become a brony, i thought i'd start my first MLP Pixel Art with a Sparity (Spike x Rarity) Fan Art by SS2sonic from DA, Here's a WIP; and here is the actual picture; To be PERFECTLY CLEAR, The Drawn Picture is NOT mine, The Minecraft Pixel Art is. What does everypony think?
  11. Seen Pacific Rim at Odeon, Epic. Movie! Loved It!

  12. Saw this Movie, 4 hours ago.... Epic. As. Hell! Jaegers, just awesome. Did anyone else think the Russians one looked like the big daddy from Bioshock 2? The monsters, freaking spectacular, very Godzilla reminiscent whilst still being able to look original and creepy The actors, all top notch, Idris Elba and Burn Gorman were my standout performances The themes of teaming up as a species, despite creeds and nationalities was great (British+American, America+Japanese, British+Australian, etc) it showed how we really need to pull together as a species (love and tolerance guys x3) Btw, I'm sure I saw a Doctor Who subtext, Alot of the scientists were wearing variations combinations of the 11th doctors outfit (BowTies, blue shirts, braces/suspenders, tweed jackets, etc) Gueirllmo Del Toro a secret Whovian? Lol It was brilliant, just loved it! P.S. Ellen McClain as the Jaeger AIs, what's not to love about that? (Literal quote from the film; "Would you like to try the test again?" XD) P.S.S. as there was a Unicorn inspired armour in Halo 4, do you think their should be a Pony/Unicorn inspired Jaeger? I think that would be AWESOME!!!!!!!! XD haha
  13. *DrWhoFan ponders what to do as he plays Minecraft on his Xbox he notices a new email in his Yahoo inbox; It's from Mailmare He reads that the best place to go next after signing up for the MLP Forums is the Welcoming Plaza As he tries to capture Pigs, Chickens and Sheep for mating in the game, he turns to his laptop screen to find the best way to introduce himself to the Brony Community* "Hmmmm, Well. Where to start. My Name is James. I am 21 and from Cheshire England. I am Half Scottish and Half Australian. I am a Massive Doctor Who Fan and a Recent Brony. Now you may be alerted to know that i will ALWAYS hold Doctor Who higher than MLP. But, the community that comes with it, although a little more sympathetic in the discussion area, it's pretty much the same as the Whovian Fandom in my Opinion, and that's Why I Love this fandom so much aswell. I am an Avid Gamer. I have pre-ordered almost 6 Games this year *remembers he hasn't done PKMN X or Y yet* DAMN! and I like to play online alot. Mostly to talk but also have laughs whilst competatively whooping someponies Keester! I ALSO love to Make Films. I am a Keen Director/Editor/Writer. I hope to eventually Direct/Edit/Write the Doctor Who Film Trilogy in my head XD (fantasies may live one day) But in the mean time, i get on with lesser projects. My most current one is a Fallout Spin-off Webseries based on the British Perspective of the Post-apocalyptic world. I'll keep ppl posted on that if interested x3 But other than that? Yeah, i can't think og anything much else. LOL. Time to get back to More Minecraft! *remembers he hasn't finished Season 3 of MLP yet* BALLS! GOTTA FIND THAT VIDEO FOR 'TOO MANY PINKIES'!!!!!"
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