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Posts posted by DubWolf

  1. Oh my, with just 2 episodes left, I have to say I was pleased :ooh: . A good stopping point for the story.


    Cannibal-town is disturbing :wacko: . Pleasantly disturbing :P . I wonder if they eat each other or just eat their own enemies who are either their kind or others? I guess either way it'd be cannibalism.


    Dazzle nooooo :c .

    Also lolll Sir Pentious being the first to actually redeem himself :laugh:. His angelic entry was funny. Emily's uber-happy face reacting :wub: (and Sera being disturbed as if she knows something bad will come from this). Quite anti-climactic way he went out. That was pretty hot, Cherry.

    Clearly we'll actually see more of the mysterious Lilith in the next season. She's uh..... yeah :wacko: .

    Alastor surprisingly back so soon. I guess he wasn't "killed" so much as he was just completely stripped of his power and made off. Weird seeing him actually relatively powerless. Interesting knowing why his smiling is more than just a face but "strategic".

    Nifty you sly creature :wau: .


    Also in all seriousness I admire Charlie's selflessness for her people. Despite being princess of that place, she's very much (ironically) a Christ figure for putting her life on the line for sinners. Don't know if that's intentional. Will that mean Charlie will eventually die?


    • Brohoof 1
  2. Without a doubt, the lack of a reward after so much studying and learning for the past couple of years has pretty much demotivated me to continue until there's a real promise of a reward and not just more carrot-dangling. That carrot has ... ca-rrotted :mlp_icwudt:.

    But yes, I feel my actions are pointless at the moment.

    • Brohoof 1
    • Sad 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Clawdeen said:

    Unfortunately I might have to skip on the chocolate being lactose intolerant. I have to actually look at the ingredients of what I eat now lol. You can bring energy drinks though. Those are fun.

    Ouf. How about a .... rockstar :ooh: ? For the rockstar :proud: ? You are a rockstar, right :wacko: ?


    Or maybe just a tea.... made with leaves.

  4. So many Texans :yay:  (relatively speaking).

    The closest one is the one I'm in :wacko: .

    43 minutes ago, Clawdeen said:

    Philly and Wilmington are the closest. If you ever wanna come say hi. I’m an experience. Baltimore isn’t too far from me either. 

    Maybe someday :ooh: . I'll bring chocolates.

  5. I saw the last two episodes, 5 and 6.

    Boy this is getting good :sealed:. Wwwwwhat happens next :wacko: ???



    Ok I know there was a theory floating around about Vag being a former angel, but as I didn't believe that very much, it was shocking when they revealed that :wau: .

    Many thoughts. Lol when Nifty plays with the kitty :please: !!

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I talk humbly of my goals and ambitions so that I sound less of a fraud that I still haven't achieved or moved closer to them, especially recently.

    • Hugs 1
  7. Hmmm.

    Well, I was amused to hear my friend from work talk about how she's watched MLP. She started off saying she's watched "kid shows" recently, and then says "my little pony" when I ask her which ones.

    We had a brief chat about it. Lol I don't believe I've ever talked to IRL friends about the show :wacko: .

    • smile 1
  8. Thinking about a band trip, how I liked being around a certain person at the time.

    People have probably thought about you, just like you think about them. Some of them have. Maybe just a time or two at least.

  9. I wish I didn't become forged to be a pessimist. A realist, more like it.


    Even if things get better, it still won't change my perception.

    It'll take quite a ton to change my mind.

    • Sad 1
  10. Thinking I should heed to my own advice and be the best I can be, even there's nothing meaningful to really gain out of it. Problem is being your best has its costs...

    On 2024-01-09 at 3:26 PM, Iforgotmybrain said:

    The 737 MAX is going to end up being a modern DC-10 in all the wrong ways with how many things keep going wrong with it. I don’t think it’s a coincidence Boeing’s issues started after merging with the DC-10’s manufacturer McDonnell Douglas either.

    You're not the first person to mention MDD being a factor in Boeing's downhill trend.

    The 787 was the last new aircraft they built (other than the 748 which was actually a decent hit with cargo). It had its troubles... arguably still does but nothing like the max.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. My attraction started pretty late (in high school). Unfortunately because I wasn't into the "new fad" for people my age of being into girls yet, that resulted in some homophobic jokes while in middle school (even though I wasn't into boys to begin with). Quite annoying.

    That first girl was named Kamille, for the record. Thankfully was only a minor crush.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Clawdeen said:

    Play nice Clawdeen. Play nice

    I don’t know the context here… will playing nice result in victory or peace?


    Also dang it. I thought this body armor was also low-carb :stressed:!! Rip me.

    • Brohoof 1
    • Delighted Giggle 1
  13. I'm frankly getting tired of seeing of kids/teens dead reported on the news as a result of some cold-blooded bastard. The older I get, the more I feel sorry for them as I feel like even 17 years old doesn't seem like a long time, and maybe 30 to an older person would feel the same. It's obviously exponentially worse if they're not even an adult, without a doubt.


    I could use a little bit more distancing from the internet, but my only hobbies I would like to do require driving or flying which cost money. Some outright require too much money (skiing).

    Oh, and one of them is pretty loud and I can't do all day, because I get tired of it (trombone).

    Think, think, think.... Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm all ears.

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