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Everything posted by LowfatEnvelope

  1. Gotta love League of Legends! Then there's this website, which has a ton of free games. Some of them are actually quite fun and amusing. The best part is they're community made, so there's constantly new ones being added! http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/browse This is probably one of my favorite ones though: http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/games/20326-granny-and-snowmen
  2. Shows: Stargate, Star Trek Games: Gears of War, Halo, Battlefield, Age of Empires 2, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War I and II series, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, puzzle games in general. (There's probably more, but these are what i thought of off the top of my head).
  3. I hate it when you get out of the shower only to find shampoo stuck in your ear.

    1. dar tunsh

      dar tunsh

      I'll have to be honest... NEVER has that happened to me. Water sure, but not shampoo.

    2. LowfatEnvelope


      Lol. I didn't really mean IN your ear. It's more of the top curve (That's all i've seen anyawy. I usually don't look to closely and quickly wash it out). It's more annoying when you DON'T catch it and then discover it later though...

  4. I use facebook mostly for game updates. It can be handy for chatting with friends i suppose, but i use it as more of a constant video game/media news feed. I guess it really just boils down to what you would use it for, so i voted depends.
  5. I haven't seen many (don't watch much tv), but i really like Pawn Stars when i do happen to watch it.
  6. I'm working my way through the unabridged Count of Monte Cristo. Read the abridge awhile ago and loved it, so i figured i'd read the full thing. On page 613 out of 1462
  7. Note to self: Don't drink ginger-ale right before bed. Can make oneself feel bloated for a couple minutes.

  8. Hello! Hope ye have a great time here. Everyone Everypony seems nice enough (fairly new myself)
  9. I admire this dedication, you people seem to know how to mack some very wacky mixtures!
  10. You should bring cookies with you in a hidden bag in case it goes horribly wrong. Wish ye luck!
  11. My older bro just informed me that he mixed up Cranberry juice, orange juice, and apple cider and drank it. To me this sounds nasty (he didn't like it btw. Though he does occasionally make stuff by mixing chocolate syrup, honey, milk, orange juice, etc and likes it), so i got wondering. What type of strange concoctions do you ponies drink?
  12. I had wanted to watch it awhile ago (probably a few months. Not sure why i wanted to watch it eaither), but never got around to it. Then when i finally did watch it, i got hooked. I am very happy i sat down and started watching it.
  13. Thoughts float through my head

    1. Electrobolt


      If you don't mind sharing, what kind of thoughts?

    2. LowfatEnvelope


      Thoughts such as: What shall i do today? Not in a super deep thinking mode atm. Those generally happen later in the day.


  14. Ah sleep... zzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzz

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