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Posts posted by Dilarus

  1. Problem has been fixed, thank you!


    Does anyone else have trouble making a fimfiction account?

    I've been trying for six months now, and the verification email won't send to my email accounts, ANY of them, I've tried three and recruited a friend to try to make one for me but the same problem occurs(and yes, I've tried the usual junk folder and such).

    I'd really like to make an account as people have been using my art for covers and haven't been crediting me, and I'd also just like to dip in and out of the fanfic community.

    I've searched for an email address I can use to contact the admins but came up with nothing (one email address did pop up for someone named "knightly" but I never got a response) I also tried messaging the site's facebook page, again with no response "£)^%$&$!

    Does anyone know how I can get past this headache or can someone point me to an email address I can use to contact them?

    Much appreciated,

  2. I dont quite agree that people would see artist status as a cheap and easy alternative to donating, as it takes skill, time, dedication and if your work isnt good people won't commission you. I wanted to drive when I was younger but had to wait until I was old enough for the lessons, what I didn't do was move to a country I was old enough to drive in.


    Also, is donator status something people would go to the lengths you describe to attain? I asked of this because it would be nice to have a little badge or something neat, I don't see it as a way of lording my position over other members with. I don't use my position as artist to assert authority on any issues that don't pertain to my art. But then I don't assume to understand the dynamics of forums so it could be something people would walk over hot coals to get for all I know.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. whilst I see the point, what I'm suggesting doesn't seem like much to ask. Personally I'd use the extra signature space to include a banner that links to my commission shop, which will increase revenue generated for the forum. But there we're having a cyclical argument I suppose.

  4. I would like to suggest that resident artists who earn the forum money through commissions get something similar to donator status and access to a larger signature.


    The reason I say this is that, as an artist for this forum I'm not really happy to pay more from my earned commission money to donate and get access to the benefits when the site already takes a cut from me.


    I remind you that we do earn money to keep the forum going, and this would be a little acknowledgement that would mean a lot.

    • Brohoof 5




    Hello everybody,
    My name is Samuel Curd, I'm a brony artist going by the screenname "Dilarus", I've been in the fandom since last year and have loved every moment of it. I taught myself to draw and started contributing to the brony community with my tumblr pages Southern Belle AJ and Meet the Pones, I've gained some very modest fame there and hope to continue for years to come.
    And now I have to ask all of you to support me in a very personal endeavour. You see, my older brother Ben went to Australia to get out and see the world and shortly afterwards was diagnosed with cancer. He has had an operation and is currently undergoing treatment in Nyah (near Victoria), but the chemotherapy is making him far too sick to work.
    Without any money he cannot afford to buy food and his accommodation is $70 a week, so my family is paying all we can to support him. The Australian government won’t give him any money except providing the operation and treatment and he naturally wants to come home to England. His insurance (Outback Insurance) aren’t paying for his treatment since it’s being provided by the government and they won’t pay for him to be repatriated to England since it’s not a medical expense.
    So in a nutshell, my brother is stuck literally across the globe without money and wants to come home.
    And so I would like to ask the brony community for their help in this endeavour, myself and Casy wish to hold a livestream with lots of drawing and games in the hopes of raising the $1100 (Australian dollars) for his plane ticket home. This equates to roughly £650 or $1000 US, I know it’s a lot, and it may be a long shot, but I hope that we together can spread the word and bring my brother home to his family.
    The fundraiser will likely be held this Sunday (20th July 2014) from 8AM to 8PM GMT. If you’d like to join in with or watch in the fun, we’d like to play minecraft, battleblock theatre and portal 2 for a while, as well as possibly drawing a special picture TOGETHER including OCs of people watching the stream. More artists are always welcome, and any reblogs/reposts/facebook statuses etc would be greatly appreciated.




    Already we have raised $300 from donations, thanks so very much to everyone to get us this far!

    • Brohoof 5
  6. Yes, we are an odd couple.

      yes you are. but the odd ones are the best.




    if anyone asks, they got tired and wanted a nap together, thats all.


    And although I value opportunities to try something new I have to steer us back to ponies. When I said I could do non-ponies I was assuming people meant either humanizations or non-pony characters from the show :/

    @, @@Pelate,

    Everyone please  read the rules, it would help me if references were included in your request. Please attach them, it's the least you can do.


    @@XxConfusedUnicornxX, here you go



  7. Youll have to be more specific when you say "on her back". Is she carrying her? is she being hugged? Is the second pony balancing on her for some reason? Also, that picture doesnt show a lot of the pony in question, it doesnt even have all of her mane included so it would be difficult to say the least.





    Not used to drawing griffons at all but this one turned out quite well I feel.



    PLEASE attach the reference pics in your request, "link is in sig" gets rather irritating when im flipping between web pages on an ipad.


    Seriously guys, read the rules. The least you can do is make it easy for me

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