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Dusk Dream

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Status Updates posted by Dusk Dream

  1. 2:17 AM, time for a beauty sleep. My mane needs to stay in the perfect position.

    1. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense
    2. Rockymoo


      Solution: wear a hat to bed. Eliminates bedhead completely. it's wonderful.

  2. 442 updates? That's what i get for not being on the forums lately!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dusk Dream

      Dusk Dream

      I blame school, you can't imagine the difficulty of it, you truly can't!

    3. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      Without further information probably not, but blaming school sound good to me anyway. :)

    4. WhiteLight


      I understand how you feel. It has happened before when they decided to take my internet.

  3. Anyone ever heard of SCp : Containment Breach? It even has a pony mod, you'll never find a more frightening horror indie game...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rockymoo


      Yeah, I've played it and, I'm sorry, but it's crap.

      How'd they manage to impliment ponies into it?

    3. TheBronyHeart


      I wish i could actually go into the game... I cany go hours without blinking, unlike the character you play. >_>

    4. Moonlight Sapphire

      Moonlight Sapphire

      I never played it before but I have watched other people play it. I may give it a try, but I don't think I will like horror games.

  4. Did an all-nighter, it's 7:18 AM now, and i have a splitting headache. Funny part is, i'm not really tired anymore!

  5. Eating a cup of noodles at 2:10 AM, because yeah...

  6. Hyped because i'm getting Pay Day 2 today, if only my headset didn't explode yesterday...

    1. Bronii



      Dude my headset broke yesterday too!


    2. Dusk Dream

      Dusk Dream

      I highly believe the power of the cosmos and the universe unfolded our future there a little..


      Or i shouldn't of have headbanged with it, it hit the floor pretty hard!

    3. Bronii


      Lol Mine was under the sheets of my bed and I dolphin dived on to my bed and happened to directly hit the headphones :3

  7. In another "Hail Trixie" mood, do not interrupt.

  8. It's 4:54 AM, but these forums still need more Trixie, i shall sleep when this mission is complete, beware OP's!

  9. It's 5:21 AM, and.. MY EYES... MY EYES!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. biscuit (smyl3r)

      biscuit (smyl3r)

      Well close them

      That's right...

      You're feeling very sleepy



      did it work?

    3. Dusk Dream

      Dusk Dream

      Nope, now stay outta my cardboard box.

    4. biscuit (smyl3r)

      biscuit (smyl3r)

      our cardboard box OUR!!

  10. It's time to hit the hay for me, folks, have a nice day/night!

  11. Looking forward to my trip to Disneyland Paris!

  12. My typing hand died,but the Biggest "Trixieism" thread yet has been made! http://mlpforums.com/topic/69298-the-complete-trixieism-thread/

    1. Rockymoo


      I'm Senator Rockymoo and I approve this message.

    2. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      And now all your work was for nothing, I'm sorry. :x

    3. Dusk Dream

      Dusk Dream

      Perhaps not all is in vain, i'm trying to restart the "old thread". But i need the OP's permission to do so.

  13. Need more reactions to posts so i can reply back! I'm a forum lurker, i'm guilty.

  14. Not to self to attempt to stay under 10 image/GIF posts each day...

    1. Moonlight Sapphire

      Moonlight Sapphire

      Does it take too much time or something?

    2. Dusk Dream

      Dusk Dream

      Actually, i'm just plainly overposting the buck out of them, it's like i use more GIF's/images to describe what i'm trying to say rather than to type it. I gotta cut down on it, it might annoy certain people.

  15. Oh joy! Tomorrow i will finally have my hands on Pay Day 2. Oh the wait for the sequel!

  16. Oh ma gawd! The Rasputin song is playing on my radio. Memories about "Just Dance 3" galore!

    1. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      "Just Dance", me and a few of my buds got waaaay to much into it last new year's eve... Still an unexpected funny game though :D

    2. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      Happy Birthday,DD!


      I remember the "Rasputin" song on "Just Dance."



  17. Yay, it's once again past midnight (0:24), internet steals years of your life before you even notice...

  18. You know it's time to save up for a new laptop when this one can't run COD 2...

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