Hello Everypony! My name is SonicLucario ( aka Alex ) and I am a recently new Brony ( only a couple of weeks ) but I am really happy to consider myself part of this awesome fandom. I started watching the show on Youtube out of curiosity and then found myself finishing the entire series in 3 days, yes it took me just 3 days to complete. The show is just amazing and I really enjoyed watching it. I love all the characters and the story is just fantastic. People and trolls shouldn't really knock something till they tried it because I was like one of them then I gave it a shot, and Im really happy I did.
Well here is a little somthing about me. I am a huge gamer, I've been playing games since the N64 days starting with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Such an amazing game and is still considered the best game of all time ( by me ) I am a huge Nintendo fan but I don't just play on Nintendo consoles, I play pretty much anything so if you would like to play with me then just message me and I'll be more then happy to play a game. I own an XBox 360, PS3, Wii, WiiU, and a 3DS. Sooooooo if I have the game then I'll probably play with ya.
So thats a brief summary about me and I cant wait to make new Brony friends on here. Thanks for reading my nonsense xD